Same feature request topics merged.
Same feature request topics merged.
1000!? That’s a bit excessive my G. I mean, for plundra, maybe an increase up to 300, and for our personal max perhaps 100, or 110, instead of specifically 96, which always seemed odd to me to have as a max.
But 1,000 even for base building and/or storage is a huge amount.
The storage space was not 200 since launch. The inventory at launch was a grid inventory style. And the Plundra had a hard cap of 100 items. We then got the weight inventory. While not directly comparable, it increase all storage by about double the amount.
Material storage was not a thing at launch either, since crafting was not a thing until later.
This in mind, we actually did have a cap increase since launch.
If you have a max plundra, and 4 fully weighted characters, you might want to work on what you keep and what you don’t. I only have a mule for my materials, my plundra is at a consistent 200/250.
I agree @BurlamVR might need to rethink what he needs or not.
But it´s true, we need a bigger storage.
The devs keep bringing new stuff including weapons and new ammo types (which is very good), but the storage size is the same as it was 1 year ago when we had less weapons and items.
300 limit for the Plundra would be ok.
With more crafting options the resource storage should be at least 400 and not 250.
The Devs pushed base building mechanics to the game, either we like it or not, at least they could give us the ability to save a considerable but not exaggerated quantity of materials and items, what we have right now is not enough for the majority of players.
And for the few over here that are more vocal about it “being fine”, their game experience will not degrade if the storage limit is stretched a bit.
What we have right now is only ok if you hardly use crafting and don´t own every max level weapon and some ammo for it.
Please devs, do some reworking on the storage limit
Just because you have more options where to spend your crafting materials doesn’t instantly = more storage.
At the current moment, there are 15 different crafting materials in the game (including Wood and Uranium). Recycling Station can store up to 250 units of resources and if you look how little each piece of resource weighs, you can have:
Recycling station capacity is more than enough, especially since base modules don’t require loads of resources. E.g high reinforced wall needs only 4 wood and 4 steel to construct. That’s peanuts.
Btw, you can’t talk for “majority of players”. You can only talk for yourself.
One year ago, we didn’t have U.S and Soviet weapon DLCs. And those who didn’t buy the DLCs, still don’t have the “extra” weapons to take up more space.
And that isn’t much space either what both of these OPTIONAL weapon DLCs take up, space wise. 6 weapons = 12 units of space. And if to consider their attachments, 16 in total (if you max out every DLC weapon attachment slots), with a combined weight of 4 units.
So, both DLC weapons, with all attachments, only take up 16 units of space realistically and that, doesn’t justify Plundra increase of 100 units.
I’m one of the players that are ‘fine’ with how it is right now. Or actually I think we have to much space in both plundra and on character. As of now it’s a shoot em up game. Not the wonderful sneeking around stealth game as it was at launch. I think the should have plundra 100 and limit character carry. I right now carry ag5, ag4, sniper, shotgun, hunting rifle, K-pist and sidearm plus lots of ammo for them and don’t even have to worry that I Will run out of ammo in a fight. And yes. I can opt out and carry less and I do on my other chars. They don’t use plundra and no extra carry capacity. But that just makes me not able to play mp games because no one else have to sneek. Just rush head on guns blazing shot em up style. So I vote for a decreased size of plundra. But that’s my opinion.
Generation Zero was always a shoot em’ up kinda game, even at launch. It also was a stealth game, it’s a “sandbox” shooter, you can choose to play how you want and ultimately still is a sandbox first. Increasing storage does not dictate whether or not you’re conservative or guns a blazing in the game, you decide that for yourself when you play.
Yes, you 2 @Terrorrobot @Aesyle and at least 3 or 4 other very active forum GZ players, are always very vocal that it´s fine, the old, 2019 way is how it should be.
No one can politely make a request , the next thing you see it, there they are, those few but very active forum users giving strong opinions against a normal request like this.
And you @Aesyle as a moderator, you should be more neutral.
You oppose to everyone and strike back, even when what others said is not childish and not offensive.
You should imitate the other moderators, they know their place and the responsibility they need to have as moderators.
They give opinions the right way, they intervene when someone is being offensive, stupid or just too much negative, they are fair, neutral and with the right context they even answer with humor .
This is a feedback request page, people should be direct and efficient and don´t ask impossible or childish things, that´s it.
I stopped being so vocal here because some direct requests and feedback are transformed into discussions.
