Easter Eggs Compilation

Not sure if this was already mentioned but im pretty sure that some of the signs you find in houses that read, “To err is human” is a reference to The World’s End, the game bears a significant similarity to the movie, mostly the robot aspect and how a small group of civilians manage to overthrow a robot revolution that the military would not be able to handle

Pretty sure I’ve seen this runestone mentioned before but I made an effort to decipher it and I think I almost got it, so nerd alert :wink:
It should be said though that I did substitute the rune image on the stone with the elder futhark rune image for the letter S as that seems to make sense in the translation.
Maybe someone who is more expert at runes, or indeed the texture artist that drew it, can come up with a more correct translation.
So it’s a prophecy about someone giving life to metal I’m guessing.

EDIT: SMMAKMAA changed to SMMASMAA on checking the runes closer. Also changed the words SMEDEN SIL SKA to SMEDENS ILSKA which makes for a translation that makes a little more sense.

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There’s a side mission on Himfjäll about one of those runes that bears a prophecy. It was translated in the mission as something along the lines of “IN THE SECOND MILLENNIUM STEEL WILL INHERIT THE EARTH”.

Is this a different set of runes from the ones on Himfjäll?

The runestone I described above is set in the Archipelago region. I have to find the Himfjäll one some day :slight_smile:

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There are at least six runestones. Three on Himfjäll and three on Archipelago.


One of the Runestones on Hjimfäll is underneath Klacksundsfyren.

For more about the runestones read here:

Runestones - Translation, interpretation and discussion


“At the end of the second millennium, a threat from the inside will be reborn to punish the folly of men who tried to destroy each other.”


So far I found 4 yellow rubber ducks in the game. And I’m not sure if these could be seen as Easter-eggs. What do you think?

Rubber Duck Debugging Easter-egg

In one of the Streams a while back a dev told us that they explain the quirks, often called bugs or glitches, in their code to a simple rubber duck that they have at their workstation, which then helps them find a solution to the bug. By explaining these bugs in their code to an inanimate object like this yellow coding buddy, they don’t need to disturb anyone else. And now, since the latest updates we find little rubber ducks in the game.


Moved to Easter Egg Compilation thread. It’s fairly known.


When I hear that organ piece, I always find it sounds like something Ghost would have for an intro to one of their songs. Particularly if I shoot the church bell and make it ring in timr with the second part sounds.

Maybe it’s just me. lol

No campfire here anymore… sadless to say.

Many of these easter eggs / specials works only once. So you must have triggered the campfire and picked up the rifle in your world exploration before.

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the Back to The Future car doors are glitches, I can’t open the car doors anymore

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Hmmm… sounds rather complex all in all.

Moved to easter egg thread.


It was said that the Showdown Update would also include an easter egg.

So far I haven’t seen people suggesting what the new Easter egg could be.
The only thing that stood out for me was a magazine on Aspholmen, but I have no clue to what it is referring to. What do you think? Or have you other ideas for what the Easter egg could be?

I do see a resemblance with the picture below.
Picture in österhallan Restaurant



So the Magazine Mkay is pointing to South Park (Mr. Mkay), that seems plausible.

The magazin is a play with names as much other in GZ.

There was, I think it’s gone today, a teen magazine called OKEY.