FNIX Base Assault - how it works (spawn rate, level, loot etc.)

My route for reference.

I wonder if the XP level matters? I am level 31 (the highest) so I never get any additional XP I wonder if the there is something to do with that. I mean I never have rivals in the Forest region anymore just a thought

There is a chance that XP does matter but rather for the region since it does appear to work like the rival system. I highly doubt that player level and XP would matter for something spawning.

They pop up as a control point when you get close and discover them, just like discovering any unknown location.

I only have lvl 31 chars, 4 of them. And i got base spawn on Forest Region. But that was during base defence mission. So it is not linked to player XP. More like to region score like rivals.
In test purposes cleaned all rivals from Forest region and get reset of the region score also. We will see where this leads.

Confirmed first FNIX base spawn in friends game. Accumulated score to trigger base defence mission, and in middle of defence fight FNIX base spawned.

Today I played just a bit in forest region.
With an active fnix base (lvl1) one rival spawned and leveled up and the existing base leveled up to maximum.

Another rival, another base…

Seems that this works for me…

Don’t wonder about the many missing safehouses… I told you, they got lost several times after the last update.

7 Finally done, Reaper helps with base threat level.

Focus the main 3 hotspots - keep low rival numbers, destroy any past 3 L4.

Do not allow any Rivals to spawn in any of the 3 hotspot locations

Rinse and repeat hotspot locations, Base Assaults will spawn.

Level Base Assault locations, again by killing in hotspots.

Rinse and Repeat


Thanks bro, I gotta give it a try!

So you have to kill Rivals after you have 3 level 4s? Wouldn’t that lower the Threat Level?

Been trying this for some days, and no luck yet, unfortunately - both for me and a friends game. I have 2 rivals, he has 1, both outside of the “hotspot” regions. :grimacing:

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It does exactly that too I had 4x a 4 rival now the threat level is 4 and before it was 23 apart from that it doesn’t matter where these are when they are broken they only interfere with farming when they are in the hotspots

You have to offset the drop in threat level, by rebuilding the region. That said - past few days have been even worse for general base assault spawns. As much as this method works - the bugs behind the scenes seem to be stopping little, if any progress.

Once it is addressed and fixed, I’ll have a video guide ready.

Same here. I have been trying to respawn a FNIX base for days now… got the very first one, killed it proper, then an attack on the older base defense site, repelled that then nothing… for days…
have spent literally dozens of hours taking the threat to neigh zero then back to 18-22 and nothing, nada, zip, zilch…

Is this broken or what? Very bad taste to offer a new release called base assault then not have any of said bases to assault…

I am reminisce of Jeff Goldblum’s character’s line in the original Jurassic Park movie when he asks, “Are there going to be any dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour?”


Been a lot of bugs in the region for me. walking along and nothing then BAM all of a sudden NPCS drop out of the sky right on top of where I am standing… I run back a few steps in the original direction i was coming from, they disappear… walk forward again… BAM they all drop back out of the sky… Even NPCs that I kill same thing…

That and still no FNIX bases to assault even after dozens of hours of grinding region score up and down and up again. On PC Platform.

For people that were apparently unaware devs are working in a fix


I was walking through the Forest region and trying to build up its threat level when I came across Sundy Camping Control Point. Despite never having a Base Assault appear there (I’ve only had one at the mine) the Neutral Command Center was there and I was able to interact with it to claim it for the Resistance. Weird.

I closed the game and relogged and it’s still there as a neutral control point.

Gysbert’s latest map has all 8 control points on it. And yes, you can just walk up to them, and they’ll appear as neutral control points that you can claim - or FNIX bases can spawn when they fix it. :sunglasses:


Oh, I thought they were only supposed to appear after a Base Assault spawns. Nevermind then.

Well, I went to ground on this again earlier with those in the know - shortly after we got the Base Assault issue update.

I remember Pontus saying they may have a lead on what is was from last week, so be sure to get the region at circa 10-12k threat points ready for when the time comes.

Question: Is there also a solution for the rivals not going into a hotspot? Staying there, that’s happened to me before, you’re almost at 20 (threat level) and then when you empty the spot, a rival level 4 suddenly appears, which then drops everything back to under 10.

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