Alpine Unrest Available Now!

Yeah, but it’d be the tidiest if everyone just left, so mods are probably incentivized wrong. :wink:
Humans create chaos, get rid of the humans, problem solved. I think you secretly want to sit with the machines in the school cafeteria. :wink:

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You’re right, @Zesiir. This one is mine. It’s just so darn difficult not to take off once and again in a forum with so many nice people.


Well, it’s a discussion forum. We’ve got plenty of different sub-forums if you want to discuss different subjects. Just trying to keep it a bit tidy.

@Ennui Good thing FNIX isn’t moderating, then.


Distance, cover from view, cover from fire, patience.

I went to school with 100’s of robot’s didnt like many of them except the one in rhe canteen it gave out chocolate and stuff

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Hi just wanted to report that I can’t access any dlc missions after I purchased and downloaded alpine unrest. I’ve completed all other main and side quests and am at the level cap. Tried entering and exiting Forrest region and even found convoy but no mission prompt appears. Thanks playing on PS4 btw

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On The Hunter cotw all dlc can be shared. The wife an I game share all games. I’m going to assume GZ dlc will be the same but I haven’t purchased the dlc yet. Waiting on the hot fix.

From the U.S. I want to give my thanks (Thanksgiving) to the devs and all on the forum.

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Same here @WarpigX9 me and the wife share accounts on PS4 COTW / 7DTD / NoMansSky and the rest , i shared G-Zero when it first landed april , she liked it that much she bought the game a few months ago 25 pounds uk on sale Psn and Alpine few days ago , , , Aye so yes just like Cotw - G-Zero and all dlc is like all other psn stuff 2way shareable using the primary account thing-amy-jig , cheers :beer::+1:

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Lennart’s Marin AB Safe House indeed wasn’t available for fast travel anymore (discovered it earlier and it was no longer on the map). It did show in the compass however and all the safe house stuff was present in the location itself.

The first Alpine Unrest mission did start automatically for me when I entered the game for the first time after buying the DLC. Lennart’s Marin AB Safe House was unlocked again when I reached the first safe house on the shore of the island. I have no idea if it unlocked earlier; I was too busy running away from the welcoming committee. :wink:

I did notice earlier that the first Alpine Unrest mission is registered on the Mården Bunker Warboard. Obviously I can’t test this myself but maybe you can try picking it up there manually. :slight_smile:


I think this is intended, since it becomes part of the Alpine Unrest DLC. You’re meant to travel there on foot to find out what’s happened there, not fast travel.

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Hmmm… Maybe I should try this out with an older save from before the DLC. Starting at the IGA facility and then moving on foot up to Lennarts Marin AB. Eventually and hopefully it will trigger the “not alone”-mission then for me, who knows…

I tried to start the first mission in all possible ways. I didn’t get any results, it’s always broken for me. However I reached the island thanks to a game in Multi Player. I managed to unlock some safe houses and can always go to the island. I cannot activate the missions, the safe house of the port of arrival no longer exists, the safe house of the port of departure has disappeared. Everything else works, I can take the collectibles, even the beacons are clearly visible. Please fix it as soon as possible, thanks

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Tried going to the Mården Warboard, and there were no new missions there. I did make it onto the new island once in a multiplayer session, but lost the first safe house the moment I loaded my single player game.

I’ve also tried disabling and re-enabling the DLC in Steam. Nothing…

PC version has been fixed!

Can confirm… Logged in after installing the patch via Steam, and the Not Alone mission immediately activated (I was in the Marden safehouse).

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Now all missions are working properly. Thanks guys, you are fantastic :+1:

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That seems logical indeed.

It was mainly to report that it will unlock later again.

Btw. I just replayed a piece of recording and whilst standing on top of the walkie-talkie (right before picking it up), I accidentally opened the map in stead of my inventory. The safehouse was still not unlocked.

At the moment I picked up the walkie-talkie the safehouse unlocked.

See this snapshot


It was a long shot to begin with, but you never know. And since it seems to have been fixed, it doesn’t matter anymore either. Good stuff. :slight_smile:

I’ve just discovered, that as of this update items dropped on the ground will NO LONGER persist if you switch to another character. So beware. I just lost a gold KVM59, an X-Klaucke 17 and gathered supplies. This was apparently unimportant enough to leave out of the patch notes… :slightly_frowning_face:


I encountered this, too, yesterday when I lost a exp AG4, but thought it was an unlucky glitch.

“Nice” addition to the Plundra issues though… :confused:

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Thanks for the tip , i am glad i read here first . I was going to sort through my guns i would have lost character no.2 bag full of experimental weapons . Now i will always leave enough space in plundra instead of dumping on floor and picking up with different character ,. :point_left: i have explained so others understand what this means , as @Zesiir said ’ This was worthy of been added to Patch Notes . Because losing a gold Kvm 59 is not ’ happy days ’ , losing a bag of guns might be the last time you play :joy:. HEED the Warning Forum , dropping bags and changing character is a big Do Not Do This , thank’s Forum

@Zesiir and @Kimosabe_X

That seriously sucks. :weary: And indeed confirmed.

I have a spare X-Klaucke 17 and a spare X-AG4 if I can help you guys out with that.

Unfortunately I don’t think I have a lot of spare attachments for them. I’m pretty sure I have a purple Gun Silencer for the Klaucke and a golden Extended Magazine for the AG4.

For the Klaucke maybe I also have an Extended Mag. For the AG4 maybe a bit more. But I have to check that out on my mule characters.

I have never played multi-player so I have no idea how to get to you (yet), but I’d be happy to fly by and drop them off. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you’re interested and, if so, what attachments you prefer.

Edit: wait a minute. Multiplayer stuff is only saved on the host, right? So, I should be able to drop off full blown versions and not actually lose them if I put back a backup save afterwards and continue solo, right?

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