Tactical Response Update Patch Notes - discussion

In other News, the Hacker skill having a low cooldown is not a bug after all, it was a design change that slipped through the cracks for the Patch Notes! So it’s here to stay, enjoy hacking:)


Yes! seems to be back to original time delay… I did not “cook” any so don’t know if that changed, but I hope that went back to normal time too.

It is a lot of fun to run backwards and drop a grenade near a vehicle and it goes off just as the machine you have following comes by it.


Didn’t you say in the stream that it will be changed back but looked at again?

It will get looked at again, but until then it’ll stay as it is now


Seems way better now.

What fun.
Yesterday I played coop with my mate in my world.

Just had the relay beacon mission yet, yesterday we did the repair station mission.

A few minutes ago I wanted to check if I can find a magnus somewhere to test the recently reported issue for myself.

Found none, but played the Fnix outpost mission then.

Now I’ve seen all three types. They’re nice to play from time to time and hopefully they stay as daily missions. I would even love to see them as one per hour to be true.

Short, but at random locations and therefore not as repetetive as base assaults. (yesterday we cleared maxed out Leräng with melee for the FMTEL, just to get another fnix-base at Leräng 10 minutes later)

Fnix outpost mission was even shorter and easier than the others in my opinion, but surprising to see such a small fnix base at a random location.
I took a jammer, ran in, opened the door, pressed another button inside and then destroyed a generator. End of mission.

Would even work with a few tickbombs after pushing the button and hiding somewhere, so completly without being seen. :grin:

Started the game a second time today and got another fnix outpost mission for today.
Another location, a different outpost.
Less turrets, no door to open to get access to the switch for activating the generator to destroy, but a small nice parcour where you had to jump twice to reach either the switch or the loot container. :+1:
I love those cute missions.


It would also be interesting if they would add a mission where we have to take an heavy armored machine convoy and then while something is being hacked or copied we have to defend it from machine reinforcements.


Now the new mission bug strike me too. Today got weekly destroy FNIX base mission again. 2nd mission this week and first time happend.

Can confirm bug receiving more than 1 weekly mission.

Today got 3rd weekly mission. And around excatly same time interval from Monday when received the first weekly mission. So far it looks like its 48 hours between them.

Edit 2:
Now those mission seems to come in increasing rate. 4th or 5th mission during this week.

Found my first wintowka in a wolf today…
A 3c one. :yawning_face:

Small patch for XBOX and PC via Microsoft Store…


Always nice to see a hotfix :slight_smile:

Hmm… “fix some crash issues”…

Encountered an odd behaviour of the game yesterday evening after the update.

I went to take on one of the little new weekly missions, something like “investigate the field repair station” north of Östervik…
While on approach and in visual range of the repair station my screen suddenly got frozen and I thought the game had crashed but it actually didn’t it was just the screen as everything seemed to work in the background. I got rid of it temporarily by Alt-tabbinig out of the game an back in but I couldn’t get any further and it happened again after about 5 seconds. Btw a bad thing when you already got the attention of the guarding machines…
So I tried to move backwards and made the machines follow me to hopefully pick them up one by one in between the freezes…
That worked out finally and after I brought some space between me and the repair station my screen stopped freezing. After clearing the machines I had no problems to approach the repair station and finish the task.
After that odd hiccup the game went on as if nothing had happened and without ever closing the game in between.

Maybe it’s related to the update, maybe not. I can’t tell because I can’t reproduce it right now. I’ll give it some attention next time I’ll get this mission again because I had done another variant of this mission at the exact place before yesterdays little update (different ways to open the containers) without any problems. :man_shrugging:

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Maybe it’s due to the random placement of the structures and the guarding machines. In this special case maybe something “got stuck” and caused these freezes, like sometimes for example harvesters cause frame drops or there are ticks or seekers below the surface… :man_shrugging:

I hope it just was that kind of random issue.

A little follow up… I got exactly the same mini-mission again (same setting, same location) for two days now and tried it again yesterday. No problems or screen freezes this time so it might have been some hiccup on my PC’s end, I guess. :man_shrugging:


Did they fix the .44 magnum bug?

That’s what Zesiir and Carni said during the last stream. There is no official confirmation yet, but there were situations that proofed that it worked for them.

It should be fixed, yeah. I picked one up without problems.

Cool i can’t seem to find any now its fixed haha.

Frequent crashes on ps5

You’re answering on an old topic about an old Update.

Please make a new topic about your issue and describe it more detailed, in which situations it occurs.