[Weird Terrain] Dump miscellaneous terrain issues you see here!

Well, it seems that the Devs … despite my pleading … allowed gravity to do it’s thing on the Magritte rock. So they’ll probably remove this hole too. They did, however, give me a floating road. Nice. It’s on the pier just east of the island with the sinkhole.

The world of Østertørn never seizes to amaze me :slightly_smiling_face:

When something like this hole isn’t typically a glitch, and not causes problems it should stay, i think. It’s just something that players can discover and wonder about. I think I saw that floating road. But I check, I did the assignments so nothing is keeping me.:wink:

Edit: I’m back from the pier. Yes, that’s what I that saw. These floating road effects I have seen in different spots too, but never made a note of them.


Skinnarbol Crater (Farmlands)

Overlapping terrain

When crawling closer in Prone, you can view under the terrain

Map loc

Wider shot to help to locate the issue. It’s just left where the concrete ends.

Terrain ends too soon, creating this issue

Map loc

Wider shot to help to locate the issue. It’s just above of my crosshair

Faced with such a problem, a room opens, which, in theory, should not open. Problem is reproducible on PCimage Coordinates: 1673.327, 2992.246

Reply moved to proper topic.


A post was merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

In the farmlands region, west of Hackebergasjon there is a small lake. Only half of this lake is water. You are able to walk right into the water with no problem. Towards the far cliffside you suddenly walk into water and will be teleported back to the spot next to the bodies. Coordinates: -1569 -1569

Invisible wall at St. Anna Church:

:yellow_circle: One more :yellow_circle:

i am on pc. and will add any that i will find

Same issue topics merged.


When you do, please add screenshot of the map as well, to locate it.

found an new bug with the update in the skyvadern command bunker.


the one with the box is an bug from before the update.

Hello there. New member of the forum but I came across this when exploring. Location in the image as well as the Issue.

If its not obvious but yeah there is a strange square shaped hole in the ground that looks like a building should go?

I know, it’s technically a hole, but it’s not a Terrain Hole so I’ve moved this to the correct thread.

This was reported by @IanForce a while ago if you scroll up, but I’ll leave it here so we know the terrain is still unchanged.


I posted a couple of these images into discord bug report already over the months. Just saw this thread though.

This one is outside a command bunker, I forget which

This is inside a none-safehouse bunker but I forget where

Sadly I have no idea where this lamp top is

While reported long time ago, the Helgaryd Church is still missing the back door.

Light is pointing in the wrong way:

Doors to the toilets at this petrol station are blocked. Left one can be opened:

Another set of benches in a hedge:


Those benches are missing hitboxes:


Got Stuck between some boxes below the red neon sign in picture 1