Schematics - Lets talk about it

Please use Schematics - Fixed Locations to post locations for schematics.

How to use and find the schematics for ammo?

Merged topics.


Thank you! I’ve some 5* schematics and I was wondering why I couldn’t use them. The need for a previous one crossed my mind but it only pestered me now after the update. And the need for previous schemathics is not valid for medikits, as I found an advanced one and was able to use it right away.

Currently, there are only 1* schems for ammo/first aid crafting, so there is no issue with higher tier schems.

Once higher tier ammo/first aid kit schems come to the game, then we’ll see if lower tier schem is needed to craft higher tier schem. Until then, it’s unknown.

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Casual chat discussions

Care to share the location of advanced medkit schematic?

Here. It’s in the upstair bedroom (and not in the kitchen, my bad. Thanks @Gysbert.)

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Yeah, I saw. But I thought one man’s bedroom is another man’s kitchen. :jack_o_lantern:

Amen to that.

In another news, can we discuss here how the introduction of more useful schematics can change the mechanics of the game? Or is that off topic?

Some players’ playing style may require tons and tons of medkits but ammo? There’s plenty of it, even 5.56 mm in the late game.

Well, this is the topic “Let’s talk about schematics” So I think that will be ok.

What exactly do you mean with “More useful schematics” and how that can change the mechanic of the game? Can you elaborate on that?

I just wonder, Have there been two schematics in the same location (same building) or are all schematics in different locations?
If that’s the case we could possibly, in the future, exclude buildings or locations where their has already been discovered a schematic. I say possibly since we don’t know if they are gonna add new schematics in the future or they will add a new one to an existing location in the future

Well, crafting can be essential in a game, like Fallout 76, How to Survive or State of Decay. It can also be something non-essential but with the potential to improve it a lot, as in Skyrim. Or just a curiosity, as it is so far in GZ.

Crafting in GZ is still in development and I know it’s not the focus of a shooting game. The possibility of producing medkits and ammo is interesting but today these things are abundant in the game. How can devels maintain the player’s interest in this? Reducing the ammo dropped by the robots (without tranforming it in a survival game)? With the introduction of different ammunition? How can this affect or change the way a player acts in the game?

About the useful schematics… a set of 5* bullet-resistance clothes (jacket, pants and boots) can add about 15% to the resistance of your characther, plus 35% if you buy the Armor skill and the Vanguard specialization. These 15% are good? Yes! It’s game change? Not so much, for me at least.

I believe that this function can add relevant content to the game, more than have now. And that’s the chalenge here.

All schematics are in different locations so far.

I’m sorry, but for what? To keep track of possible new locations? The landscape is always changing, buildings being destroyed, machines building new ones… what gain do you expect from this?

Well i was just thinking in general for the future, if they add more schematics (not sure what they should be) we could potentially exclude places with existing schematics when we hunt for new ones
It was just speculation

Yes, I imagined that. Is that the map is huge, even with so much empty space there are buildings and buildings. And there are schematics on trucks and boats in the middle of nowhere. But yes, a map, maybe interactive, with all the know schematic locations, will be useful.

There is user made map in the workings. It can be found in here: It's here - Interactive map with coordinates!

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So… there’s seems to be in total 74 schematics with apparel, ammo and equipment

I have 46 clothing schematics, 24 ammo schematics and 3 equipment schematics
That leaves me at 73
anyone knows what the 74th schematic is?

Here’s everything i have

image image

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We’re not allowed to link or post about that datamined map (even though lots of ppl on here are using it).

So basically those schematics are the “fixed” ones right?