Weapons float in mid air after other player fasttravel

Platform: PC

Description: When other player fasttravel his/hers weapon float in mid air and disappears after a while.

Steps To Reproduce: Watch other players fasttravel.

Host or Client: Client

Players in your game: 2

Specifications: i5 4670K, 16G RAM, GTX 1070

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This happened to me and my brother yesterday
Xbox 1, I was host
I started. to shoot at something after I traveled, and the floating gun shot upwards into the sky, for my brother

Ps4 with 4 other players (I was the host) and the player who died disconnected after but he/she was killed by stepping on a landmine that was place right outside of the safe room

Yeah i have seen this before. But to help to better fix it use the “how to make a bug report” format

Same issue topics merged.
