Skills Respec please

Lol yeah, silly me, I thought we were talking about a game here! :wink:


Or you can both play nice. This discussion is, despite what you may think, not limited to the two of you.



Yeah brother it’s a hell of a topic. And you are right, I didn’t give it much thought untill I reached a certain level and realized it wasn’t working for me and that there was no going back. Maybe if GZ came with a warning label on the subject we would have taken greater care with our choices? Nah I doubt it, we are human after all and we love shiny things. The tech tree was just too shiny to pass up for me I guess.

@Crazedndepraved You’re right. Vague skill descriptions can set you up for an unpleasant surprise.
Never imagined it would take me 10 months to lvl. cap my first character, but now at nearly lvl. 30, there really are just 1 or 2 skill points I wish I could swap. It turned out almost ok, I guess! :wink:
Grown-up life won’t spare me the time to start a new character, so I’ll have to make do. :+1:

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But the thing is it takes so long to level another character especially since the game progression carries over now I could see maybe if each character had its own quest list instead of it being shared for all characters which keep you from regaining those xp boosts unless you want to go on some random persons game and not everyone likes doing that.

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Well, that’s the price of it. GZ isn’t instant gratification game for entitled people.

Also, you may not know this but after there are no missions to be done anymore, 2nd best source for XP are relay beacons. 1000 XP or 1500 XP per beacon itself while some early ones give 500 XP. And since latter do respawn, you can level up your char fast.

For example: I made a test with my 4th char by hunting down every single relay beacon in my game and taking out only the beacon itself, while leaving it’s guards alone. Also, i hit each beacon once, without getting it 2nd time after it respawned.

There are so many relay beacons in game that you can level up lvl0 char to lvl14 (100.000 XP). That’s almost half-way. Also, if you use 5* .50 cal and put 1x round just below disk, you can one-shot relay beacon. Saving ammo, time and most importantly, no need to engage it’s guards since you’d be at great distance from it.

Point is: if there is a will - there is a way.

Don’t get me wrong I understand needing to work for it but at the same time doesn’t that seem a little harsh for people who don’t have alot of free time. The people who just get to play a little bit at a time that would take forever just to level back up to where you have already reached through who knows how long of only being able to sit down and relax and enjoy the game you want for maybe a few hours total a week. I’m just saying keeping those in mind who love the game but just don’t have the time to grind it out as easily as some others wouldn’t be a bad idea.

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Sadly, that’s life.

Some games are shorter while others are longer and if someone doesn’t have the time, that someone shouldn’t play those long spanning games that require a lot of time and effort.

Sure, the less time you have, the less progress you get as time moves onwards but that’s how it is with some games. One of the biggest such time hoggers, that come to my mind, is Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
I don’t have time for Skyrim. I’m happy if i got a bit of time for GZ and 1-2 other games that i play.

But for devs to change the game because someone doesn’t have the time sounds very selfish. Is it the devs fault that someone doesn’t have enough time?

Also, saying that wanting to level up fast but don’t want to spend time needed for it, is a very poor excuse. It implies towards either poor time management or notion of wanting everything as fast as possible. Latter is more likely since the new (younger) generation of gamers are usually impatient.

Not read the entire thread but a large chunk of it.

Here is another possible option…

Respec costs a skill point. Level up and spend the point on a skill or use it to respec and loose it.

This way your choices have consequences but you are not locked in if you are willing to sacrifice.


Also haven’t read the entire thread. But.

Perhaps Respec could be one of the things we can use all those prestige points for?

I like the idea from rimblock either spend the point on a skill or respec otherwise lose it, I think player would be a lot more clever in their choices

Totally right mate, I was on level 28 before I found out the was a level cap at all, I thought stupidly now I look back that as a player I could unlock all the skills, felt stupid especially because I’d used skill points on skills that i wish i could as you posted the ability to respec all skill points and replace them, if enough people want a skills Respec then maybe the Devs will pick up on it, we can only hope that it is already on a list somewhere. Anyway happy hunting

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Ok first off putting skill Respec in the game would be changing the game to begin with so saying that my view is wrong because it would change the game is pointless because the entire subject is about changing the game.

And I didn’t say I wanted to have quicker leveling I was trying to say that it takes a long time to get there I never said that was a bad thing. And putting

Down for not having as much time or having other things they like to do isn’t cool man. Don’t take shots at people. I was trying to debate the idea with people so can we stick to that.

And @RimBlock I really like that idea that seems to be a decent middle ground to what me and Aesyle are discussing. Taking something people work for as Respec tokens/extra skill points is pretty fair.

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TBH, it does seem quite strange that you cannot play through the story again with a 2nd/3rd/4th character.

Creating a character and then having to pick fights to level up does not sound that interesting. The hardcore mode suggested elsewhere would add interest but perma-death is at odds with the need to level up and try different skill combos. Sure it can be tailored as desired.

@Aesyle suggestion of hitting the beacons sounds like a good start but there is no info on how long it’s likely to take.

Finding a balance to satisfy people with little time and people who will steamroller through and then sit demanding more content is tricky.

Saying “It is what it is.” relates to now and need not relate to the future if the Devs are engaged with the community and happen to think various ideas have merit.

Only having the game for a week, browsing here I get the impression that the Dev / Community interaction is potentially quite good. :crossed_fingers:.

Not just “potentially”, but uniformly excellent. At least compared to any other forum I’ve been on…

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Ooh big post discussion, Two ideas:

  1. For Skill Respec make it into a consumption item that ONLY allows you to respec one skill point at a time. The item may possess a low drop/loot rate and can only be acquired level 25+. Consumable could be a component salvaged from bots or simply found?

  2. After a player hits level 30 use a similar idea from Diablo 3. After the human acquires enough experience they gain 1 attribute point towards:
    -Health Capacity
    -Stamina Capacity
    -Stamina Regen
    -Loot Chance
    -Run Speed
    -Ect ect…

That one Attribute point would be only a 0.5% or 1% statistical increase to that single element and with each acquired Point, inflates the amount of experience required to attain another Point.

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Hardcore mode doesn’t have to mean permadeath, and I don’t think the devs will implement it like that if they introduce it, unless they add hardcore mode and then HARDCORE mode! :wink:

How do you want that to work? Should you be able to remove a skill that is a prerequisite to another skill further down the skill tree, or do you always have to remove skills from the bottom up?

Yep, was referencing @Zesiir s thread here. So it is ‘In the spirit of a Hardcore mode’. :smiley:

The idea could conduct itself in both methods, bottom up or point distribution which could become technical if you lack the points to transfer.