Storage box size


I still think it’s silly with literally owning a bunker made for Beredskapsförråd and then be able to store like a single box in a massive underground complex.

And me and my friends have agreed on this, so i thought i should put it up so the devs can see :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry, there are plenty of people who want the same as you. :wink:

I miss the old days with limited space. There is no need to have a plundra full of stuff. It’s more of a challenge to ise Only what you can carry. But I might be the Only one with that opinion.

I find myself somewhere in the middle.
I want to be able to store some things. Especially weapons that took me 150 hours to search for.
Actually, I think the current Plundra and workbench weight limits are fine as they are right now.
There is no point in storing tons and tons of crafting materials.
They are there for a purpose. Use them… :slight_smile:


Well, i’m a hoarder myself and feel really stingy with things that are “limited and hard to get hold of” like the field radios and the medbags…
Which are in all honesty quite easy to get hold of, but tell that to my hoarder brain.
Same problem with ‘Ether flask’ or whatever in rpg’s and the like.

I do try to lure tanks into landmines and stuff, even if it is simpler to just run in and shoot them with an smg. But i want to.

I just like to hoard stuff, and then i can select a few things and go out hunting. I usually bring a landmine, a few Stjärnstoft, and a bunch of meds. Plus random useful stuff.
Partly to also just be able to carry more junk to bring home.

So i might have a problem, but i’m hardly alone in it.
And i want to save a few things as souverniers in the Plundra. Like my first pistol, my first Meusser, my trusty .50 which won me many many battles until i got my lvl 5 recently. Just memorabilia.

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Yes it has. And that being said, topic merged to relevant topic.

Next time, do use Forum Search.


About that:


I thought the pop-ups suggested similar threads that came up was enough. But since they were all from april and march i thought they were dead.

And i did suggest infinite storage but not inventory.
Game wouldn’t be better with infinite inventory.

I did try to search for similar topics and come up with balancing.
However as usual it’s not good enough.
But that’s personal problems.

You are aware of the current way to get infinate storage though right ?

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Casual chat discussions

No i am not.

It’s not an exploit is it?
Since i don’t cheat in MP games.

Creating other characters can give you pretty much unlimited space. I have a character on ps4 with literally 1000 kilos of ammo and that’s not including 600 advanced first aid kits. The character cant move but as long as it can reach the box I can get stuff from it at any time. Another character holds 1 of every weapon and attachment and at least 10 of every item + 500 rounds of ammo for each. We have the storage just not in the box.

Ah, so all the characters are in the same world.

So if it’s a known exploit it feels a bit moot to have a limit.

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So all of us use some storage space: inventory, scrap inventory, and box storage. I think we should be able to place down crates ( which we could craft ) that would hold more storage space, or upgrade the one we have at every Safe House.
Basically, what I’m saying is, increase storage space. I need more

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When I first started playing the game (200+ hours ago, according to Steam), I was surprised when my Plundra hit the max limit. I hadn’t even noticed it HAD a limit, until I ran into it.

That was when I discovered recycling! And I thought, “Oh, OK, I just have to prioritize what I keep in my storage, and recycle stuff to make sure I always have room!”

And that went along fine for a while, until… oops, the recycling station has a limit, too?? How did I not notice that?? So there I was, full storage, full recycling… and that was when I learned that you have to take a long, hard look at what “stuff” is important to you in this game. :smiley:

And now here I am, keeping under both limits pretty easily, and just going out and playing the game. I mostly gather and recycle all the ammo I can, when I start to get too much stuff in my Recycling storage (such as Thread, and Rubber, and that sort of thing), I just trash it and keep building up my stockpile of what I need to make bullets, and off I go!

I guess what I’m driving at here is… I think this is something that everyone runs into at some point, and learns to deal with. Just think of it as a bit of a mini-game! You can’t store thousands and thousands of rounds of every type of ammunition, along with hundreds of every item, five duplicates of every weapon, and so on. But generally speaking, you can store everything you need to play the game and have fun. :slight_smile:

Now… all that having been said: I wouldn’t complain if they bumped up the limit a bit now and then. :wink: (Or if they let me recycle things like Car Battery in groups of 5 instead of 10, for example.)

Good gaming!


Very well put.

Either play within the limits, or get yourself a mule


Same feature request topics merged.


for people who play on multiple characters it has to have been noticed that storage fills up way to fast i think the capacity needs a big bump or needs to be removed because universal storage across four characters fills up the 250 point cap too fast for it be any use.

//mod Merged similar topics

I also agree with everyone that we need a bigger storage box and boxes not be universal among characters. With 200kg i can find it almost mangable but have drop some weapons and attachments as I want to store a good amount of medical items and items and a good couple thousands round of ammo so I can restock my character between safe house’s.

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Hi mate,

You just need a mule to store all spare gear on.

I gear up with 90, with the same 90 + 20% in the plundra and will last 4-5 hours.

Maybe refine your inventory and Plundra?