Please add "New Game"

At the moment there is no way of doing that. You’d have to start from scratch.

alright thanks anyways

Right now, we can create four characters, but they all share the same world. This can make things aggravating when you simply want to start over. That’s currently doable, but involves nuking your saves and starting from scratch, which is a bit overkill.

So, here’s a thought, multiple world save slots. Just like character saves, we would have the option to switch between different saved world states. Have the ability to rerun old quests, or even keep separate world states to play in with friends who are starting out, rather than having to interact with their world state.


Yea I agree. World sharing characters would make sense if tech tree specialization made much more difference, like a character has the unique ability to carry rocket launchers and is better at sniping while the other is practically unable to aim down sight because of too much sway and he can’t carry a rocket launcher, but he heals better and barely has recoil with his automatic rifles - I don’t know if GZ should go down that path but it’s a scenario where world sharing characters would make sense.

Now honestly, tweaking with savefiles isn’t really a big deal. Back in April 19’ when you could break your storyline progress, I saved each of every savefile after each game session and kept a .txt file where I noted the progression of each session, it wasn’t hard work.
But yea I understand you don’t expect from a game to make you go into your documents files to delete / move your savefile if you wanted to start over

While this is a great idea i don’t believe that we will ever get a feature like that , because of the complexity and time needed to develop such a feature .

How is that complex? Even if it is a little bit difficult, it is a needed feature. Creating a new guy with no quests to do for exp and just getting to level 31 killing robots is slow and boring. Especially now that they are revamping the starting areas. People that played since or around launch a year ago would be able to quest with all the improvements.

My brother hasn’t played the story, choosing instead to focus on combat and multiplayer. But now, since the last major update we have wanted to start the game over and run through all the missions. But I cant bring myself to delete my best character.
I’ve spent months leveling him up and acquiring loot.
Somehow it isn’t quite as fun an experience if all of the safehouses are marked, and there is a tempting box filled with high level goodies.

It seems to me like this is a greatly needed feature.

New game (new save) feature has been asked before in the dev streams and dev’s response is at 00:42:05,

You can always make copy your current saves or zip them.

Making a saving system for games is already a very complex thing to make , but making a save system witch would allow you to play it with different character saves , but on the same time by having multiple character and world saves is pretty complicated , a newplus game mode witch would make saves where your character is “glued” to the world would be far simpler to make .

It can be made very simple.
Right now there is one save file for all four characters.
It would be real easy to just make each character have its own save file.

Even there is one file. All 4 characters inventory and world interactions are in that file. Which has looted what locatios, how long ago, missions and etc.

But this is genius, create whole new save for new 4 chararter world. Should be easy task just create saves with different names.
New game with new saved world, just briliant.

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As far as your question goes - i don’t know. I don’t have PS4. I’m PC player.

This has been a request for 6+ months here, in social media & during Dev streams…Since it has been more requested than both crafting & inventory plus was NOT asked about in the recent poll my guess (it is only a guess based on the mentioned things) this is something we will never see or is a very long way off.

It would be nice if on x box and PS4 if we could have multiple worlds because when I started as a new character I realised I had completed all the quests and had all the safehouses from my main character so I couldn’t get the shotgun in the first church so it would be nice if we had a tab in the main menu where it says choose world and you get like 3-5 and you can delete or restart them whenever. I would like that because me and my friend want to play a new game but can’t. Devs please consider this!

The only way we can currently start a new game, would be to delete your save files… I too would like a way to create new worlds.

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Yes next stream I am going to comment and ask

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Hi, I play on ps4, in order to start a new game, I created a new user and that’s it.

Merged all “New Game” feature request topics into one, neat topic.


For this type of game, it would be very obvious with a “New Game +” option, that maybe unlocks some additional collectibles and other stuff, in addition to you could play the campaign again with another character but keep your Plundra.