Adrenaline Shots

on PS4 and the hitbox on the Robots has a better Feedback. :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much :grin:

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Anyone if you can play cross platform and if you’re tethered when you’re on the same map. Meaning that you can only go so far away from the host? with the update I did notice also that the runners are only dropping pistol ammo even the ones that fire rockets only drop pistol ammo for me.

On Xbox solo: Played for three hours straight. Did not find any adrenaline shots.


Cheers, mate. Added to the bug report thread. :slight_smile:

From the one video i saw,
Adrenaline farming tips
It seems that if you have more then 3 adrenaline shots on you you wont find more… however if you drop them form your inventory before you open a backpack then the odds go up of finding one… so if you just have to keep dropping them before you look to restock. Gonna give this a try to see if I actually find any more. As it stands as a Solo player the lack of adrenaline is killing the game experience for me. Sure I COULD just come back at the nearest safe house, but that just wastes more time.

Edit: So after playing a few minutes after dropping the packs i had i quickly found more packs. currently sitting at 3 not and not find more… it really does appear to be a “hard limit” of 3 adrenaline packs…


Yeah I watched a vid on YT last night and this guy was doing exactly the same on ps4. Not great but at least we are getting shots now. Good work getting this Info out to community my friend :grinning::grin:

It really feels like the Adrinaline Shots have been removed from the game… i’m desperately searching for them. I only have 3 left in my inventory and in addition to that i’m not that good in combat and also play alone the whole time. I just lost my 4th one because i searched for them inside the Saltholmen Naval base and went into the Gas-filled room and then suddenly a Runner which glitched inside the wall jumped out with his charge-attack and killed itself by making all those canisters explode… i have like 4-9 HP left and all the gas from the canisters and the gas from the room took me down.

To be honest i’m quite pissed about that, also because i’m very unsure what will happen if i die. Can someone tell me what happens when i die? Do i have to do everything from the beginning with no Items?..

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I just found the first Adrenaline Shot after the Update… omg i’m so happy… I found it at a soldier inside the fortress of Torsberga

Luckly, this game is Very forgiving with death, you just respawn at your safe house, of which there are LOTS around. you keep all the stuff you carry, which right now is everything you CAN have anyway… you have just spent all the ammo and first aid you used during those lost fights. It can just be a long slog back to the spot you where, if you where far from any known safehouses. and of course the hoards of Machines will still be around. At least they keep all damage you DID manage to do…

Bonjour je suis niveau 27 et je ne trouve plus non plus de dose d’adrénaline malheureusement les refuges sont assez loin et j’ai peur que cela décourage pas mal de joueurs je pense que c’est une erreur d’avoir écouté les joueurs qui disait qu’il y en avait trop :pensive:


@dariusbzh Malheureusement, je n’ai pas de traduction française mais voici une vidéo sur l’agriculture adrénaline pour vous aider

*sorry if the french is bad, you can blame google for that :’)

That’s a really good method. Thank you :smiley:

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I fully understand the work-around for finding adrenaline. It works.

Since this is NOT a PVP game, why did a bunch of crybabies change the way I play a solo game? Don’t pick up the frigging adrenaline if you don’t like it or need it.

What is so damn hard to understand about that? Why put a huge burden on my play style, because YOU don’t want adrenaline. YOU have no right to dictate how I play MY game.

But so be it. Now how about addressing the severe clipping issues, that make me use a bunch of adrenaline in the first place? Or the horrid inventory system that get me put down way too often? How about fixing those issues?


I think you already answered your own question, because there are too many crybabies in this world, as so long as its not game breaking i.e mission disappearing, I am fine how the game played when the developers released it, I am even fine if they 1st released it the way the game is now, the problem we have today is too many entitled whiny crybabies that cry at everything if just a small bit do not suit them. I am sure some crybaby is going to rebut this post as they will get butt hurt from it, in fact they will get butt hurt from anything. Just play the game the dev released thats all.

Ok, started out with 0 Adrenaline shots, found three within a hour or so. Started dropping them when searching and now after about 4 hours of play I have 14. It is a real pain dropping the adrenaline every time before opening something but, it does work. The shots are slow in coming but, they can be had. I have been very careful not to get into a heavy battle, except at a safe house, preferably a church.
Not mixing it up if I don’t have to takes some practice at stealth, heading away from contacts rather than toward them. Taking the long way around, waiting for a patrol to exit an area before searching.

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I believe that there is now some kind of algorithm, based on the number of adrenaline you have in your current inventory. No adrenaline–find one fairly soon; one adrenaline,-find another in an hour or so; two adrenaline-lucky if you find another in 3 hours of searching.

So…more tedium in a game that doesn’t need more tedium. Just make the stack limit at 5, like the major health packs, for pete’s sake. If I want 20 adrenaline, I have to use 4 precious inventory slots. So it’s back to my choice. What is so dang hard about that?

I use radios drop a radio b4 big battle then if did go safehouse then radio lose some xp but can carry on and u normally surprise bots comming bk to lol

Try the Uttern Bunker. I go there to stock up at the beginning of every session I play. The “living quarters” section (not sure exactly what to call that spot) seems to be a gold mine for adrenaline as well as higher tier loot and good ammo / ammo cans.

I go to the bottom floor and drop my adrenaline and start looting. I’ll typically pick up 3 rather quickly, return to my dropped pack, drop my newly acquired adrenaline, and continue till I clear the floor. I move up to the next floor and repeat. Then when I go to the other parts of the bunker, I drop my adrenaline before looting other rooms. Using this method, I can typically find 5-10 in 1 run of the bunker, which takes less than 10 minutes typically.

I’ve tried it in the other bunkers as well and it works, but Uttern (at least on my instance) seems to always be the most fruitful.

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Yeah pretty much all of the bunkers are your best friend for farming adrenaline. Even the early game salthamn one, large cities can be good too with high rates of backpacks, but can be a bit more dangerous.