Food and Water, Hunger and Thirst (Basic)

I would also like to see hunting come into play in this game as i think it would add a bit more originality to this game as not many survival games utilize this sort of feature that i have seen.


Well, there IS hunting in game.
Let me rephrase: there SHOULD be hunting in game, but the machines just are to frikken stupid.

Still, if things go very well, you soon will look like a very lovely deer…
… in a hunting Mech’s visor!

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Just to be clear, even though I mentioned The Long Dark in a previous post, not asking for something that hardcore of survival elements. My concern with GZ is that the world is so empty. I want this game to be amazing. After fixing the bugs, they will need to add more things to do. I personally would like to see something like hunting and cooking because it would give the game so much more life. Even if it is as simple as the system in RDR2. To make everyone happy, release it as an expansion through DLC. Said it before, I would happily pay for it. Leaving the base game for people who don’t want the change.

For “realities sake” or “immersion”: how would you be able to hunt, when you are hunted down?

Survival in this case would mean ransacking houses for a tin a food, an apple, or a vegetable.
But farming, hunting, and other normal pleasantries like fishing?
I truly can’t see you do any of these, when say 2 tanks are around the corner.
Any sound can trigger a hunt on you, shooting then is entirely out of the question, unless you face a mech.


so if they add the need to eat or drink for reality and immersion, will they also add the need to use the bathroom? kind of unrealistic to make you eat and drink constantly without it and it adds the threat of killer robots catching you with your pants down.

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:man_facepalming:t2: I’m being serious. Yes, some games have that as a game mechanic. No, that is not needed. I never said it needs to be a real life simulator. Survival elements and realism are different arguments. Not asking for them to add diseases, blood transfusion, frost bite, sprains, etc. If you would’ve read the topic, it clearly says basic. Hunting would be a nice addition to the ways you can acquire food.

Why do you assume that I didn’t read it? It may have started out asking for basic but the discussion clearly evolved past that.

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How could hunting even be an add on?
You should not even have the time to LOOK at a bird, not to speak of hunting.

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How often do y’all have enemies spawn? Wondering around and not seeing anything is quite frequent for me. The game right now doesn’t offer much other than killing robots. Which is seldom. That’s why I would like to see other things added. So let’s say they don’t add a hunger/thirst system. Then what? Basically done with the game then. I haven’t read any other ideas that add replay value. Not trying to be an a** or anything. We all share the same passion for games. I just want to see this game grow. Hopefully they find something that will make everyone happy. Cause right now, there are more don’t do that instead of people putting out good ideas.

I like good ideas.
Yours is.
Hunting is awesome…
… in HotW…
…NOT in this game.

Hunger and thirst system… I vote YES!!! :cut_of_meat::canned_food::apple::shallow_pan_of_food:
For you… Maybe an easy mode.

Yea the game MAJORLY lacks content, and I absolutely would NOT spend another $40 on dlc with more content, cause right now we have a shell of a game. If they added $40 dlc that simply added some minor survival mechanics, more missions, more areas of the map, all the houses and looting would be exactly the same, and that stuff should’ve been in the game on release! I was loving the game at first, now it’s just super repetitive and boring. Crafting, resource station and storage crates should’ve been in the game on launch seeing as they’re in the tutorials menu. Trust me, if they made a dlc and added what I mentioned above you would be disappointed for spending $40 for it… it would literally be pretty much the same thing, repetitive, just now with some crafting and eating/drinking mechanics. This game needs human AI outposts to raid who are also trying to survive the machines, cutscenes, and actual fun missions where you unlock certain things after completion that you don’t get by regular looting. The game looks great, but lacks replayability from having no content. I was super impressed with the game the first few hours, now I’m just slightly impressed and thoroughly, thoroughly disappointed…

Nice game. I love the look and feel of the guns. Yes on food/water. I finally settled on this game after desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel for new survival games. The Long Dark has the best severe challenge, 7 Days to Die best building imo. BUT… here is an easier add.

Sleeping. It doesn’t even need to have a function besides changing the time of day. It feels good to have a reset to home base or tuck yourself in and put a puncutation mark on the day. Healing in whole or part would make sense.

Mainly, I think the “empty world” despondency is usually remedied by having more “loops” of activity that will drive the write-your-own-story type of thing. That is the beauty of the hunger mechanic or body core temp mechanic thing. It generates its own content instead of DLC packs of new weapons and robots which the developers have to crank out.

Overall, one feature already included that also solves the problem of “spontaneous story-telling” is multplayer, but my buddies are unavailable for this one so it’s on me I can’t use the game as intended.

Keep up the good work Avalanche however this thread ends up.

IF it was optional, it would not bother me. Optional features are great. I’ve just been burned too often by the “fans” wanting games to be harder or different (No Man’s Sky for example), and butchering what the game was when it started and changing the look/feel/function of the entire experience.

Optional is great and I’d have zero issue with that.

Hey everyone! Since this is a long running and somewhat popular thread, I would like to provide a simple update for anyone who is interested. In the latest GZ stream last Wednesday, Graham yet again was asked about adding these types of elements to the game (hunger, thirst, etc). Once again Graham repeated that these elements are found in survival genre games, and that GZ is not a survival type game :slight_smile: I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of the current status of this idea (which is that it does not apply to this game as of right now).

Thanks everyone for participating in this thread, and thank you for supporting the GZ community!

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I believe he also said that if they did ever add it, it would be in a separate mode so it would be optional.

That is true, he mentioned this idea on multiple topics brought up in the stream. I wonder if a new ‘mode’ is something that they are considering? That would be pretty cool :slight_smile: but, that’s for a different post. off topic

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I say no. The game doesn’t need this feature. At least not now, in the state the game is in.
The pacing of the game is already out of balance due to the clunky inventory and looting system.

We don’t need more looting until the looting is fixed!

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At first when I started playing this game I missed this feature too, but later it has dawned on me, why loot for food? The entire island group is emptied of other non robotic life. There is food everywhere.
For example, enter any military building and you’ll find shelf after shelf with “guldburkar”, swedish standard military rations at the time.
As it is in a coastal region, fresh water could be an issue. But seeing all stores and cafes around, I would guess that you could find drinks there.

As there is no shortage of food and drinks, I don’t see the meaning of having this feature.

Just my 2 cents…:wink:



A FPS-game is not about eating…
Besides, the food and water would take up slots in your inventory.