Storage box size

To people who want it it will make sense. :crazy_face: Story-wise it makes sense too because in the real you could stash as much as you like. :coffee: In the real however, those plundra could be plundered as well. What if the devs made it so that the Plundra have a chance of being plundered by a new machine, say only bullets up to 10% at each chance. Wouldn’t that be something? A sneaky squirrel that only plunders when you are in the neighbourhood of the plundra. :sunny:

The problem for a game maker is that they need to find a balance in how much to limit so that the game is fun for the majority of gamers. I think that balance is correct now. No need for a bigger plundra, not for me at least. It looks to me that the most requests are for making the game easier. :wink:

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To anyone thinking that each item you store in game will make your save file bigger and bigger, and if you store “too much” will make the game crash - think again, that’s not how databases works (of course this game could consist of spaghetti code that would make trivial things such as creating a neat, lean database for stored items crash the game, but I don’t think so).

As for storage size, the more stuff I can gather and store, the happier I’ll be :smiley: This has always been my attitude, and I don’t care much for long novels explaining why it is bad for this, bad for that.

I’m confident they’ll increase the storage space ‘soon-ish’, take it or leave it.


Just look at the size of the plundra box! If I can keep 96 on me, why can’t that huge box store 300 or 400?

And those saying the storage size is fine, but are advocating using mules for storage are just in denial. They are implicitly acknowledging the plundra size isn’t big enough.

I believe they will increase it too, but not to an unlimited storage ofcourse. I really don’t mind if the storage gets bigger, even though I have no trouble managing it now. For me it’s enough since I don’t collect and I avoid combat if I can, like I would if it was real. But with more weapons coming to the game, it is inevitable that the storage gets an update for more balance.

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I have only one outfit maxed out to 5*. I have chosen to upgrade shoes and pants for more jumping power, and I can tell you it is a big difference. The ability to jump higher and further really enhances the fun I have and getting to places where without the upgrade it would not work. Then I also upgraded shirt and jacket for stealth, so It didn’t take long or much storage space to get those upgrades, but I understand that a bigger storage would make it all easier.

And every different playstyle brings in view different “hurt points” so to say.
I’ll be open to what ever the devs bring, and if something is a “hurt point” for me, I’ll do my best to see it as the hard parts of real surviving.

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I think the current storage capacity for items and materials is fine.

But; one very valid reason to improve storage capacity is the increased loot. The more guns and items added to the loot pool, it makes sense to be able to store them without worrying for space.


They should just make the capacity a function so that it doesn’t have to be manually changed and balanced each time they add more items to the game.

I agree - IMHO it would be fair to give let’s say 25-50kg extra space per Weapon DLC pack.


The devs could also make those DLC weapons and accessories weigh nothing. That way if people get the weapon packs they still have 200 kg storage space, and if people don’t get those weapon packs, they have the same 200kg storage space. :coffee:

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What’s about a special weapon storage box. Like a weapons cabinet only for weapons. :coffee:


Good one, a cabinet just for weapons and attachments and the Plundra would remain the way it is.


Yeah. That actually would be really realistic. Adding a gun safe, that is. It would definitely fix the whole storage problem.


I had to comment this is exactly what puts off new people posting, we all have different opinions, this is just ridiculous!

I personally think that because of how the game’s changed since release, they should make some quite significant changes. I think that the game generally lacks good rewards, so perhaps they should give players more and more storage space as they beat campaign missions?

So perhaps at the very, very start players have no storage whatsoever and then once they’ve beaten the first bunker, they get a bit of storage.

Also, a separate weapon locker would be a cool feature. Perhaps a weapon wall, even, so that your favorite guns are on display for people you play multiplayer with.

Latest dev letter confirmed more space for Plundra and Recycling Station as well. And both storages seem to get doubled, unless values change.

So, everyone who pleaded for more storage, can rejoice. :partying_face:

Me, however, well
 it doesn’t matter.
But in foresight, it only gives a bit more time for hoarders to fill up that new space. And once it’s filled, the same plea will be sung in the forums again. :unamused: (It has happened before and it is very likely to happen again.)

But in the mean time, keep your eyes open for more info from the devs. Oh, next update should be landing at the end of August '21. Though, it’s still unconfirmed if the Plundra/Recycling Station upgrade comes with the next update or one after that.

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I really hope the storage expansion comes with the introduction of a useful sorting mechanism. It’s about time imho.


Plundra just got a lot bigger
 Coming February 8th to Generation Zero’s with the Landfall Update


I couldn’t find any concrete numbers about the plundra size.

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The plundra will be upgradeable 5 times, each time adding 40 to the max weight. Max weight altogether is 400, recycling station gets same thing with 50 per stage going to 500


Yes, that’s getting ridiculous.

Just be sensible and don’t pick up what you don’t need, just store what you need, recycle what you don’t need or from what you need ressources, or throw it away.

400 kg for plundra is already fourth as much as we initially started with when weight was introduced.

What’s the reason to gather all the scrap the world offers, if you don’t need it?

Games with inventories always want the players to manage their inventory.

What would you do in real life?
“All rooms are full, the attic is full, even my neighbors and my parents houses are full
 I need a greater house with more space just for more crap. Sort things and throw away what I don’t need and what doesn’t get selled? No way!”

If you want to spend ressources:
You could build 14 resistance bases, maxed out, and then play hard base defenses on guerilla mode. I’d bet you’d need some stuff to repair or rebuild the bases.

And don’t pick up everything.

It’s hard, I know. In earlier days there wasn’t as much ammo and stuff.

It’s just an advice. I don’t want to tell you how to play this game. But on the other hand you can’t demand something from the devs with the word “ridiculous” just because of your way to play the game.