FNIX Rising discussion

It’s kinda cool where they’re going with this. We’re entering the 1990’s now, but due to the Machine Uprising society’s ground to a halt at the end of the 1980’s.

That Tick-shaped plate on top of the truck looks a lot like the shell from Hunter Pods.

soooooo… the robot design is fitting the 80´s?
when i´ve got to decide between sheet metal and the armor plating from that machines… i would also choose the latter^^

It is, since when you look at the machines (not robots), they look rough and clunky.

Opinions differ. :wink:

thats why we are here :smiley:
i just looked at it in kinda a realistic way of choosing the one that potentially protects better^^
and considering the armor plating of our enemies being much more robust than that sdheet metal… i would go for it, too. jsut to protect whatever may be inside of that truck.

I do like the design, especially the Prototypes. Feels like construction equipment coming alive, like that Chemical Brothers video.

At the same time it’s obvious by the FNIX Rising Trailer that they’re evolving. Not just the Machines, but the environments, technology, machinery and weaponry. FNIX strives for perfection. And since it’s got the (possibly unstable) specifics of a human mind at it’s center, it won’t stop until it’s surpassed humanity’s ability to adapt.

A human can dig a hole, but an excavator machine can do it better :robot:

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That boils down purely to preference in it’s looks. From the GZ world’s perspective, those thick parts are a substantial upgrade than the makeshift sheets. Style-wise it will look better to those looking for that rusty apocalypse feel, but to the ones that want to survive the blast with that truck, they’ll choose parts of the bigger machine and just pick the parts, rather than weld and mold together these things. Design is debatable, utility not so much. The new truck beats that at least.

For the 80s look, the machines themselves fit in to the world because of how mechanic the machine (not robot) looks. This is why I don’t see the issue of the truck looking too sci-fi, as it is built with the parts available in that timeframe from the sci-fi monsters that roam the lands in that fantasy world. I imagine from now the looks of the world in those 80s will change drastically than what we’ve seen progress through the years.

Something like advancing electronics for comfort or fashion for looks halts in Sweden. There’s this big threat, so whatever is built in that moment, no longer will align with what we see today with fashion and comfort… or utility. I like seeing this different timeline that can get swayed so heavily by a tiny bump and chain reaction.

Just imagine how 2020 would look in Generation Zero’s world. Imagine what would have happened with Sweden itself and how these events passed down generations. Imagine our fashion sense :smiley:

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I just got a little further in the story line, and I must say that I am very excited for FNIX Rising which totally makes sense!

Well you could say Sweden broke its streak of not being at war for 200 years!

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So I thought this could be the topic where we discuss everything about the DLC FNIX Rising not just the trailer (since that already exist) but everything like

  • Loot
  • Locations
  • Weapons
  • Tactics
    and everything else

Yes I know the DLC isn’t out yet but I create this for future purposes.

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Yeh let´s start.

Probably nobody knows, but is the left island going to be part of the DLC?
Or the new locations are only going to be on the Southcoast and Farmlands regions?

I wonder how it will work. It seems like the DLC takes place on the main island, but with some drastic changes to them, so I doubt it’ll look like that from the start and I think that it will either be a separate campaign that can be started from the main menu, or it will happen after the main story.

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I hope we get to see new map expansion but i guess we may also see updates to the whole map.
Only time will tell

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I hope we get to see too :wink:
But it´s a fact by now, that the devs are going to upgrade all of the non DLC regions, with some luck the rest of the map is upgraded till End of 2020.
Maybe Mountain and Marshlands in September and North and Forest in November/December.

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Merged two topics about FNIX Rising into one and corrected topic title as well.

One topic discussing FNIX Rising is enough.


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For new DLC map content; I’m going to put my bet on one of the three islands that haven’t been opened yet and by the look of the trailer (lot’s of big stuff, bases, destroyed forest, etc.) to be precise, I’ll lean towards the North East island just above the Himfjäll island.
It’s big, looks like it has an airfield, roads ending in possible tunnels, etc.
And the two remaining islands could be released in third DLC at some point (feels odd to have such small islands to be unlocked in two DLC’s - island per DLC).

heres where I disagree if you where in the mysterious artillery conv you would see the arty shell most likely came from the north west island also I would like to mention that the mysterious fog is in the south coast hinting towards this region being significant all the hints have been south not north. genz%202

Very possible but if you had a super artillery and had nasty teenagers destroying your stuff you would put it somewhere safe

theres no safe place when having wild 80´s teens running around


except islands where the teens trying to get to them never had swimming lessons