Weapon Wheel Megathread

Count me in as a hater of the wagon wheel on consolec(Xbox)… Only way I survived many battles was to keep adding medication while fighting. Now i have to stop, scroll to meds, hope it selects, then add enough meds, scroll back to weapon and HOPE it selects (yes, I am repeating myself for a reason). and fight on.

Bring back the old version, or give a choice…

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That’s funny. I actually think that the weapon wheel (which is not exclusively a “weapon” wheel) makes using medkits WAAAAY simpler*.

You don’t, @oldfogie ?!

*When there are medkits in it.

If medkits (and gadgets) would be auto-assigned to their previous quick/radial slot, the weapon wheel would work as expected, IMHO.

Also, all tier of medkits (I can’t remember their names) should be stacked, like it worked in old games like Diable if I remember correctly. I might be wrong, but I know that some games will let you quickly use medkits, no matter their tier.

Would be ok for me.
But the experimental medkits should be excluded because of their very special effects.

Oh. I didn’t even know experimental medkits were a thing. :sweat_smile:

I have to say… On PC, with a mouse and the keyboard, you can easily play without using the Wheel at all it seems. :thinking: (Aaaand you get more slots anyway.)

Here’s an excerpt of a reply I got from support.generationzero.com while reporting a the losse of “memory” of the quickslots (and the weapon wheel):

For now, the wheel is not an optional feature so there is no way to deactivate it and we know it has some glitches we’re already trying to fix.
We have received a number of reports regarding this and a report has already been sent to our dev team who will consider implementing the wheel as an optional feature and fixing the glitches actually occurring.


Today I figured out why there could be the left AND right stick bound to the weapon-wheel. I would bet it was a mistake, that it works like it works now…

But did you realize that placing a new item /weapon from inventory to a slot of the wheel works much better with the left stick as your right thumb is free to press cross (ps) so select the slot?

Maybe it’s just my personal feeling, but wanted to tell this idea of a possible reason for the situation.

I have been talking to some friends. One of them says he also stopped playing before he acctually got the chance to see some of the new rpbots. Since you can now only switch in real time between 2 weapons and nothing else with triangle. We had a long disscussion about it and yeah the feelings were mutual. The other friend doesnt know that the update changed this whole mechanic. I want to tell him but i want him to experience it for himself. So far all ppl i know dont like this change. Except for some ppl online and here in this forum

It seems that most people who use a mouse and a keyboard think that the wheel is useless.

It seems that some gamepad gamers are OK with it, but I think that most people either dislike or hate it. :sweat_smile:

I switched to mouse and keyboard and I’ll stick to that for a while.

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After some days, i have indeed died more times because of the new system.
Its good to have 6 weapons at the same time, but it takes longer to change weapons if they are not in one of the 4 quick slots buttons.
On the PS4 we have no function for the UP and DOWN buttons in the DPAD.
Why not using these 2 as an extra slot for equipment? like medkits and binoculars?
It would make the process easier.
More testing is needed.
It might be a better system for PC users, but at least its not for PS4 users (i cant give an opinion for Xbox users).
And my suggestion is that instead of using both analog sticks to control the wheel, we use only the right one, giving to the left one the function to move (WALK) while we use the other for the Wheel.


With a mouse and a keyboard, I very rarely use the weapon wheel.

I also played on PC with an Xbox One controller and we also lost functionalities for the D-Pad.

I like your suggestion about the D-Pad and you are not the first one doing it.

Hopefully we’ll get some kind of announcement this week. I’m a bit worried that they might not be able to ship a solution this week though. However, that’s just an uneducated assumption.

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As an XB peasant, I support this notion.

Always a pleasure '92


Exactly what I wrote at some places. :wink:

For me the wheel itself is ok, good to use. I died more times, too… But not because of the wheel, but because of these hordes of lynx.

I like them… How they act and work, their weapons and aggressivenes, but they’re to much in many situations.

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This is now a “MEGA” and massive thread and a bit too BIG.
Should we just be direct and simple and make a single feedback feature request page about using non active DPAD buttons in XBOX and PS4 controllers for equipment and the ability to walk with one of the buttons while using the other for the wheel?

If we as players choose a single way it will be more easy and efficient for devs to adjust the changes (instead of reading 200-300 comments).

And please PC users what is the major needed adjustment for you guys? The same suggestion but for PC supported gamepads?

Weapon Wheel Readjustment as posted above
  • Yes
  • No
  • Other option (explain it with the minimum words required)

0 voters

PS: Will delete this if public opinion is too low or not enough.

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There are better options described in detail above, but in short:

Old UI with the emotes wheel opened up for us to place whatever we want in the slots.
When using the wheel with left bumper and right analog stick, the left analog stick is still possible to use for movement

I honestly can’t stand the weapon wheel I enjoyed tapping my triangle button once for one weapon another time for another weapon and then two times for my heavy. The way you have it set up now it takes me longer to change weapons in the middle of a firefight. There’s no way to bring the hood up on the screen anymore where that was an option last time which made it easier to know what I had equipped in case I forgot. Where you have fixed a lot of the bugs of missing sound and like a game play you’ve pretty much put glitter on problems and fix things that weren’t broken. I’m not going to leave you a comment of kissing your butt because I don’t believe in sugarcoating things. I tell you how it is. Why put a weapon wheel in a game but didn’t require it we weren’t limited to three weapons if you knew how to push your load out. Weapon wheel is so 1980s that’s why most games have gotten rid of it.

In order this would be true it would fit to the game perfectly :sweat_smile:


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It is very annoying when the weapon wheel pops up in a random fashion. Depending what you are doing when it happens you could move weapons/gear out of the wheel or move it to another slot. Nothing more annoying than being in a firefight and the wheel pops up and you no longer have the weapon you are shooting!

You had the same number of slots before the weapons wheel. You didn’t have to put flares in that spot you could have put a weapon there too. But I like having distractions in my arsenal instead of just weapons galore.


There were:

2 slots for primary weapons
1 slot for a secondary weapon (pistols, melee)
4 slots for useable items

Now you have 8 slots and you’re free to place what you want and where you want.