Dangerous Experiments Feedback Thread

I’m enjoying these new weapons , nicely done too !

There are 10. You have to find Egorov’s Hideout. (new area)

I found 8 of the collectibles since dangerous experiments and at least 1 after dark skies (hovercraft).

Egorov’s Hideout was one I found, as marked on the map-screenshot of @EAD_Sir.

I had no collectible at Kapparberget Castle or didn’t find it (maybe I already collected it after dark skies?)

Do you have a screenshot of the missing collectibles?
In my eyes it should be a runner, harvester or firebird.

Found that at Egorov’s hideout, a soldier with a cycle. Only missing the figure from sov. trenches. Not sure if I got that after dark skys and I dont know what that was. But for sure, I found no hovercraft.

That’s what I already posted with my fifth scrreenshot above.

At the trenches there was the hovercraft, accidently released with dark skies, but with a cryptic label.

Edit: found a screenshot.

What’s at the castle? I didn’t find anything there.

Just for memories, the accidentally released log-entry. 10 collectibles, like Gysbert said.

I have huge issues with the schematics tree, and they really need to be fixed. Here’s the post I made about it:

I found a soldier in open tent on a table. Srry I got no sreenshot.

I had to re-play the scene after broken game and restart with 6 days old savefile. Here is the picture from Kopparberget Castle

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Looks like it is green: soviet soldier

(green: soviet, red: fnix, blue: resistance)

going in and out of the map is much quicker now on Xbox one X.

Just got my hands on the Exp. “Algstudsare” and I just have to say that I was impressed by the damage it deals to the bots, when you manage to hit them…

Now that is just the problem with this gun, the sight is really not very well designed. I think the devs misunderstand why grenade launcher sights look the way they do and how they work, because they have gotten it backwards on this gun. The image below explains how this type of sights are supposed to be used.


Thx for the picture.
And that’s how it works actually in GZ:


The shooting angle is wrong. It’s firing straight forward, not slightly upwards. Because of that, aiming with its sight is almost impossible.


Agree - the iron sight makes no sense, which is another reason this weapon is rather useless imo. For this type of sight to work at all, you have to be able to tilt the weapon, which isn’t at all possible in GZ - so no matter what the sight will be useless.

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How it’s currently realized it just fits for hipfire.
How the aiming (R2/right mouse button) currently works for the g79 and the Älgstudsare is completly wrong.

Aiming in GZ always changes your line of sight vertically and horizontally.

For these grenade launchers and maybe even for the bow (flare/explosive arrows) it has to be changed that if you press R2/right mouse button your line of sight should be fixed vertically at where you were looking at and just is moveable horizontally. Vertically you would instead move the iron sight for changing the angle you’re firing with.

Of course, that wouldn’t be “run and gun” with these weapons anymore, except for hipfire, but it would enable consequent aiming.


That would be a good solution if feasible in the game engine.

Otherwise I hope that they at least can add some more stadia lines on the cross-hair you have when using it from the hip. With some more stadia lines the hold over would be more repeatable.

I use exp Älgstudsare as howitzer to “wake up” bunch of machines. I must say, after some training it is surprisingly accurate so I was able to seriously damage Harvester before it realized where I am firing from :smiley:

I am also using it as howitzer and have gotten quite accurate with it now after some practise.

With just a few hits it is easy to drop proto harvesters and tanks, also military harvesters go down really quick when you dialed in the aim.

Also it is a real killer for taking out big groups of russian balls.

Its a lot of fun to use =)

Exactly :smiley: Staying covered and shelling balls and runners when they are shooting each other is fun :smiley:

Regarding the new crafting system and values I would love to see some tweeks.

Since dangerous experiments in my eyes it became quite difficult to craft advanced med kits compared to adrenaline.

Adrenaline once was a rare item with some fixed (and hidden) locations and low chance to get it from loot. This chance was (at least it seemed like that) increaseable by just carrying about 2 of them.

Advanced met kits where rare, but not as rare as adrenaline. With the soviet speznaz machines they became an item which was “easy” to get by loot… But crafting them always was an important part for always having enough. And keep in mind that the speznaz soviets just roam around in the northern parts of the map.

At least for players who didn’t already progress there, they are still hard to find most of the times.

Before the update, crafting costs were easy to spend and you always got 10 medkits each time. Now, with 12 textiles needed for a single advanced med kit, it became hard to craft as much as you need.

Adrenaline, as new craftable item but with higher rarity, is quite easy to craft. Well, you need fuel. But the numbers of fuel you can find by loot are much higher than for example the numbers of textile. And you’re even able to craft the needed 100 fuel easily.

Of course, it’s different for each player, but the differences in the craftabilities of these two items should be balanced more.

One thing that would also help for med kit consumption: of course most will carry just advanced med kits. They are the best. But if they are empty, you are forced to open your inventory to select another med kit type for your weapon-wheel slot, which isn’t always possible in the moment you need them.

I would love to be able to select a slot (or alternative quick access button) as med kit slot. This slot could have an option to set the priority of items to use in. For example like that:

  1. Advanced med kit
  2. Standard med kit
  3. Light med kit
  4. Exp first aid kit 1
  5. Exp first aid kit 2

Now, if my advanced first aid kits are empty, it could automatically refill the slot with the next item in order.

I got used to just carry the advanced ones because they were easy to refill by crafting and because it takes so much time to change the med kit type on the slot. Because of that I didn’t pick up other med kits from loot. Too much weight for too less use. By changing one slot as described, I would use all that I can find and need.

Nevertheless, I would suggest to increase the number of crafted med kits to 5… Or to reduce the needed ressources for a single one.

It’s just balancing.

It’s like with the ammo for the pvg. In the past I was lucky to have about 100 rounds in my inventory. Well, it’s the strongest weapon, the ammo may be rare. If needed, I was able to craft it quite easily.
Now, crafting is much more expansive and you just get 3 rounds each time… Instead of 60. “Well, strongest weapon, may be rare…”, but on the other hand I’m able to get more rounds by just crafting less expansive ammo boxes…

Or I just hunt machines… Because while it seems that it’s a rare and expansive item if I look at the crafting, it isn’t any more in the world. Especially tanks, wolves and firebirds drop about 2 to 10 times more than I need to kill them.

As I began: I was lucky to have about 100 rounds with me. Most of them by crafting.
Now I always have some hundreds of them with me, just because I decided to let them in my inventory, while I dropped most of them into my plundra (currently about 3.500 rounds in there). That’s crazy.

Have not yet noticed this, but now when you pointed out the cost i started to think about it. I use these as my go to first aid when get big hit. Top off with standards when needed. So far my crafting resources are holding this.
But i get huge amounts of these advanced and standard med kits by doing assignments.

Always have been little bit minmax in certain games, and i avoid over healing myself like using 2x adv.med kits to boost my health for short period of time. (Exception is when get poison gassed by machine, then i consume them like candy)
Rubber band mechanic in damage received works for you favor in some situations, and save some unnecessary healing.

But i agree that crafting cost of med kits might need some adjusting. Every player is little different, and different play styles. Game needs to support these equally as it goes to game mechanics. This makes game play enjoyable and fun to play.