Hotfix announced - mid of september

Sounds like a title of a dlc.
Generation Zero - the return of the gnomes

They’ll come back, as soon as one system can’t carry the load of the game again.
Maybe @OBiW4NSHiNOBi can tell us how his experiences are until now regarding them. With a total of… All fnix bases… his load seems pretty much.

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Rest easy fellow gnome hunters. They’re still here.

Same symptoms still apply (items can’t be interacted with etc.) but I had to go out of my way to try trigger them, even with all my FNIX bases.

Stability wise I’ve played for an hour or so without an issue. I can’t remember the last time that happened, certainly not since the Landfall update in my experience.


However, this particular gnome was in a house that I could destroy the fuse box of and I had to open the door to access, so not quite as disruptive but there were nearby doors I couldn’t open.

I might try to add a video to show an example.

I’ve created a post in the existing gnomes thread with a video.

For elements of the wall section the limit is 150 normally.

Maybe they set it down for some special locations, but I don’t think so.
One forum member also showed a video were he just was able to place 13 elements. But he wrote, that it worked normally after a reboot of the game.

Saying that the game is unpolished and needs work = “hatred”


I meant I came back to the forum. Yep. For real. I don’t exactly remember what made me think about the game. The forum is my main source of information about the game. (equal with the website)

I’m a bit drunk right now, so I’ll stop writting. :sweat_smile:

I just read that, and I honestly don’t know what to reply…

The fact that I’m critical of the game doesn’t have anything to do with the thought process that brought me here the other day.

I don’t wake up in the morning to hate the game. I don’t have a scheduled reminder on my calendar either.


I’m still drunk… FYI. I’m baffled… I really don’t know what else to say… I said I was skeptical and I qualified the game as “unpolished”. Both concepts are subjective. Skepticism is personal; something unpolished to someone is “pristine” for someone else…

The project is made by real human beings who deserve respect. Some of those human beings are producers whose job is to manage the brand and the IP. I think that my opinion might be of interest for those producers.

Before someone else says that my opinion doesn’t matter and that I am narcissist or something, let us remember that we are on a forum. Forum are for engaging with the Others, and I chose to engage with the Avalanche Studios Group. :man_shrugging: Aren’t we all a bit narcissist, or at least self-interested when we engage on a forum?

… still drunk…

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Yep. Look at how buggy Red Dead Redemption 2 still is today. :grimacing: (Sorry, this is #uncategorized [off-topic])

Let’s close this one down, and switch discussion to this thread for feedback to the hotfix.



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