Relay Beacons missing

I think that’s a later one, there’s an earlier one as well, that has no mission - it’s just a container half full of machines lying about on a beach. Above it is a series of caves, in one of which is a civilian camp.

I see you are in France - me too.

In France for holidays? I understood you were British. I live here.

I am British. But I live here too - I work for an SIAE in the Ariege… :slight_smile:

What’s an SIAE :thinking:?

@kakarron If you make explode the red canisters in their place, before you pick them up, they respawn after re-logging like the cars do, and as the long un-pickable gas carnisters.

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thanks for the info @Bazyl

I’ve been playing solo, level 28 and when I move into some areas; I am prompted that there is a relay beacon, but there are not. On occasion there is a beacon but mostly it is false. Anyone Else?Platform:

Missing Beacons:

Random locations:




Heyo, this sounds like a bug so I moved your thread to the Bug Reports forum. Please use this template to report the issue so we can get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible. Any screenshots of it happening would be great too.

I’m on Xbox one and recently played gen z on Xbox live free to play and really enjoyed it so I decided to get the full game, when I did I deleted my old character and started a new one, when I reached the Abandoned fishing wharf the game notified me that there was a relay beacon in the area. I remember exactly where it was but for some reason it’s no where to be found. I looked on forums for a answer why it isn’t showing up and found out it’s a rather common bug.

So I realize this topic has been talked about quite a bit but I’m just wondering if the developers are looking for a fix for this because do far all I’ve seen is players recommending others to delete all characters and uninstall the game and sadly most of the replies to this advice is that the solution has been unsuccessful.

I honestly don’t want to delete my new character (since I just restarted) so I’m wondering if anyone has actually had a response from the developers or a solution that work 100% of the time.

Thanks for any help/solutions

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I’m not sure how it works with xbox but I had the same problem with pc when deleting characters. I had to turn off cloud saves from steam client because for some reason even though everything else was somewhat deleted the relay beacons didn’t reset so I removed everything again and turned off the cloud saves and it worked and I had alll the relay beacons on map again.
So maybe there’s some sort of cloud save in xbox that you could turn off but not sure.

Thanks for the reply I managed to fix my game by deleting my character/s,uninstalling the game and deleting my data in games and apps, now the relays have respawned.

I restarted the game second time through and saw no beacons; even when you are alerted that there is a beacon—they are no where to be found—and no they don’t show up on the map.

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I’m having the same issue, actually. Places meant to have beacons, do not. l’ll move this to Bug Reports :slight_smile:

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Same here I have run into this issue twice now on Xbox. Was not sure enough that it was a “thing” to post so glad you did…Thanks.

Please have a look at

Platform: PC

Description: In basically every spot where relay beacon is located we have a floating orange light. Best visible from some distance (more than 50m).

Steps To Reproduce: Check known beacons locations.

Host or Client: Host/Client

Players in your game: 1-4

Specifications: i5 4670K, 16G RAM, GTX 1070


I see those often. I believe they get left by enemies rendering out in odd circumstances.

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No, not from enemies but a relict of that blinking/flashing orange light in the middle of the satellite dish.
When you destroy an antenna the dish flies off but the light-“source” seems to be left behind and that seems to last forever. When you return to the site of a destroyed Antenna all remains are gone, except for that light source. It’s a bug in my eyes but not that severe, except if this happens before you can destroy an antenna or if the antenna doesn’t even render.

P.S.: but @pegnose is right, enemies do also leave relicts of their attention lights behind, especially tanks


Those are definitely Relay Beacon lights. They’re right at the locations where they should spawn. I’ve had this issue for a long time now, beacons just won’t spawn, regardless if I delete my profile and start over. Instead I get these lights.

The other day I joined a multiplayer game, and later when I started up a solo session I found a beacon again.

It seems they began to spawn into the world again. But then the game crashed, and I was back to the floating orange lights :cry:

Or seekers: