Recon Update Issues Feedback Thread

Second attempt. 5 mins before it crashed while on the map.

Rockets often still pass through enemies, enemy AI is a mess and approaching enemy corpses can still inflict damage.

I’ve not read the patch notes yet, but I’m assuming the 32Gb update did something positive.

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Third attempt

Infinite ticks, enemy rockets just sticking in the floor, corpses you can’t loot / take damage from and gnomes.

If I didn’t see it actually update with my own eyes I wouldn’t have believed anything had changed.

I forgot the constant airstrike / fireworks at FNIX bases. They’re still present for me too.


Ima just leave this here.


Some are saying that this is due to mods. It gets to the mod line and freezes so delete the mod line and see what happens

We all want this game to succeed, but with the way the last few updates have gone, it won’t. The bugs simply outshine the new additions.

If ya’ll focused an update purely on bug fixes, not adding anything new or QoL, I think most of us would be fine with that.

I also think the control points need to be overhauled. Only have 2-3 in each region, with less player bases and FNIX bases active at once. It seems like a lot of issues are coming from that.


Started the game and almost everything was fine. (safehouses still gone)

Attacked the cp eastern of boo and the command bunker. Everything went good and I was able to destroy it.

Then I went to cp Broängen, western of boo.
Just short before I was able to see it, I heard the turrets. I was able to destroy a few of them from distance, but then the game crashed.

Now playing borderlands 3 and hoping for a hotfix… Again.

In my opinion one per region is enough.


You cant mod the game on any XBox model. The same I believe is true on Playstation models.

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I have attempted to attack several bases within the several months these bases have been out for some time. Yet I’ve crashed 6 to 7 times while trying to clear out the bases then the bases resets and I have to redo it and I crash. Now I don’t know Big Wigs up there who think “oh this is a great game right now” and for those people who say “this is perfect” just accept the game is broken.

I bought this game back when covid hit and I’d like it then. But now it is basically unplayable there are too many dead zones meaning your game will crash if you enter them many of my friends complain about this issue too. And I for one am in the same boat.

I’ve completed the story. I completed the DLCs. where is the rest of it? I know most of the lore. But I am always looking for more. like the FOA’s bases.

Now I get it I have an Xbox One not any of the newer stuff hell my friends have the Xbox One S or series X and they still crash while investigating towns and bases.

So if it is my graphics card then it’s my card or their card but when I can’t go into the main town without crashing my game. Like it used to be able to go into the town and bases.

Then it’s something to do with these bases fix the problem please and thank you if you fix these issues this game will be playable my friends and I will appreciate it.

I recommended it to my friends when it was great and we actually played through the Campaign together and we had no crashes. Then the bases came and it went all the hell. Please fix it and you will have a group of people who would love it.

There is my 2 cents on the matter



But I get you… or at least I think so…

And sorry, but I have to ask…

You are complaining about the unplayable state of the game (like all of us here, no question) but at the same time you want more new content ( the mysterious “island”…) ? Really ??

Ok. :man_shrugging:

I’d be more in for a serious bug fixing session now and to hell with any new content until that’s fixed.
Plus a reduction of the number of FNIX CPs…

My 2 ct. but ymmv


How is it that this stuff gets through testing? That is presuming that testing before release is done.
The infinite tick bug which causes nearly all the crashes was heralded as being fixed. It wasn’t.
It also seems that changes to some crafting doesn’t work either.
One can only assume that all the PC’s and consoles in the Dev’s office display a game that works perfectly but then suddenly they release a version of the game with all the bugs intact.
This update has added a few small bits and pieces (making it even more complicated) but fixed nothing.
Where are the control systems within the Dev’s office?

Yes, this is fairly negative, but it is a negativity brought about by experience. Virtually every update not working as intended does tend to bring about negativity.


@AriesWarMaster9 I’ve made your post a bit easier to read. In addition, please don’t attack other forum members. For this reason I’ve also edited the post.


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I agree. I can’t imagine how these issues can’t be seen in playtesting.

Are they tested?
Or do they just test if the game starts?
Do they test on every system or just on steam on a highest-end-pc?
Do they use a continuing character/account for testing which already has everything unlocked and progressed through the story (including some bases in the world) or do they start a fresh character everytime and add needed ressources, items etc “per cheat” to be able to test it?

In other words: Do they test in a real environment?

I don’t know and I can’t imagine. :man_shrugging:


I just wish they would stop tinkering until everything is fixed and working. They wrote the thing, surely they can fix it.
They tell us they are working on a fix to assignments which were broken at the point they were introduced. Is this another example of lack of testing? It would probably been quicker to delete assignments and start writing it again.
Please, no more content, weapon packs, new islands until this game is working as intended and not working as hoped for.

Edit… I can’t remember which post it was but I recall Pontus saying when talking about the new update and bug fixes, " fingers crossed it all works OK", at the time I thought that it didn’t sound very hopeful and it was proved right.
Further edit… found it, post 12 of Recon Update-coming soon.


And if they added something, it should be able to remove easily, too.

So why don’t they remove everything that’s broken and which has been added this year, fix it and bring it back later?
In the meantime we would be able to play without the issues (and some features, of course), but without greater loss of reputation for the game.

But that’s just my opinion.

And the answer probably will be, that they don’t remove something because safegames may become broken.

One more thing…
Who knows, whether not all the broken stuff sums up?
Maybe the bases could work without issues, if the assignments would work correct, for example?

Edit2: which doesn’t mean that it would make me happier about them. Still one control point per region would be enough.



While this is the most bug ridden and crashiest game I have played I just can’t fathom one thing out. If it’s the most bug ridden and crashiest game I have played why do I keep coming back day after day for over two years now?
Am I a masochist?
Do I just like moaning about stuff?

Rivals got mixed after previous updates, so you most likely killed rivals from different regions.

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I bet most of “those players” dont even play anymore and probably dont intend to return to it.

So, basically they keep disrupting the game in a way that its less fun and more easier to crash.
Its sad how things are, so much potential wasted :confused: :frowning_face: .


Logged in today, hoping for the best but fearing the worst because of what I’ve been reading here.

I tried to attack a FNIX base. Ended up falling in some water, and it kept respawning me IN THE WATER and I was only lucky enough to break out of that endless loop by pushing in the direction of the shore and it moved me very, very slightly toward the shore each time. It probably took about 20 times with the “water respawn” before I was able to get onto land and continue playing. (EDIT: to be clear, I have fallen in water plenty of times in this game before - it has always spawned me ON LAND in the past… this was the first time I’d been repeatedly respawned in the water, so I thought I was just completely stuck and thought I’d have to logout from the game.)

Then, the FNIX base itself - took down maybe 5-10 enemies before the game crashed.

I’m out, until I read here that the crashes are ACTUALLY fixed. It’s sad, because I had really started to get into GZ again, and I was recommending to a friend to buy it to play with me, and trying to get another friend who already has it to play again with me. But I’ve rescinding both of those recommendations to my friends, until such time that this game is fixed.

Good gaming!


Oh, and another small bug, every icon in the schematics menu is now a red dalahast when opening it for the first time, then after you go back, its now just a blank box. Not very important but still noteworthy.

On another note, im very disappointed that the disappearing machines issue hasnt been fixed. And that machine spawn radii around control points hasnt been tweaked.

As ive read a lot in this thread, please only fix bugs next update, i fear that more new content (or god forbid, more control points) may decrease the stability of this game even more.

Its just really sad to see a game with so much potential in this state right now. I sincerely hope that the devs still have a passion for this game and desire to fix the many bugs old and new that plague this game we all know and (hopefully) still love.