I think that was a joke.
To add I am also getting a safe house unlocked text loop and xp every time I start new session, this lasts for about minute or so!
Tried to play Cross-platform (PC - Xbox One) last night post the update, and now the Xbox one system cannot invite for multiplayer. Option is completely gone.
Also, the new weapons wheel completely blows as you have to now stop moving / running to switch equipment whereas before it was easier on the fly…
Please advise what happened on the multiplayer invite as it forced us to host from the PC, which was not the prior host, and thus a lot of our saves were lost!
After a few hours of play am really enjoying the little changes to regions, am not going to mention any spoilers, loving the hints at known groups and potential clashes, and obviously stalking and killing the new machines.
I am struggling a little with weapons wheel on console, I think I honestly preferred it as it was previously, but the positive today end of session, I really felt the story and game are back for me, I avoid any info on new enemy’s to keep the mystery, anyhow well done devs really loving it
Yesterday me and a friend watched a battle between a Reaper + apoc hunters and 3 wolves + some lynx.
The battle took place next to Skinnarbol in the farmlands region.
The hunters and lynx fought each other, while the wolves attacked the Reaper. After the hunters had destroyed all lynx, they did nothing anymore.
We were able to destroy them without being attacked by them or others.
The Reaper just did nothing, but some firestorm-attacks while we were shooting on it, too.
We were then able to destroy the Reaper without being noticed by him (no self-destruction), just the called-in runners attacked us. Got really good loot from it (my friend even finally the exp sledgehammer).
After that we destroyed the wolves and some more lynx without being attacked by the wolves.
Seemed not to work as suspected.
My pet Reaper effortlessly took down two wolves that dared challenge his part of the field near Boo church. The Lynx pack messed it up with assorted runners and some hunters.
That sounds epic. Hope I get to see that sometime, though the Reaper in my game world has made the island if Himfjäll his home.
The opposite happened to me. There were 2 tanks and 3 wolves battling near Älvaret. They immediately noticed my character approaching and he was crouching.
If they give animals, it would only make sense that they litter the ground as corpse’s.
Maybe rats or other very small rodents that dont give off a large heat signature…cold blooded creatures make sense too.
It might be a good argument to say they are smart machines and know the difference… But my flares say otherwise.
Sorry m8
Just had negative stealth, you sure you weren’t sporting bright leggings or irritating colors?
I found that they just ignore me walking past them as long as They are engaged in combat. I mean some of the smaller bois further out thought me a threat.
Did anyone of you already get a new weapon like the G79 Grenade Launcher?
Didn’t see any complaints about them until now.
Or didn’t they come with Landfall?
I don’t see them in the patch notes, but see that there is a the scematic in the log (which I don’t have).
The G79 is not in the game yet, the schematics for its ammo being shown in the log is a bug
You sure it is a bug and not a little tease for us to know it is coming?
Like the empty spaces for all the schematics to craft everything else.
It was probably meant to be included in the game at a later date. Oh well, enjoy a little sneak peek of what’s to come
Has there been some info about more variations on tanks and harvesters?
Today I experienced them.
There were fnix harvesters who spawned not just hunters but a lot runners and missile-runners. And there was a fnix tank who had a military tank mortar equipped.
Before landfall I just saw military tanks with rail guns instead of their mortars. But no other variations.
I liked it. It forced me to change my tactics.
shhh… :
delete your post, its probably a bug and it´s a good one, we cant let them fix this xD.
PS: I saw a Military Tank with mortar and missile pod equiped.
Before landfall I had only found 2 tanks with railguns, a couple times there was a FNIX with two missile pods or a military with duel morters.
Ive never seen a harvester drop runners tho, so thats cool.
Its not something I would want chaged tho.
It’s very interesting.
There must have been more fixes/changes…
Yesterday again. Very often different versions of tanks. Fnix with mortars, military with railguns, more combinations… Fnix harvesters deploying 2 hunters and about 8 runners (2 or 3 of them with missiles).
There are so much more variations, which make the game ways more fun and challenging.
Base defense is improved a lot, too.
Random startpositions for the waves, at least 2 new start positions, more challenging waves (in medium difficulty there were 7 fnix tanks!).
The behaviour of the hunters has been changed, too. In base defense they are now marching into the battle instead of running wild. Looks great.
Additionally they now seem to be able to jump over small fences or other obstacles (I don’t mean their jump attack!) . Looks great, too.
And one more cool thing.
Yesterday I had the most epic fight between one tank and one wolf ever.
I destroyed the tanks weapons and after that, the tank went into melee combat with the wolf. It was like gozilla vs kingkong