Weekly stream - summary request

We’ll be writing a dev letter on roadmaps and why it takes so long to make them to come out after the roadmap, we do have some good stuff for the rest of the year^_^

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I don’t want to sound brutal or anything but August seems a bit later for yearly road map haha… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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See my comment above yours :slight_smile:

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Another happy stream, this time with a big focus on Q&A which I think many appreciated. Hope many got their questions answered. And @SR_Carni is headed off to Norway for some more time off, but managed to snag a 5* COM-10. All in all, a victory on all fronts.

Thanks for coming by, everybody!


Weekly stream over, and it’s good to see our @SR_Carni back at the helm of the community ship.

Thanks everybody who came to hang out! We had some major encounters, both good and bad.
Machines seem to want to be friends with us.


Those red lights on that wolf are not signs of wanting to be friends. Run!! :joy:

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That’s another stream complete. Thanks for coming and hanging out, hope we got to answer some curious questions you guys asked.


Anything about the next update(s) or features… Or maybe about bugfixing progress?

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Not too much, the next update will have a couple of important fixes like more Building Blocks resolutions and many performance improvements, but I haven’t talked about upcoming features a lot yet


Fun stream as usual. Lots of explosions guaranteed as we go nuts with our launchers.

As always, thanks everybody for coming to hang out with us, hope we got to answer some of the feedback, suggestions and burning questions you guys had! :slight_smile:

Who says desk jobs have to be boring?


where can i watch steam

You can watch streams on YouTube and Twitch via the Systemic Reaction channel, this includes the previous streams but YT is more reccomended for that one as a result of Twitch deleting older VODs, think its 2 weeks after the stream has finished for Systemic Reaction.

Ok, thanks you bro. …


There is no announcement on twitter for a stream today, yet. Will it take place?

Stream today is scheduled as usual :+1:

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Thanks everybody who attended! No screenshots this time, I’m a bit scatterbrained today.
Perhaps @SR_Carni could make something?

One info I took:
The next update (no date, yet) will just be about bugfixing.

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Nah, they’ll definitely toss in a DLC pack or something

Every update we get comes with a micro DLC because monetizing rushed and completely broken updates is where we are at with systemic reaction.


I love it!! I like new content, but please, fix the bugs.