Platform: PC
Description: Iboholmen castle hole
Images / Videos:
Host or Client: Host
Players in your game: Myself
Specifications: bottom left side of iboholmen castle has a hole under the chain link fence you can get stuck in
Platform: PC
Description: Iboholmen castle hole
Images / Videos:
Host or Client: Host
Players in your game: Myself
Specifications: bottom left side of iboholmen castle has a hole under the chain link fence you can get stuck in
to 1.
Here are a few terrain cracks that are fairly close to two home bases. Unfortunately the pictures got mixed up during the upload.
Moved to Terrain Holes thread.
Moved to Terrain Hole thread.
everytime I see those, I try to crawl threw them, and kinda wish I could fly around down there, but can’t, wanna look 4 reaper/vulture activation buttons, the what ifs & wonders
Moved to Terrain Hole thread.
Not sure if this counts as a hole but there is a section of raised floor that is either not there or moved by accident in the underground area of the RÖ facility that I ran into during ‘A Wrench in the Works’
Moved to Terrain Holes thread.