You’ve made your Plundra/Recycling Station capacity increase requests several times now, often with very little, if any real reason as of why, other than: “i need more space”. What i explained, was to show that there are little reasons why to increase the capacity of said items and, in my opinion, the capacity is more than enough.
I get it, you want to have more space. And perhaps, after my in-depth explanation, you’ll also get why i don’t like the capacity to be increased.
At this point, lets agree to disagree. And in the end, it’s up to devs to decide if and when to increase the capacity or not.
I have a solution. Allow host to set parameters for his/her game. For my game I would check no experimentals, no plundra. So that people joining my game can’t use neither. If they don’t like it they are free to leave. Now I always have Only invite. So no strangers can join and ruin my game experience. I’d like people to join but not as the game is now.
Thank you for the run down on numbers, it’s clear on drop balance a few machines should more than cover it.
But on reflection as a whole, and considering I am very much camp mule - 92 does make a point. I’ve learned that there are many, many different approaches to playing GenZ - and his request is based on his own game play style. In all fairness, mule does solve the problem - but it’s not for everyone so fair request.
Have only had the game for about 2 weeks or so. But have put in quite fair bit of time to notice some things. So coming from a new players perspective this could be helpful.
As a hoarder in open world games, weight limits are always an issue. Don’t mind weight limit on character, but storage can be tricky, As collecting everything I find, is a moto, and certain Bethesda games spoiled me on storage.
So to begin The plunder storage is fine, up to an extent, and have noticed an issue.
When collecting some stuff, its only is to be broken down for raw materials based on my gameplay style.
Field radio
Smoke grenades
Land mines
Poison Gas Tanks
Explosive gas tanks
Compressed Air Tank
small, medium, large fuel cells
Light, medium, heavy com array
Each item is half the weight of a gun, at 1. this adds a lot of weight to the storage if you can’t find enough stuff to break them down. Some require having 5, 10 or even 20 in order to break down for materials.
Ammo does take up a lot of weight, but once you start finding the ammo schematics, that basically solves itself.
Then the other issue is materials themselves. Noticed that Steel, Wood, Adhesive and Plastic are very common and found everywhere, therefor they take up a lot of your material storage.
Instead of it all being lumped together, why not give each material, Steel, Wood, Adhesive, Tungsten etc. a hard cap of 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000. Personally id rather have a hard cap for individual maetial items, them have them all lumped together in the same basket.
So with that said, from what i understand coming from the game devs point of view to make this as “real” or “hardcore” as possible. no one would be dumb enough to just toss these materials in one corner and call it a day. Especially if they want it to be a co-op type game were we interact with each other.
I also think that with the birth of the base building, there is a lot more that can be done in regards to storage options, defense walls and offense capabilities. Right now it really feels bare bones of an idea that’s partially conceived.
Despite the complains on the storage here, the game is good. It feels lived in.
Great feedback and reminds me of my mindset in the early days as well.
Just for clarity, and the fact I am also a veteran hoarder - there’s is a way to keep everything you collect, but means losing a character slot - Video up in the thread.
Lots of people suggest using mules for storage, but there is one other limitation that makes this impractical: If you want to replay the missions, you must delete all characters. Oops.
That is a limitation only on console. Since the PC allows you to edit and move files, you can do that for the GZ save files. No need to delete anything there.
Ah, the perks of being a PC gamer.
Also, if you are smart with your stash, and level up your characters enough, then you don’t really need a mule character, because they all are not only leveled up, but they are leveled up enough to upgrade their storage.
This topic is better suited for this discussion.
200 units isn’t small, that is, if you know how to manage your inventory and doesn’t hoard everything that isn’t nailed down.
Also, players have it lucky when it comes to the items weight, since all of them were converted from the old grid style inventory to new list style inventory with 1:1 space/weight ratio. Meaning that every weapon, regardless if it is a small handgun or big KVM, will only weigh 2 units, since in the old inventory, they took up 2 slots.
If weapons weigh true to the real life counterparts, then, perhaps, i could see the desire for more Plundra storage, where to store all of them. Topic: Weight adjustments of weapons and other stuff
But as of now, No. I don’t see any real reason, other than: “I want to hoard more stuff.”.
Speaking of it:
There is nothing to “fix” since the 200 units we have in Plundra isn’t a bug. It is designed to be like that, which is double of it when Plundra first came, making it more than enough. Except for hoarders, that is.