Why, oh why do some make to "my taste" weird suggestions

Not entirely sure what you’re trying to do. I’m not really aboard for any agenda’s to attempt to change the game just because you happen to dislike recent additions to it. The game’s plenty immersive already, just because the DLC was more action-oriented doesn’t mean the devs have just set aside GZ’s core values.


Um. This topic is coming up more and more - it used to be a mention every couple of weeks, and now we’ve got three or four topics simultaneously. And it’s among people who adore the game - the greater the love, the more bitter the hurt (overstating). But these people are the long-term future - who aren’t easily moving on, wiping the dust from their feet, to other games - these are people who will buy every new mission disk (DLC, I know).

The lifetime value of these people is into the hundreds. And all of them were captivated by the promo vid, as was I. I bought it the day it came out. I went through it all. Now you an pick up an Exp weapon on the first island - five hours into the game. Doesn’t make sense. I think I’m right for the reasons it’s moving, and I think it’s easy to bring back - we shouldn’t be getting even Rivals until we have reached the final bunker - they should be Chummy’s respons to our finishing the final mission - he is aware of us, and is taking steps to deal with us.

Players don’t need Rivals before then, and Rivals is what then keeps them playing, and the reason that is important is that they are on other forums, and persuading other people to buy the game. If they’ve left in despair, they tell no one. They are the most loyal customers, and they feel ignored. But it’s not deliberate - I’m sure I’m right for the reasons. It’s not even that i think these things shouoldn’t be in the game - but they need to be slotted into an overall vision, and that is what is getting lost.

Perversely, the Doom-Mongers are the least loyal customers. I need to think out clearly what a solution might look like… :smiley:


You speak about people who like faster shooter games like they’re some sort of plague. That’s not very nice, nor is it deserved for just wanting to play the game differently than others. Which is fully possible, if you’re skilled enough. No, I think I’ll stay neutral on this matter.


I would say anyone who stays more than 2 weeks with a game that has so many bugs as this, is a loyal costumer, what are Doom-Mongers for you?


For me there are two types who play - the Immersives and the Doom-Mongers. The Doom-Mongers run round tanks screaming, the Immersives spend time reading notes on the fridge. Obviously, they meet in the middle, but the Doom-Mongers don’t much care about realism or consistency - they want bigger weapons and Bosses. I’m an Immersive. I think that if you were carying an 84mm anti-tank rifle you’d be able to carry one smg tops (because I’ve carried an 84mm). Maybe you could carry four rounds for it, and three mags for the smg. On the other hand an 84mm would blow a tank onto its back with one hit. It’s been nerfed. Silly - should have been the 66mm, and should have gone into the same slot as the mines - two in a slot (oh, my word the animation would have been spectacular!). We want a world we can believe in - and the GZ world constructed is like that! Believable. Avalanche have made a deer-hunting game, for heaven’s sake. Realism is their raison-être.

It’s like watching “Taken”. His cunning plan is to drive away with an injured girl on the back seat, being fired at from ten yards away with an AK47 on automatic. I didn’t bother to finish the film - I had lost my suspended disbelief (I have seen a car being hit with 7.62 rounds and you don’t get away). It’s ruined, do you see? You can’t believe in it any more. That’s the beef, but it’s fixable, I think.


To which part do I belong?
Lifetime or Doom-Monger?

Yeah nvm… Asylum-ready, I think. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think your role here dictates that, awkward as it can be sometimes. :-/

The thing is, GenZero is the first game published by Avalanche. In some ways it’s their flagship, the posterchild for their quality and ability as a publisher. And it’s starting to look like they can’t commit to their own ideas.


I am so sad…
I must agree…
This is the most disturbing to me part…

Yes, you’re on the money there. Yes, that’s it. And yet it was so good! It was right.


Perhaps they released prematurely and without all the usually shebang. I found it more or less by accident and was instantly intrigued by the prologue. So I placed it on my wishlist. Perhaps they lost confidence in the setting due to slow sales. If you don’t have the marketing muscles and the back up from major influencers and reviewers, and not the financial backing to be patient, it is probably uphill.

