Weapon Wheel Megathread

I agree that it should be enough with using only one of the analog sticks to select from the wheel and free up the other one to enable movement at the same time.

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Agreed on all counts.

I donā€™t really understand what problem the Wheel of Doom is supposed to be addressing.

Weā€™ve gone from a single-input hotbar which slowed you down but still enabled you to move while using it, to a double-input wheel that stops you dead in the middle of a gunfight.

And Iā€™ve said in other posts exactly what youā€™ve suggested: all that really needed to change was the handgun slot become an ā€œany kitā€ slot, and then youā€™ve got 7 items that are all one input command, rather than 8 that require at least two input commands.

Also, we now have two inputs on the D-pad that arenā€™t being used for anything, which seems a bit wasteful.

Now, it might be that with a couple of tweaks, the devs can make it workable, but I must admit, itā€™s made the game feel a bit too clunky for my liking.

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Should this be a new thread? ā€œGeneral lack of controller integration in GZā€?

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I wish we would get an official reply from Systemic Reaction. :confused:

This whole situation is bigger than the radial menuā€¦

I get the feeling sometimes feel like that Systemic Reaction is a faceless entity.


Thatā€™s not fair, there are dev responses here every so often. The more people that post their feedback in this thread, the more attention it gets.

I canā€™t wait for the roadmap tomorrow.

Also, Iā€™m not criticizing individuals. Iā€™m criticizing the company. Iā€™m so grateful each time a member of the team write here and I know they read us. Thanks!

Also, @Zesiir, I think you are doing an awesome job here, you are very good at what you are doing, and you are super nice, but I always feel very uncomfortable when a game developer let a volunteer do the hard work. :man_shrugging:

Oh! When I wrote ā€œI get the feeling thatā€, I mostly meant ā€œI sometimes feel likeā€.

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Hey no problem, I may not be a dev but I do speak to them regularly. If thereā€™s a thread or topic I think is worth some extra attention, I tend to poke them about it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Itā€™s not just that.
The other way should be possible, too. Instead of an item to select an additional weapon.

The old system strictly was seperated between items and weapons with different buttons to push for.
In my eyes it would be strange to have this mixed, therefore the wheel is a good solution to have one control method to access everything independent of how many weapons or items I placed on which slots.

Yesterday I was glad to be able to additionally place the granatgevƤr as 4th weapon on a slot in the wheel when fighting a Reaper.

With the old system it would be confusing if I had this 4th weapon for example on dpad up.

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I was surprised to see firearms being part of the weapon wheel. When console players requested a better way to access a large amount of inventory items quickly I thought the firearms were gonna stay exactly as they were and the wheel was gonna be for other useful items. Iā€™d much prefer the firearms not clogging up the wheel. Bummer.


This was my understanding as well: the wheel will be an addition to the present interface, not instead of!!


I see from an earlier post that we should suggest solutions here rather than just complain. Ok, here is my attempt at a soliton to this inventory wheel debacle:

  1. Restore the four D-pad keys to their previous function: assignable to inventory items and executable on the move.

  2. Return the three assignable weapon slots. Return function of cycling through these items (on the move) via the ā€œYā€ button. Make the third slot available to any weapon if the community wants that. I will just put a pistol in it, so itā€™s fine with me if others want to put an AR in there.

  3. Return the RB key to its previous functions of fire mode selection and ammo type selection.

  4. Take the LB key if you wish - I donā€™t use emotes and wonā€™t miss them. Assign LB to the new inventory wheel call up (currently on RB).

  5. Keep the inventory wheel if the community wants it. Iā€™ll only use it to call up a sniper rifle for blasting seagullsā€¦ otherwise, I wonā€™t touch it during my typical run and gun gameplay.

Problem solved. Also, it should be noted that the code for most of this already exists since this was how the software functioned before the release.

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Good idea! :notebook::pencil2:
Thatā€™s why I just installed OBS to record game sessions in case something needs to be reported.

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If they could just expand the weapons bar to four slots (as well as making it so that I donā€™t HAVE to have the handgun equipped, but have the freedom as to what I want in that weapon bar) and keep the d-pad the way it was, thatā€™d work perfectly for me.

hello im a xbox player who started to play when gen 0 came to game pass. i loved the game even in its unstable state. i have a hard time doing basic button comboā€™s for a mix of reasons i donā€™t want to disclose, but because of that i have been curb stomped by the bots. can there be a option with a warning to change back to the old system for weapon or the ability to customize the control scheme?


Moved to the feedback thread regarding the utility wheel.


iā€™m with you. i hate the wheel. give us the option to switch back to the old way


I mean this is similar to the transition to the new inventory, it was slower and not intuitive but we kept playing the game anyway regardless of how bad it was and we eventually adapted.

Now I said similar, as the inventory wasnā€™t even half as buggy and poorly tested as the weapon wheel is.

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I agree played quite a few hours now due to lovely Covid :confounded:
I am not liking this wheel on console it makes combat a big handicap, freezing to use med kits, fumbling to find the correct selection, itā€™s killed combat for me right now, I used to run and fly through main weapons and patch.
I am trying to like this but for all the other aspects of the new update I love console wheel is a bit broken !


I genuinely donā€™t understand why some people are claiming the wheel is fast- it involves two inputs rather than one to select something.

It is therefore less efficient and slower than the old system, no matter how quickly you access and select on the wheel.


One other annoying thing with a gamepad:

Since both thumbsticks are bound to the ā€œselectionā€ action when the radial menu is opened, this means that if the player was moving forward when they opened the menu, theyā€™ll need to bring both thumbsticks to their neutral position before making the selection.

Itā€™s difficult to not be hugely disappointed.

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