Feedback request - Sorting items in the inventory

I donā€™t have anything to say on the sorting itself but it would be great if there was some sort of favoriting system. You could select items to ā€œfavorite,ā€ making them appear at the top of their respective tabs at all times.


Ohā€¦ and on top of that I would love to see an option to manually arrange every item in inventory.
Just drag and drop.


I like it. I vote for this.


As default filter Iā€™d use is time-based before ā€œquality sortedā€. Because itā€™s tested and proven.

Item grouping:

  • no matter what major sorting method used, same caliber ammo, medkits, trap deployables, throwables are always stick next to each other. It should speed up searching through skimming list to find a particular item type. (filter by type?) For example if sorted by date (old style) - oldest item is on top, and it is simple medkit, then all other medkits are stick on top of list if at least one medkit is still in the inventory (other items will still stick to this place keeping the item type order). For this to work tags for items needed: combat throwables, lures (music/blares), distractions, support deployables, trap deployables etc.
  • quality sub-grouping: weapons ainā€™t that much of a problem within same quality due to not too big quantity (headache mostly comes from current shuffling), but attachments are the problem, since thereā€™s a lot of them and itā€™s hard to keep tracking of what you have and where you have it (in chest, on gun or just in pocket). Constantly mounting and unmounting them saves a lot of space in chest, but it becomes tedious if said attachments can be installed on a lot of guns (like Reflex sight or 1-4x scope) and searching for it can take a lot of time. So grouping can be in order as they attached to gun - barrels, mags, sights and then optic modules.
  • ā€œon gunā€ flag automatically bumps item higher/lower, so just stored in the pocket are either on bottom or on top of list.

I second for ā€œfavoriteā€ item - you canā€™t do anything to it until you remove ā€œfav flagā€ through prompt, which is special button. Question is - auto-fav for attached items (gun mods).


i made a lengthy post about this last month: QoL Inventory Request

copy/pasted here:

My friends and I have recently comeback to the game after a hiatus. We finished the main story line a while back and have now purchased Alpine Unrest. We are really enjoying it.

What is immediately apparent is the features and upgrades to the game that you have added during our time away. However, there are some improvements that I think everyone would appreciate.

The inventory system needs to be streamlined, both for the regular inventory and clothing.

For the regular inventory (carried and Plundra), it would be extremely useful to be able to sort whichever item type I am looking at by certain relevant information.

  • Ammo types: sort by quantity, caliber, guns they work with, etc. Having to scroll through a load of different ammo types looking for 1 in particular is frustrating to say the least (side note: 9mm smg and handgun should really be the same thing, there is no real reason for the two separate types in game). This way all 7.62 types could be next to one another. Or I could just find what I have most of and take that.
  • Guns: sort by ammo types, number of crowns, name. Sorting by name will allow me to see if I have multiple of the same type of weapon quickly. sorting by ammo type means my friends donā€™t have to ask me what type of ammo goes with which gun every time they run out of ammo with one gun or another.
  • Attachments: sort by equipped, what it can be attached to, number of crowns. It is not obvious what can be attached to what. Being able to sort by compatible PVG90 attachments (for instance) would be great, instead of having to remember the ā€œrifle scopeā€ doesnā€™t work with that rifle for some reason.
  • Gear (sprocket/cog): sort by gear type (health packs, explosives, noise makers, emp, etc. grouped together), and weight. Having to scroll through my inventory looking for simple health packs knowing that they must be in there is infuriating. Same with looking for weight I can drop once waddle mode has been activated.

Secondly the clothing inventory could use a tweaking. Since I can make clothing for different purposes and I can carry an infinite amount of clothing, it would be great if I could quickly find clothing that I like, or that has one advantage or another. Wearing camo to sneak up on baddies and then being able to change into bullet resistant clothing would be ideal. Currently I am afraid If I change my clothes I will lose the shirt I am wearing in a sea similar ā€œless goodā€ shirts.

I know you posted recently about Molotov cocktails and a grenade launcher, maybe being added, and those sound great, as can other big changes to the game I can think of. However, these (I think) smaller requests will go a long way.

I look forward to everything new you bring us in the future! But I am hoping these requests come sooner rather than later.

I am sure there are lots of other good ideas too! I hope this gets addressed in the coming update!


Hey Francesco!

First of all, absolutely love to see the team taking a look at inventory sorting! and more specfically big thanks to you for leading a charge here of community input :smiley:

So Iā€™m just going to echo some things here, because i think the consistency of requests is important.
My preference would be;
Default - Chronological
Rarity - First designated tab as this would benefit new players who are used to the current system, old players that prefer the system, and easily storing high quality weapons in plundra etc
Damage - Meta players
Alphabetical - For word nerds/good ocd
Weight - For plundra efficiency

Now for some slightly more specific tabs that maybe would only appear when applicable;
Amount - helpful for ammo tab, item tab, and resource tab
Healing - Helpful for item tab
EMP - same as above
Explosive - Same as above (maybe could cover all gas cans for simplicity)

And this one last thing is kinda niche but other people might agree, a ā€œstarā€ system to mark items that will always be at the top of the list independent of the filter.


