Weekly stream - summary request

Is it just me or it it kind of hard to watch two not very charismatic guys goof around for over an hour? And you have to sit through it all becouse any useful information is randomly dropped =(


It’s not the guys, I like them, but it’s the time needed to gather informations.

I do my very best, but it’s not my task… I’m always glad if others who watched the stream take part and write down what they picked up.

Btw, tenebris often takes part, too. And he seem to simply do the same as me, but he produces a video out of it.

Well, the last one has been quite a while ago, and I think that it’s the same problem: You need to have the time to gather the Infos.

Sorry I don’t live up to whatever charisma you (and the others who liked your post) want me to have. I’m only human and trying to get engaged with the community.

Guess that’s not enough. Got that message loud and clear.


That’s what this thread is for, isn’t it? If you don’t want to watch it, don’t. Come here after and read up on what was said. Very easy :slight_smile:


I think you guys do a great job of playing the game, talk about features, answer questions and read comments…All at the same time.
I don’t think anyone can do all that better. Thank you for doing a great job and sorry some expect you to do all that and have more charisma too. Geez!

I personally find it hard to just watch others play, I would prefer to be playing also. So I come here for update news.

Keep up the good work.


Nevertheless… I would indeed suggest some changes.

I agree, just watching others playing isn’t always as fun, although Generation Zero is good for creating funny situations.

But in general we all come to this Dev stream, which isn’t really a Dev stream any more, to get informations. And if there is a battle or a mission that takes longer, there is a risk that informations get lost in time or good questions get lost in chat.

So what about that:

The first 15 minutes are for:

  1. Infos about next updates and DLC, if possible
  2. State of current bugfixing
  3. General: things that are being looked at and answers to open questions

The next 30 minutes can be just for playing and discussions. In this time, questions can be asked.

In the last 15 minutes you could try to answer the previous questions. If questions cannot be answered due to missing time or infos, you could write them down and follow up to answer them next time.

Oh and these sections of the stream should officially be started and ended. Maybe there could even be a small header in the top that shows the current sections (Infos, playing, q&a)

It’s just an idea and maybe you have your own ideas for designing a more structured stream.


Don’t take it negative. I like watching and hearing to you.


Hm, that’s pretty much how I do it already, but I like the idea of headers and making the format more strict! Thanks for the suggestion:)

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Somehow I knew that you will answer that.
At least after reading my own suggestion and thinking about it / comparing it with the usual streams.

Yes, the idea seems already to be present, but the borders of the contents of your video aren’t as clear until now.

You could also use the 10-minute waiting time before the stream to give some information on what we can expect and when. Like a short agenda.



  • 4pm to 4.15pm: General informations about updates, bugfixing, roadmap, announcements, open questions
  • (Optional): 4.16pm to 4.30pm: Special guests (Team)
  • 4.16pm to 4.45pm: playing and discussions
  • 4.46pm to 5pm: Q&A

This could of course be adjusted to the really needed times.

Edit: and between these you could also stretch and aspirate yourself. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Another stream done, with an improved format focused more on community feedback.
No doubt will we see more improvements as we continue down the line.

Thanks everybody for coming to hang out!

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Remember, remember the 5th of september.

It’s update day.
Keep in mind:
It’s about bugfixing and preparing the next updates.

Mentioned fixes:

  • building blocks mission. It should now work as intended. Those who already have it broken will be able to finish it.
  • companion fixes. It shouldn’t react to flares or other distractions any more. The bug with invisible companions (multiplayer) is fixes.
  • RLG7 can be used with vision modules again.
  • terrain holes, floating objects
  • other mission issues

Some more statements:

There are no plans for

  • new Islands
  • VR support
  • destructible trees or structures
  • more story DLCs

The update after the next update will bring a great, fun new feature. I don’t know what.
60FPS for PS5 will come this year, but they’re not yet sure with which update it will come.
Another Dev (yes, Carni is a Dev, too) will join in one of the next streams as guest.

Btw. Carni tested a first step of making the stream more structured.
Until minute 27 (10 minutes preperation + 17 minutes streaming) he just talks about plans, the next update and answers questions without playing at the same time.
Then he and Zesiir played a while and the last few minutes where again just for answering questions… Well, he answered some during playing, too.

For most of my infos it was enough to follow the first and the last part.

As further improvements it would be nice to have an agenda like described somewhere above and a header during the stream that shows the current part of the stream.


@Zesiir @SR_Carni

Any additions?

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The headers are going to take a bit longer for our creative team to create, that’s why they’re not in yet:) good summary!


I have a heads up: Seems I was a little fast with mentioning the September 5th release for the next Update. It’s the planned release date at this time, but we’re still doing some tests that might push it past that date. I’ll keep you in the loop!


An only bug fixing update, right?

correct, yes! It’ll only have bugfixes :slight_smile:

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I was not sure.
Thx for the clarification :wink:

Better late than never:
No stream today.


@SR_Carni will there be a stream today?
@all I have some dates today, so I can’t follow the stream live. Could someone summarize it?

The stream:

yes, there’s a stream today. not a lot of new information to share, though!


Find some to share then, duh.


Didn’t watch the full video until now, but as far as I watched there really were no interesting news.

@SR_Carni I love your new agenda. It feels like much more connected to the followers.

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