How to improve GZ as a FPS - Problem 1- Mouse sens in Scopes

On scopes with adjustable zoom, the sensitivity is wildly different when zoomed out than zoomed in. For example, with the 1-4x rifle scope my zoomed in sensitivity is just fine. However, when zoomed out i need to move my mouse three miles to move the gun 3 pixels (bit of an overstatement but seriously, it makes anything close to CQC awful). This is on the same sensitivity setting in the options menu. Its super inconvenient and makes every scope in the game useless outside of medium-long range sniping and the fixed ones (2x red dot). Real shame, I just found a good shotgun scope and the 7mm old swedish assualt rifle looks really cool with a 1-4x scope on it but due to this issue its wildly impractical to use those guns with these attachments.


The sensitivity when aiming is terrible, I don’t even use a red dot or scope on any of my weapons because of it, except for snipers of course. An increase to the sensitivity or an option to adjust it would be great, but that’s just my thoughts.


One does this, normally, in GZ: pre-aim unscoped, scope in, then fine aim, shoot…
For new target: unscope, pre-aim, …

I wrote about the reason for this sens difference here:How to improve GZ as a FPS - Problem 1- Mouse sens in Scopes

Or, at least when it comes to seekers/runners/hunters, quickscope! :slight_smile:

I get that, but if you’re ads and try to turn it’s horribly slow, if you’re scoping an enemy in close proximity while they’re moving around it’s quite difficult. You can do it the way you metioned but it would still be nice if there was an option to increase it. You can also hip fire but it’s more accurate to ads and with that increased sensitivity it would make it all the easier.

Hip fire is incredibly inaccurate in this game. I don’t know if there’s a difference on the consoles where you got aim assist, but on PC it’s horrible imho.

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Yeah it’s not the best, maybe if you max your hip fire skill it would be ok but I can’t say for sure since I never have, and the aim assist does more bad than good. I don’t really have to hip fire much though bc without a red dot/scope the ads sensitivity is much better, oh and I definetly quick scope.

There are mods to adjust that, but the problem is that there is only one parameter to adjust scope sensitivity, and it includes all scopes - from red dot to 8-16x. So in short - if you’ll adjust scope aim sensitivity for comfortable use with red dot then other scopes will have very excessive sensitivity (the higher magnification - the worse it gets).

Only solution is to have different sensitivity for all magnification values, but that’s for developers to apply.

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I suggested that here: Mouse sensivity slider for zoom level

But i would prefer, that the devs just equal all sensitivity levels first.

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Yeah I understand. I didn’t specify but I was reffering more to the red dot, 2-4x and 1-4x scopes my bad, the sensitivity on the 4-8x, 6-12x and 8-16x are fair. As for the others they would be used in close to mid range combat so having more sensitivity while ads would be great, but I agree a different amount of sensitivity for each sight/magnification would be necessary.

The sensitivity should change depending on how zoomed in you are. E.g. 1x should be almost normal sensitivity and 8x should be very low sensitivity

Merged several topics about scope sensitivity into one, neat topic.


When aiming with the scopes, most notably the ACOG sight, it’s almost like your movement has been relegated to super slow motion, it’s almost impossible to track any moving target.

This second part may in fact be a bug, but intermittently with the ACOG sight it will literally prevent you from moving the sight into the target, like it blocks you. I’ve had to swing way above or below the target to be able to move ahead of the target then get onto the target many many times.

Oddly enough when zoomed all the way on with the riffle scopes this isn’t much of an issue at all.

This is on PS4.

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Sir, you’re not meant to aim from one to another with your scope up.
You make a rude approximation of the target, scope, shoot.
Then you lower your scope, make a new rude approximation of a new target, scope, shoot… :slight_smile:

It seems to be intentional, sir.

Also, in settings, you should be able to tweak it a bit?

No you can’t, also your comment isn’t even reflective of the base topic.

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I spoke solely of the aim speed when scoped, sir.

Not the bug, as I, as PC player, do not have this, and thus am not quite allowed to speak of this?

Yes, the aim downside speed is extremely slow on PS4, it’s nearly impossible to follow a seeker sideways with Acog, but put the aim downside sensitivity settings on Max lvl, helps a little bit though.

Yeah that’s a pain, but sometimes it literally stops you from even getting on target like you are running into a barrier or something. I know many many games on console have an aim assist to deal with the limited degrees of movement available with thumb sticks, it seems to have a bug though