After taking our revenge on the FNIX Base, we annihilated some RIvals, got good loot, and even conquered an apple orchard (tactical apples!) for the Resistance.
From a management standpoint the devs should already have their own internal roadmap or “Blueprint” of sorts to plan out free updates, micropacks, and just organization in general
I agree.
Well, there might be different points of view on what a roadmap should show in detail. And if my processes depend on what the roadmap says or vice versa.
It’s a matter of organisation and ressources.
You could give a general roadmap at the beginning of a year… Even if you don’t exactly know what’s planned to do.
The problem is, that for GZ the plans often change.
Is there good input from the community that’s worth a new feature or direction ingame?
do other own plans are affected by that?
how fast am I able to reach the personal goals?
For example I plan new great features for march, july and october.
I finish my goals for march in time, but there are issues that prevent me from reaching the goals for july while I’m able to reach the goals for october even in august.
What do I do now? Following the roadmap just is partially possible, because the goals for july haven’t been reached and the ones for october are finished in august. Changing the roadmap each time and moving ressources look like chaos and bind other ressources again.
Additionally, while just following a roadmap… If ressources become free for other tasks earlier… Do you wait until the roadmap says that the new task may be followed (costs money for doing nothing) or do you start earlier? How does it affect the roadmap on the other hand?
It’s complicated.
I see the reasons, but I’m not satisfied. And I guess that’s how Carni also feels in this relation.
Not sure why so many EXPECT a road map of the future of the game. Not many companies let the public know what is happening with a game other than release dates of updates and even those are iffy. I open steam all the time and see where some of my games have updates released. Never got a road map of them.
With the reactions of some on here I can see why companies do not announce updates or release of anything till last minute.
I guess it’s because of the way GZ is developed and the community is included into this process.
And last but not least… We once had a roadmap (2022?) which was released early in the year. And it was good. It gave hope and made us excited of what to come.
I agree, there are not many studios that do this.
I personally just have Activision in mind, who release a roadmap for each new season of Call of Duty, so for Modern Warfare 2 there have been four roadmaps since release in october 2022… Each with plans for the next about 40 to about 60 days.
We expect it because they promised one, If they never promised a roadmap then we would not be expecting one. If they can’t deliver on their promises then don’t make the promise in the first place.
Honestly all this talk about a Roadmap is kinda weird and pointless and does not make much sense.
Its a game from early 2019 and its now mid 2023, we cant expect updates forever.
Companies dont usually make many roadmaps, just a few Games studios do that.
But on the other side its them who said anything about roadmaps, and its them who havent finished polishing the game, its been 3 years and the Mountain region is still not revamped (upgraded).
And if they are not going to make 2 or 3 island dlcs (which by their speed to add significant stuff seems impossible now), they should delete those 3 islands with marked roads, forests and nothing else that are present at the Map, its like having fake stuff at a store display.
Conclusion.…well seems a bit pointless to make a roadmap unless they are going to add significant stuff, if by August this is the case, then…the best thing we can do is have a laugh and dont have any big expectations (which most of us already dont).