Problems with custom keybinds on PC

Would you mind please letting us know what platform you are on? (PC, PS4, XBOX). Here is the bug report template for your reference.

So it’s exactly like in The Hunter C.O.T.W. :neutral_face:

It’s a bit frustrating for someone who doesn’t use WSAD.

Very true, long term.
Short term though, go to the church on the second island, the one that always seems to have two packs of dogs and a harvester spawning. The one right next to a beacon. The one with all those low walls and hedges around it.
Spawn a bike. Realize you have no idea how to ride it. Crash into walls. Get shot at while trying to figure it out.
Honestly, it’s more hilarious than it has any right to be. :smile:

But yeah, mid to long term, I’d like to see it fixed.

I don’t get how this hasn’t been resolved if it’s been known since June 2019. It’s almost been a year and something as basic as rebinding the movement keys doesn’t work properly. It also doesn’t work when aiming down the sights.

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Threads merged. And @Hulter, one post is quite enough. Crossposting is against the Code of Conduct.


here’s another one you can merge Remapped forward movement to E, can't move forward in ADS


I remap my movements to E S D F, while using ADS cannot move forward with E being forward movement, can remap to other keys and move forward in ADS, I can put forward movement back to E and effect is the same. Can still move left to right and backwards with S D and F.

running as host

solo and 2 players in game

msi z390 gaming plus motherboard, i5 9500k, msi 1070

isn’t E already mapped to Interact? what did you change that too?

changed interact to T, the bicycle isn’t remappable and is still on wasd

Thanks, topics merged. Since we’re at the cusp of a new month I’ll forward this to the devs so it gets some attention. Feels like it’s an important matter.


That’s fantastic news. Thanks, Xezr.

I remap my movement keys (I’m oldschool, I learned to play shooters before WASD became a thing)
I do not use WASD to move. remapped my movement on this, it works, great. then I get on a bike… and I can’t do anything… why? the bike reverts to WASD movement, with no way to remap it.

Threads merged.


Have you gotten any response from the devs?

Yep, from what I understand it’s being looked into.

Platform: PC

Description: Bike ignores rebinding of movement keys.

Steps To Reproduce: Bind cursor up key to forward, interact to get on bike, cursor up key will not move bike.

Images / Videos: None.

Host or Client: Host.

Players in your game: 2

Specifications: Ryzen 7 ~4.4GHz, 16 GB ram, Radeon 5700xt

Please expose “KeyMapEntry” CVARS for vehicles/bikes so we can change them.

Topics merged.


With the latest update, not only is this not fixed, the new “prone” command is hard coded to the Z key. I see no way to change it. I have Z key bound to backwards movement, so now every time I try to walk backwards, I go prone.

How hard is this to fix, really?


I was a bit baffled by this myself, actually. It’s 2020, you’d figure rebindable keys is standard in PC gaming by now. I get the feeling, the Prone function may have been a last minute addition due to popular demand.

it’s like they’re just developing the game for controllers