Weapon Wheel Megathread

Oh pls god no if you say that then id rather have the option to choose rather than to be stuck with a dogshize system thank you verry much

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Iā€™m sorry my suggestion only considered the problem with the increase switching time on PC. I dont know how the wheel works and what options you have to rebinde controllers and therefor I didnā€™t write a solution for that.
Maybe it would be good to split the Megathread into Console and PC.

On PC you press one botton (which you can bind to whatever key you want) and than your mouse no longer controles the direction youā€™re looking in but it highlights the sector of the wheel you move your mouse over.
Meanwhile you can freely move around by WASD.
How does it work on console?

Thatā€™s why I stay away from games as long as they are in Early Acceā€¦ Waitā€¦ :sweat_smile:


What you are talking about is a jrpg in wich case its a verry good option. Since there is no need for a quickswap between items. In gen z you constantly need to switch between 2 weapons. A lure, a medkit and maybe binos to check health. And you know what that whole setupā€¦ was possible without a hastle with the old systemā€¦ so there is no need to have a radial wheel. Tell me the other advantagesā€¦ besides being able to choose between more gearā€¦

Wow! @Randomgamer, your comment is very useful!

I was naive when I heard about the action wheel; didnā€™t think much about it since I thought that I wasnā€™t going to use it anyway.
Being forced to, I have had to rethink my play style completely. In reality I have two slots now that are easy to use (Y on Xbox) all other options can only be accessed in a ā€œsafe spaceā€œ when stationary.
This forces you to think even harder about your options before engaging a machine; should you go for one gun and a med kit or two guns? Everything else is at least two buttons away or require button and analog input to happen.
Personally I canā€™t see an easy fix that would make the wheel as efficient to use as the old system, so maybe making the old/new interface optional would be the best option.


A shame they implemented it without testingā€¦ im still hoping they are gonna fix it orā€¦ well a refund would be verry niceā€¦ that way i can maybe buy someting that stays true to its nature. Like gran tourismo or astroneer on switch

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When you open the Radial Menu with the shoulder button/trigger, the game engine overrides both thumbsticks so that you can use the ā€œwheelā€ with whatever thumbstick you prefer. Thatā€™s why some people are annoyed: they canā€™t move or look around at all.

Pontus said ā€œpeople will get used to itā€, but I think that was a bit out-of-touch to say such thing, considering it seems there are a few things to improve for gamepad users.

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Ok I see. The obvious solution would be to make it similar to PC. One stick controls the wheel as long as you press the shoulder button and the other still controles the characters movement.
I hope for you that the devs will react fast and implement a hot fix.
This can not be intended like it is now!


Visually, the wheel looks really nice. And I like that you can have customize it as you wish.
But it just works horribly. The idea of a wheel makes little sense on PC when using a scroll wheel. And as has been the case since the launch of the game, the scroll wheel is quite poorly implemented. It skips items and for whatever reason, you canā€™t select items at all anymore, you need to use keyboard buttons to do that.

Like Iā€™ve said previously, I think that the game should dedicate buttons to utilities. Different types of grenades on one key, another for distractions (radios, flares, fireworks etc), another for health items. So if letā€™s say you run out of your currently selected health item, the game will automatically assign another to the same button. Kinda like how it works in The Division.


  • Looks nice
  • Allows to have 8 items instead of 7


  • We play on PC with gamepad, and the wheel sucks. Seriously, did anyone test it before you released it?
  • For left-handed people playing on gamepad, the wheel handling is PITA.
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Yeah lol all this trouble for one extra slotā€¦ and to make it work they have to put more time and rescourses in it to make it functionā€¦ while the old system was perfectly fineā€¦ honestly such a waste of time and a big bummer. How can they fck up so royally without even knowing what consequences it will haveā€¦ im impressed acctually

Un-install they ruined the gameā€¦.


Yup i feel the same way bud

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Quite a brilliant post summing the problems up perfectly.

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I have not yet watched all the YouTube content dropped about the update, so I might be out on a limb here: but during the part I watched the weapon wheel was used once, by Pontus. I wonder why?

Is it because itā€™s not the most efficient way to switch items?

If so, why was this solution force feed to console players?

I think the developers should constantly think about the PC players when introducing new stuff to the console players: will this be acceptable?
ā€¢ Is it ok to prevent movement while using the wheel?
ā€¢ Is it okay to remove the current working interface completely?
If the answer is No for PC, the answer is No for console as well!

Make the old/new interface optional for console! If you make the new one better everyone will change by free will!

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Fresh take on the weapon wheel for console players: keep it, but not as it is implemented today!

Instead keep the old interface as it is, except for the left bumper, used to access the emotes wheel.

New implementation/use for left bumper is; hold for access to weapon wheel in combination with right analog stick (similar to what was implemented) AND if single (or double clicked) the emotes wheel appears.

This would actually add easier access to more usable items through the Y-button (1 and 2 gun plus handgun) d-pad with 4 selectable spots and the whole 8 spot on the wheel.

This would be a great new controller layout, adding functionality.

I use the wheel a lot when I play. And I have no problems moving while using it. But, I play on PC.

So for the sake of reaching out to the larger player community as a whole, I think making it optional is a great idea. The original system is already there, so hopefully it shouldnā€™t be too difficult to implement.

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Nevertheless on consoles the weapon-wheel should be changed that the left stick can be used for movement and just the right stick for selecting an item.

There is no need for to choose wether to use the left or the right stick.

And, donā€™t know if itā€™s just on consoles, too, but it is needed to change that dpad can be used while in ADS (selecting different ammo or weapon-mode).

And the matter of dpad up and down to get a useful function is another point, but not with such a high priority as the others.


I made an account here specifically to talk about this.

To me the weapon wheel is a symptom of a bigger problem with GZā€™s development: an obvious lack of playtesting on consoles and controllers.

From the ADS sensitivity problem thatā€™s been present with controllers forever (reticule moves too slowly at low zoom levels), to the new proportional aiming system that actually seems to make it WORSE (reticule now moves too slowly at ALL zoom levels); to the auto-aim that canā€™t be disabled and fights you at every turn; to no PS5 enhancements more than a year after the console has released (not even a basic backcompat FPS or resolution boost); to this new weapon wheel, where switching between weapons and items is now slower, requires more simultaneous button presses, and crucially, stops your character dead in their tracks, which is death when youā€™re in a firefight with machinesā€¦ it all feels like console playtesting is almost non-existent.

All it takes to see these kinds of issues is to pick up a controller and play the game. For 5 minutes. That these things arenā€™t noticed or considered problems points to a serious lack of playtesting on consoles.

I love GZ, Iā€™ve played it since launch in 2019, but holy hell, the lack of basic playtesting and thought extended to consoles and controllers make it tough to love sometimes.

Consoles and controllers need to be more than just an afterthought. Itā€™s how a lot of us prefer to play.