I donā€™t worry about dropping in-use attachments because they have the ā€œattachedā€ icon.
However if you bring a compensator and a silencer for swapping, youā€™d want both favourited and to avoid dropping either and youā€™d want to be-able to tell if you pick up a duplicate of either.
The only case I can think, is if you hold many guns in your inventory and want to autofavourite the attachments you like through the attachments-interface, using this to help you identify spares both new and old.
Consideringā€¦ I think auto-favourite is not necessary and may add minor annoyance.

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Good points, especially about clothing, which is an immense and unruly mess.
And I would like to mention the favourites idea for clothing too.


ā€œauto-favā€ was suggested with ā€œI accidentaly thrown away/recycled mod on my gunā€ in mind, which is usually on top of list when tabs change.

Edit: experimental option - hide equipped items, but they still be present in the ā€œequippedā€ 7-line tab. Up to decide is how much to hide - obviously guns and attachments, possibly some items, but hide ammo?

Itā€™s not that niche - Borderlands 2 done it right from the start and it was very helpful to keep relevant loot (there was also ā€œmark for trashā€)


Possibly a bit off topic but a USE option from the inventory would be GREAT. Having to assign a field radio to use it, for example, gets REALLY old.


Favorited items not being droppable without un-favoriting sounds amazing.

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There is no, universal, automatic, sorting method that can apply to all different categories at once.

Only method that works for all categories at once, is manual, player defined.
By this, i mean players can sort items within every category as they see fit.

As far as filters go, there could be:

To add to the above:

  • Equipped/unequipped [*]

[*] This filter fits well on attachments list, where user can arrange the list to show all attachments equipped to the weapons at the top, while unequipped items are shown at the bottom.

Also, what iā€™d love to see the most, above everything else iā€™ve written in this reply, is:
In the Plundra, indicator at every weapon attachment, that is attached to a weapon inside the Plundra.
Just like we have indicator icons when attachments are in our inventory and equipped to a weapons.

Iā€™d like Default to be the old filter, pre-December '20 update, that sorted items by age, where newest item was at the bottom of the list.

Other relevant topics:
1: December Update - Inventory items sorted based on quality level. Like or Don't?
2: Stash Box sorting


A huuuuugeeee improvement would simply be:

1: Stack items. If you have 98768 6-12x scopes, show one scope with the number 98768 on it.
2: Sort alfabetically as default.

Right now only bullets are stacked (which is stupid from a representative view, which the current inventory is)

These two should be super simple to do at it would reduce the scrolling within the inventory greatly.

Maximum result with least effort.

After that is implemented and shipped, THEN look at filters and more advanced stuff.

At least thats my thoughts.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Preference 1ā€¦drag and drop as put forward by 0L0ā€¦items stay where you put them
Preference 2ā€¦revert to old systemā€¦no randomization of lists every time you go near them

Additional requestā€¦It would be nice if weapons and attachments would stack within a single entry in the inventory as all other items doā€¦i.e. if you have 3 5* Klauckā€™s they have one entry on the inventory but with a number 3 in the corner as all other items. Any weapon with anything attached gets itā€™s own entry.

I asked for this some time ago - Iā€™d like to be able to sort the clothing items by name or ā€˜typeā€™, and therefore, the naming conventions should be streamlined (ā€˜hoodieā€™ - ā€˜styleā€™ - ā€˜blueā€™, ā€˜hoodieā€™ - ā€˜styleā€™ - ā€˜greenā€™ etc.)

Iā€™d also love a Saints Row style ā€˜costumeā€™ option - let me wear a chosen set of clothes, and then save it as a preset.

I also second the ā€˜favingā€™ concept - Borderlands style. Let us ā€˜lockā€™ certain weapons, parts and ammo, preventing them from being dropped or trashed.


And a little side note - Iā€™m against alphabetical sorting.

To see why click below to expand:


Adrenaline Shot
Advanced First Aid Kit
Ammo Pack
Car Battery EMP
Compressed Air Tank
Deployable Tick
Emergency Flare
Emergency Flare (Sticky)
Explosive Gas Tank
Field Radio
Heavy Comm Array Lure
Land Mine
Large Fuel Cell
Large-sized EMP Cell
Light Comm Array Lure
Lockpick Hairpin
Medium Comm Array Lure
Medium Fuel Cell
Medium-sized EMP Cell
Paramedic Response Pack
Poison Gas Tank
Simple First Aid Kit
Small EMP Cell
Small Fuel Cell
Smoke Grenade
Standard First Aid Kit
Vantage 8x41 Binoculars

ā€¦this just makes no sense.

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Beautiful :heart_eyes:

Actually makes.
You know exact number of ā€œclicksā€ of your mouse wheel to get that particular item. Or at least side scroll bar is solid pointer for navigating your inventory.
Binge hoarding (hauling around 2+ characterā€™s carry capacities on average) on Fallout/Bethesda games, where everything hard-arranged alphabetically, will do that to you.

P.S.: FO 1/2 and FO:T had same sorting as pre-Decā€™20 in GZ, in other words - time-based, newest gets to bottom.

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I think it should be where I can move things around inside my inventory so I can put stuff I use the most at the top of my inventory list instead of it being the highest tier items at the top.