Weekly stream - summary request

Here we go today…

  • with three more procedual missions in the next update.
  • no date for the next update yet, but in the next weeks we’ll see some teasers on social media.
  • Carni about cars: “There is a vehicle DLC on the roadmap…” Almost sounds like a hidden confirmation for cars, but he also expressed that cars aren’t what he wishes to see. New vehicles: yes, as long as they fit in the game.
  • I’ll have to watch the video again to get sure, but I think Carni said something about some commands for the companion in future updates. They originally wanted to release them with the companion, but somehow there were reasons why they didn’t.

After next update we are going to get a total of 4 procedural different type of missions (with 3 new)that appear once per week?

We then have a total of 6 different procedual missions.

I forgot we have 2 as of now.
They are very similar, my bad.
6 seems good to me!!

Having an ATV would be the only other vehicle that would make sense, would be weird to have cars or jeeps, but its probably a Mountain bike.

No ATVs in the game now, my theory will be they use something already on the map.

Any interesting news from todays Stream?

Good to stream again, thanks everybody for coming!

We discussed upcoming content a bit, answered many questions and talked about the possible future for the game. Also mentioned the new T-shirts, and some kind of competition to win one!

Even went into overtime a bit due to starting late.


One of the things players could compete for is a chance to do a live streaming game with you two and talk about the game.

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We already do that without competitions :thinking: sometimes we have community members on^_^ would you like to join sometime?


LOL…I would not be able to do anything due to stage fright. But thank you.

Some things to add:

  • There will be some new apparell next year.
  • Carni announced that the announcement of the reveal-date of the next update is soon. :rofl:
  • There will be a new resistance -report devletter tomorrow.
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True, thanks! Sadly I didn’t end up having time to write a Resistance Report, there will be one again after the Patch :slight_smile:

Thanks everybody for joining today, hope we got to shed some light on upcoming updates and answer your questions!

No announcement for todays stream, yet.
@SR_Carni Will it take place?

Here it is

Thanks for the screenshot! The ??? stands for the Tick Plushie, which will start selling on the 1st of December

Is there any material, some more pictures of the plush tick to share?

From their Twitter Page:


Who was the Guy again that wanted (was it 100 or 300?) Plushies?

Their name was Wildcard_Wolfie :joy: I’ll hold them to their promise

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