And then the whole thing about Sweden. Sweden is probably rather “niche” out there in the big world. Actually Sweden is rather niche even for Danes (Hah @Flick! Payback time :wink:). How can gamers be convinced that the setting actually works very well if not recommended by reviewers and fellow gamers. And that obviously take some time.

I agree. I think Avalanche kind of indicated that when releasing challenges and rivals. “Something to keep you busy” if I recall correctly. Anyway, I actually believe that the resistance (or survivors) was part of the story from the begining, so I think that is true to the vision.

Anyway, it must be rather amusing being Avalanche reading our deep thoughts and analysis, knowing that it is basically all about making money :grin:

I support that! I’m sure that we can all agree about the first four or five words of the letter :sweat_smile:


I think of us as being part of the solution - not part of the problem! :scream:

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I must be a Doom-immersive Hybrid then :smiley:
I think the changes they made are improving the game and bringing more buyers.
If nothing changed the game would become stagnant, the story is already kinda empty.
I understand about the Weapons realism not being present, the thing is it`s not fun to being allowed to carry only 2 weapons, from what i understood you saw live action combat, war is no fun in real life, only from a Tv screen, and most people would not enjoy having only 3 mags for assault rifle, 4 for pistol and 2 Medkits.
We also have to be honest, Only the USA and URSS had “some” technology to make the type of Machines we see in the game and even so they would explode in test trial period( get it?).
Sweden was well developed but it´s unrealistic the type of enemies we have.
So i´m glad they made it the way they did and kept the realism the way it is.
Note that i agree with the lacking realism you talk about, but it would make the game too much real for 95% of the “customers” .

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To all:

I am so grateful that you “back me up” on this.
That you feel the same.
I can only pray, things will change.

But I am so grateful for YOU guys…
The understanding you show, the support, you just being you.
Thank you…
Thank you so VERY much…


We love you too, The Xogger…


There’s a middle way. It’s all going the way of the Doom-Mongers at the moment.

They’ve got Bigger Guns, Bosses, Crafting, more Storage (for big guns), Hordes, Bases (well, one), etc. All we want is for it to make sense, or we lose our “belief”.

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I can see the passion you and other people have about this game.
We should keep it simple and objective.
What do you propose they could do without changing the features already implemented in the last updates ?
That is the question which an answer is needed :wink:

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I want to finish my Diploma and then think about it, and make notes. i want the DEVs (sorry @Ennui) to sit all together in a room for four hours, with the original concept up on a blackboard and decide whether that initial vision was correct and if so how to bring the game back a bit towards it. I want them to rationalise the changes into that concept, or abandon it completely. I want more time to think about it… :thinking:

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I think, in the end it’s about finding balance. The more people of your playerbase that you can please, the better. You can have an immersive shooter with action elements without ruining the core experience.
That’s a tough nut to crack for such a small team like Avalanche Studios, but what they’ve accomplished so far has been impressive, considering their limited resources.

It’s an unpolished diamond, and the polishing takes time. If you truly want to give the devs input because you worry about the future, try to appeal as openly towards all demographs of GZ’s playerbase as possible. But keep in mind, many of the features like more guns, meaner machines etc are features that have been heavily requested by the playerbase.

Watch out so you don’t turn the argument into “Don’t change MY game”. Because change is coming regardless. And there’s been ample of opportunity to influence that thus far.

Edit: I mean, think about it. Imagine if Bethesda went and created the next Elder Scrolls game based on player feedback. That’d be crazy. But Avalanche can, and they’re doing it. That’s like… A unicorn of game development, or something :rainbow:


“Change is coming” that is right, and reminds of a game i used to love (and still like) Stellaris from Paradox Entertainment, they changed the game a lot…and sometimes we have to accept some changes we don´t like, and other times we can have a positive effect and actually make our voice heard (this game), so i hope all this Requests about the game can turn it better, we just can´t expect it to be the way we want it in our heads :slightly_smiling_face: .
The solution is in the middle. as stated in this post.


You’re right, and that’s terrific - but they are listening more carefully to one side than the other, and bolting things on without thinking how it fits it. So much so that the original concept is being left behind. If our side were considered, all those things could be slotted in in the right place without losing it, and in fact enhancing it, I think. More time!