For people who want to know weapon locations ****spoilers****

:::::: XSX ::::::

It works smoothly.

Is there a location for a 4-crown pump shotgun or is that only found on machines?

There is one at the location where the mission ā€œLast Standā€ takes place (west of Normyrra).

Itā€™s located under the terrace.

I will try to find it although I just started a new game and Iā€™ve only made it to the farmlands, but thank you for helping!:ok_hand:

Btw where is the terrace?, and also is it only unlockable in the mission or can you just grab it normally?.

Never mind, I found it. The developers put it in a cheeky spot as no one would underneath the patio deck. Thank you for helping me find it OLO!:grin::+1:

Just if others need to find it some pics. I of course already pickup that shotgun.
The place is the Seaside Inn Havskrogen.


LOL, I got there after seeing it in one of the dev streamsā€¦ after playing GZ for about 2 years :laughing:

Does anybody know if there is a 5* Klaucke 17 in a fixed location on the map since the latest updates? The one in the police car east of ƅlby Church (1085, -3857) isnā€™t there anymore.

This isnā€™t really about me needing one, more about if I tell someone else about the game and which 5* star weapons they can find around the map.

Thanks! :sunglasses:

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if you have collected it in any of your characters than it wouldnt be there unless you deleted them all and restarted

Iā€™m pretty sure I didnā€™t pick it up - but if you say itā€™s still there, it must have been a long time ago.

it was there pre base assault maybe it got removed

Hi. Iā€™m trying to tidy up my map and see that at Ostervik Gamla Stan I am showing 1/2 weapons. I have seardhed and found no reference to this being a bug so assume itā€™s just that I havenā€™t found it yet. Does anyone have the location of both weapons please?

Hereā€™s a video showing all the items at Gamla Stan by TNQDAT Channel. They have videos showing how to complete almost every location.

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Cheers for that .I was missing the one where you crawl through the little tunnel.

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i cant find the special 44.magnus on the shelf outside FOA 2

Unless it was removed recently, it should be in the little green military building to the right of FOA 2ā€™s entrance. The building has a smashed computer inside and the whole thing is a mess.

The Magnus should be on a shelf in the room on the right without the computer (I think). Itā€™s pretty easy to miss.

Its on the bookshelf

Does anyone know a location of a klaucke 17 3or4 crown? Iā€™ve been grinding for 2 hours to find one but no luck thxšŸ¤”