Weapon Wheel Megathread

Hey, don’t worry about it! :grinning:

What I was trying to describe was a proposal to keep the original UI and modify the emotes wheel so that we can place whatever you want in it.

That wouldn’t change the functionality of the hold Y / double click Y that used to select the hand gun, that you proposed, simply a brilliant idea:

You select a first, secondary and a third weapon freely, single Y-press switch between first and second, and hold/double click Y selects the third, if I understood you correctly!?


Thanks, yes I got that. I appreciate the explanation.

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@Evo-BSM, they did release a hotfix. Could you remind me what was your problem with the weapon wheel?

Oh idk the fact that my weapons dont really get selected no problem man. No but im done playing a game that releases in an ok state and goes backwards the more “fixes” are added. Ghost bullets are still a thing and oh yeah that first batch of grenades still blow up in my face. Im just done playing a beta game. Remember when games used
to be functional on the day of release and they would add dlc later… yeah i miss those days

@Evo-BSM I invite you to switch to Weapon Wheel and gamepad/controler (post-hotfix)

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Maybe it didnt update the game properly? Idk im gonna remove my comment in case it turns out it was just my ps4 not doing its job properly

Yeah it was the latter. All the ghost etc things i need to figure out still. The grenades unfortunatly are not fixed. The weapon wheel however seems to be a whole lot better. No standing still and the selecting thing is better aswell. Only downsides are still the loss of a 3rd weapon (like double tap triangle) and the bottom d pad thing. Bit its better still. I hope they or change back or keep improving it


Could you please stop posting multiple times in a row… You could edit your posts. And if you want to answer to a specific post you could quote it.

how turn off this innovation . The previous set-up made sense . This “new” is frustrating


Moved to the megathread. You can’t turn it off, it’s a new feature.


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innovation implies both . There should have been put option to use it with and without wheel . Innovation is not elimination of what works !

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@towt03 are you playing on with controller or mouse and keyboard?

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So… after today’s stream I think it safe to say that there will be no more work to improve the wheel…

We will just have to “get used to it”!

Think this is sad, because the implementation of the wheel on controllers could have been done so much better!


I wouldn’t read too much into it (the livestream). If enough people mention the weapon wheel in the survey, and if higher-ups at Systemic Reaction are smart, they’ll listen to the gamepad users.

I still think it’s ridiculous that they won’t just pick a damn controller in the middle of the stream and play the game with it, especially since the game supports hotplugging.


True that, true that!


I hate the weapon wheel. I will never play this game again unless we’re given the option to use the original controls.


So, my take away from this thread is PC good, console bad.
I’m glad I play on PC. I hit a number and that weapon swaps or med kits or whatever. The old system was very limited because now I can carry and use 5 different weapons and 3 different size med kits. I don’t know what the ratio of PC vs console players are, but this thread is mostly the console players being unhappy. I’ve never played on console. Ever. So I don’t know the limitations for key binding but I do know that most games have to be optimized “read dumbed down” for consoles. Most consoles are old tech (relatively) and not upgradeable like PC’s are. I think consoles would benefit from a peripheral number pad. Maybe they should just keep two UI systems in place, one for console and one for PC since neither is compatible with the other.

This is a brilliant summary of the situation.

Unfortunately the feeling is that the devs focused on expanding the PC interface and didn’t think through how/if this would translate well to controllers.

This is shown by the fact that within one or two days of this being live, at least two different (better) possible implementation was proposed here in the forums.

What I think is disheartening is that during stream, first it was communicated that “they will get used to it “; here “they” being the controller players, not seeing all of us as “a player base”. And on later stream stat “we have heard you, but we don’t hear much negative feedback now”. Somehow hinging that all is good now.

My fear is that they fixed so that you now able to move when using the wheel and that they think that this is the minimum viable product, and moves on to something else, like…. Implementing adaptive triggers for PS, (also hinted during stream, which is a very cool feature for the PS5 players, “missing” on Xbox), but might not be a salvation for controller players as a whole…


I’m on Ps4. And I did my first real play session after the latest update yesterday. Against a reaper. And the wheel sucks big time. And the two friends I played with agree. One of them even left the game and said that’s it. This game is unplayable now. And he deleted it from the hdd. If we need the wheel it would be better to implement one like in ghost recon breakpoint. It uses the triangle Button for weapons the same way gz old system. And has a wheel for other stuff like med packs, grenades where you choose one that’s actived on a specific Button.

My conclusion after yesterday is that I’m not going to play this game that much anymore and probably not buy any new dlc as long as the wheel stays the way it is. It’s the single worst thing that ever happened to this game. But I did enjoy the new US weapons.

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