A case for vehicles Megathread (collective feature topic)

I’d prefer to drive because it would be more FUN. Running was fine when in the starting area, but as I entered the big island, I spent LOTS of time running to get to anywhere that interested me.

Since I reached the big island, I’ve spent most of my time running away from enemies because I don’t feel it’s worth the effort. I don’t have space for any other loot than my weapons and ammunition for them, so I don’t really try to loot houses that much anymore. I just move from settlement to settlement, looking for interesting side quests and better weapons.

With a car? I could reduce the time I spend running from place to place. I could play with friends and make loot runs, where we move into an area, take all of the loot and then stuff it into the car.

And that being said, there could be enemy types that are catered towards chasing vehicles. Maybe something like the autonomous bike from Terminator Salvation or the attack helicopter in Half Life 2.

And of course, for those who don’t want to play with vehicles… just don’t.

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Yes, you run a lot, true.
This gives the hunters a chance to catch up with you, which they won’t be able to when you drive a vehicle.

Reduce the time in game…
Well, you could speed it up even more, I reckon, by using cheats and asking others for weapons.
That would save even more time, I guess.

Now, I DO support the inventory part.
This can be done by a backpack or so.
But for vehicles?
The speed would just break the game’s intention.
Sure, you could make special machines that are even faster than your car, even bigger and “badasserder” than a Tank on steroids, but while having that, you forget a wee tiny thing…
You’re not ALWAYS in a car…
And those machines do not care whether you are, or are not in a car: they will come anyhow.
Besides: blowing up your car is simply fatal.
And such an explosion, that should render everything stored in it damaged beyond repair.
I mean, those Sweeds fuel their machines with kerosine, if you see them go boom…

There is a reason, working vehicles were not ingame.
And that is to have the machines able to do what they have to do: kill you.

in the beginning of the game I was thinking of a utility moped “flak moped” which can be fueled by the fuelcells found in the map and it can carry other players in co-op. When the machines are more competitive then you could use an EPA tractor or a regular tractor modified with a turret.

add: You could also use the utility moped for attracting attention to the machines filled with explosives.

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:thinking: Sorry, I prefer not to have vehicles in this game. Just like how this guy told everyone that wants survival elements added to go play something else.

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You are of course free to have your own opinion, but it’s a very nonchalant attitude.

The main difference between survival elements and vehicles (how I have described them in this thread) is that vehicles don’t impede on the experience of players who don’t want to use them. You think the game works fine as is and don’t want to use vehicles? Then guess what: you’ll be able to play the game as you have up until this point.
Survival mechanics on the other hand mean that ALL players must collect food and water to survive. Otherwise the mechanic would be pointless.


I completely agree with you on the fact that it shouldn’t be forced on players when it’s not part of the core game. I would never want that. Since it seems divided in the community, and not a unified request. Why not let the devs consider an expansion paid for by the players that would like to see this game mode added. Kinda like a kickstarter DLC package. :man_shrugging:t2: Anyway, we’re way off topic on this thread.


Another idea we could have for vehicles is a tweak to the “hacker” perk so it would allow the player to control hacked machines in first person via the binoculars, additionally we could control its movements by a new “remote controller” item after the machine has been hacked, whilst hacked it should have the designated controls visible to the player in first person. Subsequently this new “remote controller” item I propose could serve other uses such as detonating C4 explosives or operating an RC car with explosives attached and possibly mounted proximity triggered and/or manually controlled turrets. Furthermore the “remote controller” could have implemented attachments to determine what equipment it can control by the player choosing to attach different frequency adapters in game.

I hope this thread can help you make something AWESOME!!! :wink:

I’m definitely open for heavier vehicles, with proper armament being part of a seperate DLC, as that would require different designs for enemies and environments.

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I agree that this is 100% awesome. :sunglasses:

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Yes absoulety agree with all of this

Everytime I see an abandon car I wonder why cannot I drive it.


Topics merged.


Loving the game so far! Early on, I saw a cop car having rammed a robot. It made me think it would be really fun if there was a way to use vehicles this way. Not necessarily needing to drive them, but maybe the ability to release the brake and make it roll as a distraction, a bit of moving cover, or something you could attach explosives to and then roll/push towards enemies.


That would be a cool feature. Another nice feature would be car alarms. Just put a sticker or a discreet red blinking light on the windshield on the cars with alarms, so that if you’re not careful you can accidentally draw every single robot from a mile around. :slight_smile: This would also make for an excellent trap in combination with remote detonated explosives. :]


You mean like hack a car with hacker skill remote control , put your buddys on the hood and send it bad robot direction guns blazing with 80’s tunes belting out , yep im up for that :grinning: DEV TEAM any chance ? :laughing:


Come on devs great idea above give me a like at least :rofl:


This thread for sure has some unique ideas. Nice keep it up.

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I wrote a thread on vehicles literally yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

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For sure there was 10-15 threads of the same topic before yours regarding the same topic. It’s just thread brought more unique ideas to the table.

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Instead of vehicles we could take parts of robots for suit power armour ( run fast , big jump ) Have to replace battery and worn parts so we dont cheese it all the time ( Be a god ) - horses :rofl: , i still like my other idea Radio Control the saabs and volvos for some epic battles , cheers and thanks for reply PM person