Third GZ Anniversary Event (March 25 - April 11)

I’m shocked! SHOCKED I say, that the event is not working! as the waiter hands me my winnings from the illicit gambling going on in the back of Rick’s

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Hmm… I’m not going to waste my Rivals for the opportunity to maybe get a chance to eventually get some (imho crappy) clothing I’ll likely never use on my characters… :man_shrugging:

My 2 ct


That’s precisely what I spend my game time yesterday doing. Going to do it again right now!!


You level them then you kill them. It’s the circle of life.

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No drops on Xbox so far :-

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It’s probably like the Halloween event last year or the year before where they announced it was live but didn’t actually activate it until later on

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There isnt any drops on any platform, its best to wait for devs to be back in office to fix it. This will be tomorrow.

So is this not the right way to have an anniversary event with this game, announce the event and then leave it broken for the whole weekend? We are talking about a birthday party here and the party didn’t happen. At best it will be a post party.

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The back end devs have more than just the event to be looking at, for example the assignments which dont work or track properly. They also have always only worked from Monday-Friday, not the weekends.

I thought they were working remotely? I’m pretty sure newsletters as early as last November describe remote working as a cause of delays. I doubt much has changed over there in the span of three months.

You sure you got the correct year? There wasnt any letter during November and they never said anything about remote working in the 2 letters since. Im pretty sure they did in 2020.

Firework boxes are now apparently lootable, i recommend people to check suitcases for them. Also try backpacks and toolboxes just in case. Got this info from several people on the Discord


I just got 3 boxes of them from dumping stations. Brevekins camping has 15 red Vaults to loot.

I searched a dozen suitcases at the Salthamn bunker and found a firework box in the last one. I searched the FNIX loot containers at Breviken Camping and found 2 more.

There is a brand new set introduced as well, Resistance Fighter. Currently Fancy set has yet to be confirmed dropping still.

Found another in a toolbox at Kalleby as well. So they’re probably everywhere now.

Is that a new outfit? Is it dropping from Rivals?

Yes and yes its dropping from rivals. It is also why i called it a brand new set.

So if that’s dropping instead of Fancy stuff, that probably means either the Twitter was mistaken or the devs put that in accidentally.