Skills Respec please

Ooh big post discussion, Two ideas:

  1. For Skill Respec make it into a consumption item that ONLY allows you to respec one skill point at a time. The item may possess a low drop/loot rate and can only be acquired level 25+. Consumable could be a component salvaged from bots or simply found?

  2. After a player hits level 30 use a similar idea from Diablo 3. After the human acquires enough experience they gain 1 attribute point towards:
    -Health Capacity
    -Stamina Capacity
    -Stamina Regen
    -Loot Chance
    -Run Speed
    -Ect ect…

That one Attribute point would be only a 0.5% or 1% statistical increase to that single element and with each acquired Point, inflates the amount of experience required to attain another Point.

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Hardcore mode doesn’t have to mean permadeath, and I don’t think the devs will implement it like that if they introduce it, unless they add hardcore mode and then HARDCORE mode! :wink:

How do you want that to work? Should you be able to remove a skill that is a prerequisite to another skill further down the skill tree, or do you always have to remove skills from the bottom up?

Yep, was referencing @Zesiir s thread here. So it is ‘In the spirit of a Hardcore mode’. :smiley:

The idea could conduct itself in both methods, bottom up or point distribution which could become technical if you lack the points to transfer.

I say let’s keep discussing this topic. I’ve noticed it keeps getting more and more posts every week. And all you guys have had great ideas. Devs are watching I’m sure. I know they have a lot on their plate right now but I’m sure this is something they would consider doing when the time is right. I say keep the ideas rolling.

Tbh, in order for allowing skill respec, the skills themselves needs to have a greater impact on the game to even be worth it.

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Well, that depends on how fast you’re able to zap around the map.

Locate the beacon (some are quite a hike from closest safehouse). Aim and put 1x .50 cal round into it to blow it up. Here, you need to be fast by bringing up the map and t-porting to next safehouse. If you wait too long, the beacon guards come out of EMP shock the blown beacon produced and engage you. At this point, you can’t fast travel and either need to take care of the aggrod machines or run away further enough for combat to end, so you can fast travel.

I don’t mind the change if it doesn’t make the game easier than it already is or doesn’t require less effort from players. Also, any change should fit the game without making one aspect of the game OP or another aspect nerfed (aka keeping the balance).

As far as free time goes, that is individual, made by one’s own choice. If someone wants to juggle 20 games at once, let them be. But what i don’t like is that someone starting to complain not having enough time and rather than that someone setting his/hers priorities straight, they instead want the game to change for them, so they don’t have to bother to set their priorities straight.

Gameplay hours vs GZ (click here to read)

Avalance Studios developed GZ in a such way where:

  • You can’t get all skills unlocked on single char (max what you can get is 30x skill points but there are 48x skills and if you want to max out all skills, you’d need 84x skill points)
  • To give people chance to try out all skills, devs made multiple char system. You can create up to 4x chars, to test out different skill builds (4 x 30 = 120 skill points across all chars).

This system isn’t as fast as it is in some other game. Mainly because leveling up takes time.
Fastest way to level up is to do missions (min 1000 XP per mission or when you have Inquisitive Mind lvl2 skill, min 2000 XP per mission), 2nd fastest is destroying relay beacons (mostly 1000 XP per beacon but some give 1500 XP), leaving combat as the 3rd and slowest way to level up your char.

This is how devs have visioned for players to play their game and so it is.

Yes, it would be nice if you can experience every game in a timely manner but there are very extensive games out there that take a TON of time and people have played them for years. Skyrim, Eve Online, World of Warcraft are just the few such games. Sure, GZ isn’t as extensive as those MMOs but the world in GZ is still big and it takes lot of time to see everything it has to offer.

For example, it took me 117 gameplay hours in my own pace to finish the vanilla main missions but that’s just one part of the game. World exploration, side missions, collectables, best gear, leveling up, different skill builds - all that takes time as well. Even now i’m not exactly there where i’d want to be, still missing 5* KVMs and from time to time, i come to a place in world that i haven’t visited yet, despite the fact that i’ve played since launch.

Open world games are time hoggers, some more than others and there is little to be done to cut down gameplay time in them. Cut up the open world game and you’re left is either sandbox game (e.g Borderlands 3) or linear game without freedom to move around much (e.g Crysis).

One of the more extensive open world game is GTA V. I haven’t played it but if you have, can you tell me how much time, on average, it takes to complete it 100% and also visiting every place on the map? My guess would be far more than 200 gameplay hours since there’s a lot more in it than there’s in GZ.

As far as time spent being worthwhile goes, that is individual. If you are used to with short gameplay games then yes, playing long gameplay games can feel a waste of time. In the other hand, if you are used to with long gameplay games, short gameplay games feel too short, leaving you disappointed of game ending that early.

Small comparison: like i said above, it took me 117 gameplay hours to finish vanilla main missions in GZ. In Borderlands 3 (another currently popular game), it takes 35 gameplay hours to finish the main story (latter source is wikipedia).

Skill respec is a powerful thing and if implemented wrongly, players are eager to abuse it. My suggestion above puts it at the end of the char building and being able to respec skills only once also gives balance, so, it can’t be abused.

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The assumption is that someone is creating a new character so …

Are the safe houses still unlocked from the first character when starting a second etc ?. If not you have to find and unlock the safe houses closest to the beacons.

