Weekly stream - summary request

I imagine a Stop-Motion movie created with 100 Tick plushies :rofl:

I didn’t watch all the stream, but I had enough time to ask a question and hear the answer.

Roadmap 2024 corrected
The devs of course are working on an internal roadmap for the next year. It’s not yet sure if and when there will be public informations regarding that.

original text

Roadmap 2024
The devs of course have an internal roadmap for the next year. A public roadmap for 2024 is in work. Many depends on how the announced improvements for the next updates work and, of course, if there will be high priority bugs to fix.
It should be ready for publication in early 2024.

Small correction on this, I don’t think we specifically said “A public roadmap for 2024 is in work” and if we did, that was a mistake. We just wanted to say that we’d tell you what we’re working on for 2024 as soon as we can :slight_smile: I don’t know yet if a public roadmap is the way to go this time around

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I would say DON’T do it. The less some players know the better. And I say that judging from the way a few behaved on this year’s roadmap. It was like the roadmap was a full blown contract that would give them a full refund if the terms were not met.

I would say wait to make sure each thing is ready for the public, then let us know. We don’t need all the rioting, vandalism and looting again.

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I agree, but I still would like to have some news from time to time.
So if the stream and the resistance report happen frequently and are not just used to promote something, we should be fine.

I just hate long terms of silence. :wink:


My point is that a long-term vision announcement (road map) of what the development team is working on, only causes unreal expectations from players and they want results fast. Players are in a fantasy world when it comes to video games, that includes addons to those fantasies. They mix their real world with their fantasy world expectations.

Take the weapons in Gen Zero as an example. A lot of weapon enthusiasts play Gen Zero and comment about the real-world counterparts in the game. Expecting the weapons to use the same ammo, be the same weight and have the same characteristics as the real-world ones. The pistols all weigh the same as the LMGs…in reality no.

Another example of the expectations of players is those that invested in an early access game, not to mention any names. But look at how upset they got when it was cancelled. The road map that was announced became unfulfilled promises to them that invested. The aftermath would be my reference to riots and so forth on social media sites.

But I agree:

With short term upcoming progress and news.

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I would rather have SOME idea about whats going on behind the scenes and planned for the future of the product i purchased, then super vauge comments and silence a majority of the time.

Look what happened to 2nd Extinction. Full year of radio silence then pulling the plug on a product people already spent money on, but can no longer play

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I don’t need a roadmap, I like surprises ,:christmas_tree:, every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & 4:00 am I turn on my PS4 and check if there’s a update, if there is, great, if theres not, no worries :blush:

My two Cents: Second Extinction was a Lite-Version of Generation Zero for me. (Sorry, Devs.) His soul and his conviction were missing. It’s different with GenZ, here we thought about how it could develop in the future. Now after a few years we have a world destroyed and bereft of machines, people trying to survive and resist. The brilliant thing about it is that this setting sets itself apart from many games, simply because of the damage model, which is still brilliant today. So far only one other game has managed to impress me like this, namely Elite Dangerous. Not to forget: The GenZ community, we keep the corpse alive. Thank you to the developers for your efforts to continue to provide this game with content and improvements. You are the brains for our zombie.

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Dinosaurs are cool and I’m missing a real good game with dinosaurs. ARK is too much survival and too much crafting for me.
But as you said, what’s special and somehow unique in GZ is the visual and accustic feedback of hitting a machine. And there are so many machines.

I agree a whole years roadmap is a recipe for angry mobs claiming “you promised!!!” Drip feed is less stressful for the devs too. Post often but teasers for things that are definitely ready so players don’t get into a big uproar if something isn’t polished or ready in line with “the roadmap '24”. I’m not saying don’t make it I’m saying keep it internal till it’s met then tease the upcoming update content. But never go completely dark. Players panic if there’s absolutely nothing from the development team. I myself have seen communities bail because they thought the game was dying or dead due to no communication which in turn DID kill said games. I don’t want that for genZ. I mean I plan to play till ya pull the plug but people are quickly swayed by even a little misleading information so you gotta be active enough to hold attention without giving too much information. Keep the mystery a bit more :grin:


Isnt a Bug, its a Feature.

Resistance Reports will happen every 2 weeks and I use them to inform the community about what’s going on in general, that might be what we’re currently working on or reminders about something that’s already out, fun facts, maybe some funny bugs :slight_smile: It’ll evolve overtime but I want to keep it as informational as possible


Well i guess from the “On the horizon” (2023 ROADMAP) :

  • Weapon Augmenting :white_check_mark:

  • Skills revamp, :exclamation:

  • 60FPS on PS5, :exclamation:

  • New procedural missions :white_check_mark:

  • And a new Vehicles DLC :white_check_mark:

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From Twitter… X

Can you drive it under a tank and launch him to low orbit with that?

At least you could use a sensory jammer and also add a sticky remote bomb to it, drive under a tank, run away and push the trigger.

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I would think you would drive straight into it, jumping off in time for it to continue to the tank and pull the trigger just as it hits. If you catch one sleeping, even makes noises like it is sleeping, then you can drive up to it, get off, walk a safe distance and then trigger. With as long as the timer fuse is on grenades, you could travel a great distance after tossing one. So far you may need to use the binoculars to see it.

aren’t they gonna roll off, after you start driving, 1 tank is already clipping the edge