Map issues can go here

Topic merged with similar issues topic.


Same issue topics merged.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Falling Through the Ground

Åsötungan Outpost marker wrong location

The Bunker marker is placed by Salthomen Naval Bunker but should be on the border with farmlands.
however hovering the marker at the naval base does show the weapons 4/4 weapons found at the border outpost

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Same issue topics merged.


Not terrain, rather map marker issues.

Some settlements and other POI won’t appear on map, but on location it either recognized that this is some location (“LOC”) or not recognized at all.
Examples: Anl 182 Hasslehed (safe house, not marked, not recognized); Vastra Mark (party house, north of Anl 182, recognized), unknown readiness storage, east of Aspenas (North Coast, recognized as “LOC”).

Reply moved to proper topic.


A post was merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

In the Minken Bunker on the lower level at map coords -1210.101 x 2600.783 there is a wall that is transparent from one side. See screenshots.
Screenshot%20(9) Screenshot%20(10)

Same issue topics merged.


A post was merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

Updated: archipelago defined as farmlands [Xbox]

While approaching the mission “over and out” I randomly collected a collectible (World: farmlands region) without entering it. At the same time the Sorken barcodes mission appeared on my screen. (Telling me to find 3 barcodes) not 100% it’s a glitch but I know I’ve never entered the farmlands on this save. Update: I found the problem! Part of the archipelago is defined as the farmlands (Norra saltholmen ferry pier and east)

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Same issue topics merged.


Currently not all locations on the map show up on the legend and not all locations properly tally collectibles and schematics. “I think” the pc version has more things displayed can is console users get a little love in regards to the map?

Same issue topics merged.

And as you can see above in this topic, that issue has been extensively reported. Btw, PC users also don’t have almost any POI icons on map for South Coast and Farmlands (the part which got revamped). So, there is no more “love” towards PC platform.


After the latest patch there are 2 locations in the DLC where the armory closets (don’t know what to call them) have had their fences reset it seams. The problem comes from the fact those closets are integrated to a nearby building and the fence goes right through the attached building.

Above is Readiness Storage 030
Below is Klacksundsfyren

As it looks like the system reset the closet to include its default fence their might be more but those are the 2 I found.

While the map is showing something like a small Hut or house, what I found was an empty place near Marden command bunker (Just in front of my position).

It´s just terrain and trees, either a map bug or…something will be there in the future.

Same thing on four locations around the arena (Norrmyra Artillery Base ) There is nothing there.

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Yes, and at least another one in the Mountains Region.
These blank spots remain a mystery…future feature or missed map bug…

I play the PC version since the release on my gaming notebook

I always wanted to finsh this game to 100%. I colleted every mission, found all weapons locations in game, all collectable and discovered all secret place with help of this beautiul community. But the Log didn’t count my discovery effort (it says i only got 245 of 290 finished locations) and i finally discovered that my hole mape and log is totaly bugged. I made nearly 50 screen shots as proove for you to fix and search up for more bugs. And this screenshots are not all bugs that are there. Please help to search and fix the bugs. Its really frustrating, now over the huge playtime just sad…

Types of Bugs:

  1. Finished more missions then the locations have.
  2. Found more weapons then the locations have.
  3. Dobbled location marks
  4. Dobbled location marks with count bugs
  5. A lot of missing locations marks and some with dobble finished mssions or weapons!!!
  6. Bugged count/ i did pick up the weapon but it wasn’t count in the log
  7. Dobbled marked location with open collectable/ i got all collectable in the game
  8. Weapon is not reachable cause the mechanics of the location do not work

I think this is not only for me importent to fix, more for the new players who also want to finish a game that they begin to play too…
Here are some examples for some of my bugs 'cause im only allowed to post 5 screenshots. This bug are in every region, across the whole mape…

Images / Videos:

all this issus do not count as finished 100%

  1. Some location got more finished more missions then possible. Example (2/1 missions finished or 6/3)
  2. Some Locations where i found more weapons then possible
  • at the location “Yttervik” i got more weapons and collectable then possible…

3)4) Doobled location mark bugs/ Log count bug

  1. Missing location marks/ farms/ bunker entrys/ havens + some of the not marked things got more then possible quests/weapons/missions …, got a lot of screen shots without marked loc (cannot link them all here)

  1. in this following case loc “Linderbar Aprés-Ski” I picked up the weapon but it didnt count…

  1. Dobbled marked locations

  1. The weapon in Loc “Stenungäs Generator” is not reachable cause this read piller dosent move