Just after an idea based on finding & unlocking safe houses (as you go or as a first stage before jumping and killing beacons, whichever) then destroy and fast travel rather than getting stuck in battles.

If the safe houses remain unlocked then it is presumably just a case of jump, jog, destroy, travel to the next in an ideal scenario where you don’t miss / aggro the defenders.


Since all your chars share the same world, including mission progress, unlocked safehouses and Plundra, creating 2nd, 3rd and 4th char is there just to try out different skill build.

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After playing through this game, I had a great time and really enjoyed the gameplay and story. However, I didn’t plan out my build and due to this I have a lot of mostly useless perks and I was hoping that a respec or skill reset could be added. I’m sure a lot of players would appreciate this.


You can always create another character (GZ allows to create 4 characters that share the same world, missions, plundra, etc.).

I understand that I can make a new character. but the time it take to level up is extremely long, I probably will make a new character as I enjoy the game, however the suggested feature would be extremely useful.


Let us who still play this game, have the possibility to respec our characters.
As of now i would be at maybe Level 200, but because of the cap or the non existing feature to be able to complete the skilltrees. im dead in the water.

Does it matter if its on a single player game?

This is nuts!

No difficulty leves adjustment, No respec or possibility to complete all the trees. No other forms of transportation besides walking, running or the bike.

Give us some heftier weapons, something cool, like a tank or a chopper.

Get influences from games like Just Cause 3-4, those games are very buggy but fun
i’m convinced that GZ would be the same, but it take some effort.

if Avalanche put time and effort into the reshaping of the “new” updated world, maybe put in some ideas of the weapons, vehicles and safe-houses.

Maybe a “BOT” feature to get a couple of buddies to play along with and command?

And i think it should be fair if the robots went out of ammo like the players do. Having “Fab Five” hunting you, throwing gas, grenades, ticks, jumping, stabbing and shooting through windows, doors, walls is not really fair to say the least.

And change the color of the different ammotypes from say 7,62mm Light green Full metal Jacket, to Dark green for the Armor Piercing.

Give us the possibility to SORT out the stash and inventory as we see fit.

I want all my guns at the top, but when i pick up other gear it is soon all over the place!



I mostly, and respectfully, disagree with you on this. :slight_smile:

I think they should rather implement “Player profiles” in-game, where you can create as many profiles as you want, and each profile works like the game does today, with 4 characters sharing the map and the equipment. When you create an additional profile, you get a blank map with reset missions and 4 characters at lvl. 0.
Many other games has this system…

I don’t know about respeccing current characters, but as they continue expanding the game with new areas and missions they could maybe raise the cap to 35 or something? The point is to have different characters with different specializations, not one Über soldier running around!
I would HATE to see this gem morphed into some abomination like Just Cause… Sorry, but there’s already enough games like that out there. When we finally get something a bit original, why not keep it that way?

In my opinion, the 6* exp. weapons should not be surpassed by anything more powerful. They have made fighting tier 2-3 machines much easier, and turned tier 1 machines into a joke. The machines must feel at least a bit intimidating in order for GZ to maintain it’s original atmosphere.
I believe that adding NPC companions or more advanced vehicles would also ruin the experience. I don’t even touch the bikes. I like chasing and being chased through the woods.

I fully agree that the inventory management needs a good makeover, especially the “plundra” is a mess. Your inventory going “all over the place” happens if you pick up a weapon with only 2 slots available. I know it’s an unfortunate and annoying bug, but if you remember to have 3 empty slots when you pick up a weapon, it won’t happen.

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I’d agree to that. Or change the icon. Make it a separate feature request, desperately needed!

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You might have some valid points like the ability to reach max level and a better inventory and plundra system i actually wanted that, but you basically want a new game, this is not Just cause (i actually love just cause series).
Generation Zero is it´s own game, it´s not GTA5 or Just cause 4, and it`s not Call of duty (i love their campaigns).
If you want that type of gameplay there are many games to choose from right?


I think you need 2 slots next to each other in order to not create disorder

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Respec should be implemented, I’ve been stuck at 31 with no way to continue leveling or switch my skills around to take advantage of the fact that I’ve invested so much time in the game. No reason to start another character and dump 20hrs into leveling him to the point where they can function with basic skills… Respec is huge!!


Fair enough

But make these changes into a DLC then. Its up to you if you want to buy it or not.

I must say that being able to pay for a key component, would not hurt as much as having to restart or lots of game bugs breaking the game. I think i have restarted “Flying blind” three times, and end up in the safehouse having to do everything all over again.

I bought the “Golden” key for Resident evil 2, and it has been a long time i had so much fun. Getting the Minigun in the beginning was not a “dealbreaker” or made the game less fun for me. I already finished the older games without any cheats.

And for me now when im older and have to manage my time. I really want more games to be like RE2.

Give me the possibility to do whatever i like.

Take Sekiro - Shadows die twice. Because of to much running around and fighting foes all over again, im certain i NEVER will finish that game. I felt the same way with the Souls series. But that was years ago and i finished them all. After very long time.

What i mean is when games get to complicated people tend to loose interest in them.

And Generation Zero deserves to be played. its almost single player through and through. As long as people do not cheat to get an edge over competitive players. I do not see the harm in making it more fun for the Casual gamers as well!
