Weapon Wheel Megathread

Thanks for the response Pontus,i can only speak for myself,a weapon wheel doesn’t work for me in those lovely out numbered battles where you gotta shoot,out flank,heal,switch weapons then shoot again,wow!IGenZ has awakened the old gamer in me,it’s got a pinch of everything from the golden age of gaming.If you can swing it please give us the option of the old layout.You have an unsung classic here,i started gaming on the ZX81 by Sinclair


I agree, this game is awesome when it shines bright. I hope the sequel will have a bigger budget and I hope people who worked on this first game will get rewarded.

I did not read every comment in this thread so I’m sure I’m going to be repeating a lot of the same points already made by others. I came to the game recently and enjoyed it enough to buy the dlc’s. I was just finished the first dlc when I went to bed and came back the nespxt day to find this new weapon/gear wheel.

I assumed that it was updated for the second dlc and only for the second dlc. I wasn’t aware the game was still actively being worked on with new content being released. At first I thought this is great, more options and then I started to play.

Things went rapidly downhill. Yes I’m on console Xbox Series X. So you can’t move when accessing the wheel which is obviously bad. My real issue though is that I can’t count on any item I select actually being selected. I had health pads at 3:00 on the wheel. I clicked on it, nothing, clicked again, nothing…

12 clicks to actually get the item to be selected and it is the same thing for every slot. I used to carry flares, fireworks, binoculars and health pads. I now always have a health pad selected and one weapon as I just can’t count on the items actually working. I am stuck with using only one gun at a time which really sucks and only switch when I’m inside a building.

The old system was clunky, but at least I could run and gun in the open without dying constantly. I could use distraction and confusion to stay alive. Now I hide which is not a fun experience.
It’s hard to believe that this was play tested and people thought this was a solid improvement. I’d like to go back to what worked if that’s possible.

I hope that even if the wheel has to stay that we can go back to using the d pad up and down buttons so I could use flares and health pads there. I guess we will see what happens with this, but I hope whatever it is happens quickly.

Lots of good things in the game with a number of serious issues that make the game less fun than it could be. Thanks for listening.


As of yesterday you no longer stop moving when you bring up the weapon wheel on my Xbox Series X. That’s all well and good but that is a small fix. The real issue is that it that it took me 14 attempts to actually get the stupid thing to select what I was choosing. I don’t know if the hit box is too small for each segment but even when taking the time to actually try and move the cursor to Dead centre of the wheel slot, it still didn’t select the item! Your reply was at best a little bit of glitter thrown up to get us to go, oh look a Shiny, and completely missed the real issue. This system is NOT ok for Console or gamepad users! Don’t waste time trying to put more lipstick on it, it’s still just going to be a pig and not a beauty queen!


I’m not sure I completely get what you are saying, but then I’m old as dinosaur dust (67) I like the way it sounds though. I desperately need to keep health pads available at all times as after a brain nuke a few years ago, my reactions are not what they once were so healing is a constant requirement. Using the Y button to select weapons was good. I would prefer to be able to have ANY 3 weapons I choose as I don’t see much value in the pistol/handgun. I want to throw flares, or distractions, switch weapons quickly and be able to keep moving. That’s what the old system did well enough. Now I use one gun and health pads. I can’t rely on items I select in the radial wheel actually equipping. That’s the huge issue for me. They did fix the standing still while using the wheel as of yesterday for Xbox but it’s never going to resolve the other issues the wheel brings to the controller game. I do like being able to use items in your inventory without having to equip them. I can’t think of how that would work while in combat, but dropping a radio to teleport to is easier.


@Gryff, please, go to Weapon Wheel and gamepad/controler (post-hotfix) if you wish to discuss about the gamepad and the weapon wheel.

We are talking about that topic in more details.

I tried searching for Console Hotfix and it came up with zero results. My bad I guess.

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Hey, don’t worry about it! :grinning:

What I was trying to describe was a proposal to keep the original UI and modify the emotes wheel so that we can place whatever you want in it.

That wouldn’t change the functionality of the hold Y / double click Y that used to select the hand gun, that you proposed, simply a brilliant idea:

You select a first, secondary and a third weapon freely, single Y-press switch between first and second, and hold/double click Y selects the third, if I understood you correctly!?


Thanks, yes I got that. I appreciate the explanation.

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@Evo-BSM, they did release a hotfix. Could you remind me what was your problem with the weapon wheel?

Oh idk the fact that my weapons dont really get selected no problem man. No but im done playing a game that releases in an ok state and goes backwards the more “fixes” are added. Ghost bullets are still a thing and oh yeah that first batch of grenades still blow up in my face. Im just done playing a beta game. Remember when games used
to be functional on the day of release and they would add dlc later… yeah i miss those days

@Evo-BSM I invite you to switch to Weapon Wheel and gamepad/controler (post-hotfix)

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Maybe it didnt update the game properly? Idk im gonna remove my comment in case it turns out it was just my ps4 not doing its job properly

Yeah it was the latter. All the ghost etc things i need to figure out still. The grenades unfortunatly are not fixed. The weapon wheel however seems to be a whole lot better. No standing still and the selecting thing is better aswell. Only downsides are still the loss of a 3rd weapon (like double tap triangle) and the bottom d pad thing. Bit its better still. I hope they or change back or keep improving it


Could you please stop posting multiple times in a row… You could edit your posts. And if you want to answer to a specific post you could quote it.

how turn off this innovation . The previous set-up made sense . This “new” is frustrating


Moved to the megathread. You can’t turn it off, it’s a new feature.


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innovation implies both . There should have been put option to use it with and without wheel . Innovation is not elimination of what works !

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@towt03 are you playing on with controller or mouse and keyboard?

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