Casual chat discussions

Well all i can say is that hearing about this makes me wish for a nuclear winter.

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I hate animal cruelty :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: and have never cared for hunting games, but it would make survival mode more realistic if they implemented it. Only being able to scrounge in houses for food and water wouldn’t be realistic when woods with animals and streams are available. Just sayin’

PS. is your “quote” working? I keep having to cut and paste other peoples quotes into the convo cause it keeps disappearing

But you did get the joke right?
If they implement animals, i want all weapons but tier 5 to degrade, much less ammo (there is ammo EVERYWHERE) and machine swarms roaming around the map, like 4 per map, being almost impossible to survive them.

Yup working as intended

Just a few here or there would be better in my opinion. Most probably would have been killed by the machines but seeing a deer run away at speed through the woods, or a groundhog or prairie dog disappear into a hole right after you see him maybe being pursued by a runner or tick. And immune to being killed. Only for visuals to make the game more realistic.

Stupid Quote function! Work for me as intended damn you!

And yes, I got the jist of the joke.

Discussion moved here to keep the source topic on-point.


And where are the options of reducing the capacity? :thinking: Since without these, i can’t vote.

Oh come on…you´ve been very vocal that you don´t like the Plundra.
The devs will never reduce the capacity unless in an extreme difficulty setting.
A simple NO, serves as your wish to not upgrade it.
Most people seems to want a capacity upgrade, but to confirm that, this Poll might say something about that, at least about the Forum users wishes.

All “No” options are about increasing the capacity. Also, why create biased poll in the first place? :thinking:

You are the “biased” part over here.
There is the option that everything is fine for each of the 3 categories.
My only mistake was about the NO, when in fact it´s 1 NO for “not changing”, and 2 YES to “not changing”
If you want a Poll about reducing weight capacity, you can make one and propose your specific request.

I wasn’t the one who created biased poll. You were.

All i asked for, was a better, unbiased poll. So, those who think Plundra has more storage than needed, can voice their opinion as well.

Currently, you have all those grouped to the “it’s fine” category, giving skewed results.

Now you can!
And i doubt anyone wants to reduce the crafting station
And being out of this “topic” makes it reachable to more people.
I will delete the remaining 2 comments after 15 m for this to stay clean.

Discussion moved here to keep the source topic on-point.


No need to delete since it can remain in here.

And this alone is to keep 3rd poll biased?

Just because you want more storage, doesn’t mean that no-one else (except me), aren’t willing to have reduced storage. And without proper voting option, we’ll never know if there are others as well.

Are you out of your mind?
Is this how a moderator should behave?

Are you telling me that i can not reply into the forums as a regular user? That because of my moderator status, i have to agree with all that is said in the forums and i can never-ever reply as a regular user? :astonished:

Btw, i’m asking for equality. I guess it’s a tough pill to swallow.

I´m telling you whenever anyone wants to change something you usually step in Like a Soviet commander, like you are afraid the devs will change everything.
It´s a regular behavior of yours.
Some users which i will not identify had previously talked to me about this issue
Can you please Delete my Storage capacity Topic then?
I already copied it and added another 2 NON bias options.
If the options were not available is because Most people are fine with it, very few people desire to have reduced weight.
But of course let´s wait for what the Future Poll will do
Please delete that Topic, a perfect and improved one is waiting

There is no need to delete. You can edit it. While you can’t edit the poll itself, you can delete the 3rd poll entirely and add new one in, with equal options.

After some trial and error it´s finally done.
But the full delete request would have been more efficient and less time consuming.

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That error says that you can’t edit the poll after 5mins of it’s creation. But since you included 3 different polls in it, you should be able to delete one of them completely. :thinking: And then, add in another, new one.

By the looks of it, you got hang of it. :slightly_smiling_face: Nice to see equal polls, even when people may never pick one or another option. But having an option is what matters.

Oh, that topic/poll too, for anyone else who happens to read this dispute: Storage Capacity POLL