New Weapon Ideas

the M/39 is only used in vehicles, not by infantry

But in game it could have been salvaged from a vehicle and then added to the base defense as a static weapon. Or the m/36 that in my opinion is better suited for static defense because of the weight and it’s water cooled so it can fire for a longer time before getting over heated.

i havent read whole post my bad , but a acid weapon would be cool against steel

Latest update brought the acid ammo we can use. It’s named Corrosive though. But it is especially useful against armor plating.

Hi devs! Was curious if there will be any new weapons added in the future? Maybe not in the upcoming update, but how about in future updates/weapon packs? I have some cool ideas for new weapons that i would like to share.

First weapon i had thought of is a craftable melee weapon, made using the blade from the Hunter robots. I always thought that their blades were cool, and a scaled down version like a retractable sword would be super cool.

Second weapon is a sniper rifle, and i feel it could be in between the hunting rifle and the PVG50. Since all the guns in GZ are based off of real guns, i was thinking maybe the french FR F2 sniper would be very fitting. It was a super cool gun to use in Resident Evil Village, and i thought it would fit nicely in 1980s Sweden.

Third weapon idea u have is either the Browning Hi Power or the Fabique Nationale Borwning pistol. Since there is only 3 pistols in the game, probably this new pistol could do less damage than the klauke, but have a higher fire rate.

Last weapon is another melee weapon, and it could be a emp type melee weapon, kindn of like a stun baton. So maybe it has a 15% chance of causing a robot to get the emp effect, that way it wont be too over powered.

Just thought that i’d share my ideas if you guys intend on adding any new weapons in any future updates. Keep working hard devs! :+1:t2:

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Hey liquid, the team puts out developer letters all the time lately on upcoming guns and stuff they’re working on!
Interesting reads;

[shows N79 grenade launcher/molotov]

[shows N21 and COM-10]

We have tons to look forward to. :partying_face:


Moved to the mega-thread concerning new weapon ideas.

And yep, like @tene says, more new weapons are coming. Probably won’t be the last, either :slightly_smiling_face:


Here’s a quick shop of what I think that the Tec-9 version the Swedish Armed Forces would’ve looked like in the 80’s. As mentioned before, I think it should be chambered in .32 in the game, offering a use for this abundant and later on useless type of ammunition.

A little bit of a made up gun, but barely any less real than any other in-game weapon.

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but i think the game whould be better with weapons the swedish armed forces had in the 80s and this i also like the k pist so i dont see a reason the bring this into the game. Instead of this iwhould rather have an automatic Pistol 88 (Glock) because that is a weapon that is today the standard pistol in the armed forces and it was bought first in i the late 1980s
so what i want is no made up weapons that we didnt use.

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Already in the game, in the form of Klaucke 17.

As far as what kind of new weapon there could be in the game, Lahti L-39 - Lahti L-39 - Wikipedia would be nice addition.

Rather than being operated and carried by one person (player), it could be mounted weapon in key locations within the game world. Or perhaps even a base module that can be built and then operated by the player.

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I think that could be a good weapon for a permanent emplacement during base building.

Forgotten Weapons has a great detailed video about the history and technicalities of this beast.

The main problem with antitank rifles though, is the fact that they were rendered obsolete after WW2 due to the introduction heavier armor, and of man-portable AT launchers like the RPG-7 or the AT4.

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But the Lahti found other use than just antitank. It was also used for shooting at bunker openings and for AA. And long range shooting at targets like snipers and vehicles.

While Lahti L-39 may not be effective against tanks/harvs, it’s still effective against other machines. Also, if you can kill harv/tank with Klaucke, i see no reason why devs can’t code Lahti L-39 to do the same.

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While I do agree that there are some omissions that are more important in terms of realism (AG42, pskott, pistol m/07+m/40, Sig-Sauer), there are certain weapons that I think should be used from a gameplay perspective.
An SMG that makes use of the abundant .32 ammo is one of those. Of course, the devs could make an Experimental Möller which could magically make the gun full auto and increase damage output.

But Tec-9 isn’t made up. It’s a Swedish developed SMG which was pitched to and trialed by the Swedish armed forces. From what I heard it did have a longer barrel than the version that was later sold commercially. The only made up thing here is that I gave it an AK5 stock, green paint and a different caliber.

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It actually wouldn’t be all too magic. The only thing that makes a Pistole, rifle, SMG, etc. fully automatic or semi automatic is the firing pin structure, its not quite that simple, but thats the gist of it.

On a bit of a side note, the current Möller PP at best has a 16 round capacity, which means a lot of reloading would be nessisary, especially since the slide would have such a short distance to go, the firing rate would probably be super fast, thus emptying the mag almost instantaneously. The fastest repeating gun added so far has a 30 round mag, and it goes through it in just a couple seconds. So, unless we literally want to be reloading every 1-2 seconds of using it, i would recommend a larger mag.

The tec 9 idea sounds good, but something tells me that if it’s was added the devs would make it 9mm, not .32.

A Hunter’s sword, how I imagine it looks when removed from the hydraulics casing. The “pommel” is wrapped in a Resistance flag.

You can’t cut armored steel with it, but it still looks more potent than a wooden brönnboll bat. :wink:


I got an idea:

Experimental Magnus:
-Shoots fireworks into robots that explode after a delay and set fire to components.
-Or a rapid fire which shoots all ur bullets in the revolver consecutively.
-Or both

To the first part of your idea:
Already exists (exp. ammo kal. 44 explosive)

The second part of your idea:
It’s a revolver. It can’t be as fast. Even if, the recoil would grant, that at least 4 of 6 shots will go to the sky.

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ud obviously pull down like with every other gun when doing so