First my thoughts on what has been sayd already:
Sneakers: Great idea, no matter what it looks like in the end, it is cool to have a silent, sneaky enemy type in the game as we have no true silent sneaky enmies yet. Great idea!
Gunners is a cool idea, but only mainly to see other designs of enemies though cause I feel like, apart from the design idea’s like hexapod and octopod, Hunters have that function of gunner alreaddy. So good idea for adding other designs but the “function” itself is alreaddy fulfilled by the hunters IMO. Only exception the this would be a “gunner” with a minicannon or Gatteling gun. That would be a new type in this cathegory.
I believe that Cannoniers and Artillery could be one single type all together.
Hunters alreaddy have rocket launchers, so I would combine this Cannoneer idea with the Artillery idea and make, call it one cathegory Artillery and give them even stronger weopons like a 40 mm canon or a 60 mm cannon. With normal, explosive or fosfor rounds.
Tactical spy drones: This is the point where I really start to love this tread and it’s idea’s, since IMO,most of the next suggest enemy types truly fitt into one single, greatly working together, type of enemy. How they are all one part of something bigger is what I truly like. Nice concept.
Like the spy drones silently spy (instead of loud seekers) and they report back to a second type of enemy that takes other actions to involve yet another type of enemy in the combat. Awesome.
Tactical Spy Drone (like seeker behaviour but quite) Awesome!
They either report to a Assasin bot (option 1) that comes out to kill you.
Or it reports to group of enemies further away that come looking for you as a group.
Assasin bots: I TOTALLY like the idea that they are camouflages and maybe just sit still at some place.
Terrifying if you suddenly see a bush come to life when you enjoy a quite moment in the game. So I like to have (no matter what design) a robot that is camouflaged and only visible when it starts to move to kill you. Awesome idea.
Support Robots: A DEFINATE MUST HAVE IN THE GAME! Would love to be able to kill/loot a Tank resupply robot on his way to bring a Tank new .50 CAL ammo. Would love to loot ANY ammo resupply robot in the game actually. Awesome idea IMO.
Diggers: Like mentionned before: Would be cool to have 1-2 (smaller) enemies in the game that are covert and strike you without giving temself away prior to attac.
I feel like the woods lake some enemies, so maybee both silent enemies could “live” in the woods.
Swarmers: Don’t like that idea. Reason is quite simple. I’m a tippical sniper and they sound
horrible and annoying. Muhahaha Maybe exact the reason why we should indeed have them in the game. But please, not in every corner of the game. Maybe at some specific few locations. (They can change position, no problem, but they should not be all over the map. I enjoy spying through my rifle scope and aiming on enemies lot so I would not like to be harrased by musquito like robots every single time I look through the scope.
Ticks with pistols (handfireweapons): I think it is a great and logical enemy.
Runners and Hunters get upgrade to along the game so why not have ticks that have mounted handguns. I like the idea, cool !
Stunning ticks: Great idea aswell. Hunters emit ticks right. So the tick gets you stunned and the hunter finishes you of with a slach attack of his blade. Cool.
Last but not least: Titan Class mega robot. THis is a great idea. It’s sheer size. Awesome.
Now you see, THIS could really be an ennemy that CO-OP players could enjoy killing as it could keep them buissy (in another way as before in the game) with mutually destroying ennemy as a real team. Sofar we have groups of ennemies. So every team meber picks out a few robots to kill. This colossal Titan class robot would be so huge that he does not need supporting robots. So the fight would be focused on this massive walking airplanecarrier type of ennemy. Evidently it can be accompannied by other enemies to make it even more difficult, but the Titan Class Idea. Love it. In my mind I see itnow alreaddy, streching out over the tree tops. You can here it comming from miles away. terrifying. Awesome.
Annyway, these are just my personal thoughts.
Really love to read all these idea’s. Awesome