[Weird Terrain] Dump miscellaneous terrain issues you see here!

Moved to Weird Terrain thread.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

Spotted this invisible road bump some days ago @Klinte.


It has been a while since I’ve biked there. But I do recall it being very bumpy on the normal drive approach to the farm off the main road. It does seem to happen without any visual clue. Glad to see someone investigated it. I may just have to bike back there to see if it is fixed.

Terrain clipping into the back of the bunker Beredskapforrad 119[1435,-611]

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

the guy with his leg stuck in the concrete, :flushed:, the concrete hasn’t dryed yet, the guy had a indecent, fell down, crawled, passed out with his leg stuck in the wet & dry concrete, Woke up, couldn’t move, & eventually died inability to walk get food & water

There is an invisible box here, probably or a small concrete wall

Double fence section at F23 Överby Air Base, with a whole in the fence:

buried body, sunken table:

floating placed (not killed) hunter:

floating crates:

floating body:

floating power line:

Veronika’s house does not like the laws of physics

Platform: PC/Steam

Description: buried loot-crates

Steps To Reproduce: find on map, travel there, locate boxes

Images / Videos:


Host or Client: host, solo
(accidentally posted in Map issues)

the double fence is no glitch, it’s a real thing, when I was in the Icelandic military a few years back, there was a group of soldiers that were in charge of putting up a few fences etc, and few of those days they drinking to much night befores & some holes and fences in funny places, don’t know if the fences ever got well

PC, Steam

Description and Images:
Broken terrain in the Archipelago Region:

A rock clipping through staircase:

Many locked trucks have openable containers with floating locks, here’s an example of 2 of them in the Forest Region:

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Players in your game:

Windows 10, Intel i7-2600K, 16GB RAM, NVidia GTX 1070

Mix of bad meshing and terrain to be improved

multiple items meshing together, also FNIX items clipping in with pre-existing barn props

roofs of the barns are slightly unrefined, but is low priority due to the likelihood of people getting atop them

Here are a few floating objects, either the truck is missing or they have lifted into the air. (I put my companion underneath it for better visibility.The location is in the forest region.

There is an invisible barrier right in front of the airplane in the Anl 144 Vidsele Safehouse

Forest Region, floating things in the middle of the road. Apparently a car or truck is missing.

The ladder to the roof of the green building in Boo Bruk AB is barely usable. It feels blocked since one of the recent updates (like so many other places).