Storage box size

Have only had the game for about 2 weeks or so. But have put in quite fair bit of time to notice some things. So coming from a new players perspective this could be helpful.

As a hoarder in open world games, weight limits are always an issue. Don’t mind weight limit on character, but storage can be tricky, As collecting everything I find, is a moto, and certain Bethesda games spoiled me on storage.

So to begin The plunder storage is fine, up to an extent, and have noticed an issue.

When collecting some stuff, its only is to be broken down for raw materials based on my gameplay style.

Field radio
Smoke grenades
Land mines
Poison Gas Tanks
Explosive gas tanks
Compressed Air Tank
small, medium, large fuel cells
Light, medium, heavy com array

Each item is half the weight of a gun, at 1. this adds a lot of weight to the storage if you can’t find enough stuff to break them down. Some require having 5, 10 or even 20 in order to break down for materials.

Ammo does take up a lot of weight, but once you start finding the ammo schematics, that basically solves itself.

Then the other issue is materials themselves. Noticed that Steel, Wood, Adhesive and Plastic are very common and found everywhere, therefor they take up a lot of your material storage.

Instead of it all being lumped together, why not give each material, Steel, Wood, Adhesive, Tungsten etc. a hard cap of 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000. Personally id rather have a hard cap for individual maetial items, them have them all lumped together in the same basket.

So with that said, from what i understand coming from the game devs point of view to make this as “real” or “hardcore” as possible. no one would be dumb enough to just toss these materials in one corner and call it a day. Especially if they want it to be a co-op type game were we interact with each other.

I also think that with the birth of the base building, there is a lot more that can be done in regards to storage options, defense walls and offense capabilities. Right now it really feels bare bones of an idea that’s partially conceived.

Despite the complains on the storage here, the game is good. It feels lived in.

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Great feedback and reminds me of my mindset in the early days as well.

Just for clarity, and the fact I am also a veteran hoarder - there’s is a way to keep everything you collect, but means losing a character slot - Video up in the thread.

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Lots of people suggest using mules for storage, but there is one other limitation that makes this impractical: If you want to replay the missions, you must delete all characters. Oops.

That is a limitation only on console. Since the PC allows you to edit and move files, you can do that for the GZ save files. No need to delete anything there.

Ah, the perks of being a PC gamer.
Also, if you are smart with your stash, and level up your characters enough, then you don’t really need a mule character, because they all are not only leveled up, but they are leveled up enough to upgrade their storage.

This topic is better suited for this discussion.

200 units isn’t small, that is, if you know how to manage your inventory and doesn’t hoard everything that isn’t nailed down.

Also, players have it lucky when it comes to the items weight, since all of them were converted from the old grid style inventory to new list style inventory with 1:1 space/weight ratio. Meaning that every weapon, regardless if it is a small handgun or big KVM, will only weigh 2 units, since in the old inventory, they took up 2 slots.

If weapons weigh true to the real life counterparts, then, perhaps, i could see the desire for more Plundra storage, where to store all of them. Topic: Weight adjustments of weapons and other stuff
But as of now, No. I don’t see any real reason, other than: “I want to hoard more stuff.”.
Speaking of it:

There is nothing to “fix” since the 200 units we have in Plundra isn’t a bug. It is designed to be like that, which is double of it when Plundra first came, making it more than enough. Except for hoarders, that is.

if you wish to discuss this pls feel free to go down to the subreddit, i implore you. 200 isnt a lot even if you only take items that you need. I play using the AG4, PVG50, Sjoqvist and the granatgevar and strictly only use those ammo. I always ignore every other item and only take weapon mods i need, the only misc item i pick up are grenades and i tend to use them to constantly hunt down rivals, but 200 is not enough.

As a matter of fact here Come to our discussion i made the original comment on behalf of a couple of others.

Interesting thoughts and techniques for hoarding in this thread! I can share that we are looking into bigger storage, but it needs to be done the right way, and we don’t just want to ‘give’ it to you. Maybe it should be earned or have another mechanic behind it? Nonetheless, we are aware of your feedback!


Maybe it could have quality levels, just like weapons. Upgradeable with some bits and pieces found… lets say on The Reaper.


Since the game revolves heavily around blueprints why not include some blueprints for storage box extensions. Maybe couple them to lvl4 rival harvesters (since they are the only machine which does some material gathering action).

Yes. Exactly like that. 50kg per :crown: for example.


Did give it a look and your topic there is so abroad, where everyone can ask for whatever they like to see in the game. Essentially it’s the entire #feedback-feature-requests subforum here, in your topic there. With a diff that this forum is more than 3 years old while your topic is only 2 days old.

Since we talk about Plundra here, i prefer all of this discussion to keep it here, in a proper topic. (Btw, i don’t have Reddit account either.)

This would be the best way to increase any storage capacity. Rather than flat-out giving it, players should work for it. :slight_smile: Especially since we already got 4 freebies (double the carry capacity, Plundra with 100 slots, Plundra with 200 units and Recycling Station).

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Hi devs, i made a post on the GZ subreddit discussing with other players what they wish to see in the future of the game. One that i would like to bring up is with regards to the Plundra storage box, a couple of other players including my self feel that that the Plundra box capacity is too small at only 200. It would be nice to see if the box could have a larger capacity and if possible made unlimited, as GZ being a survival game, gathering and stockpiling supplies seems to be a very important aspect and now with the new ammo crafting, space is now a more important aspect.

I know there are other players who enjoy a more hardcore survival style of gameplay, and thus they will not agree with me on this topic, which is why there were others on th subreddit wishing for a hardcore mode that makes the game more focused on survival. What i can propose is that for a more casual difficulty the Plundra box has an unlimited space, and for players who want more of a challenge, in hardcore mode the Plundra box only has a limited space.

I do hope that you can take this into consideration, as i feel that this wont be a very difficult change. Perhaps you could add the ability to toggle on or off unlimited space for the Plundra. But of course you guys are incharge and us as the player base can only make requests.

Thank you, Devs for reading my request on behalf of some of the player base of GZ and hope you will take this into consideration as i feel that this can satistfy many players, those who prefer a more restricted storage box and those who want a less restriceted and more casual play through :grin::+1:t2:. Great work making GZ an awsome game, keep it up!

Good point’s well made here Goose, however - covered a lot to be fair. The current limit - maybe…but if its long term storage in mean time - I would suggest a mule character.

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Moved to relevant topic.


Hi dev, thank you for noticing my feedback, now that you put it that way. I think fair is fair, and that it should be earn and not given, perhaps unlimited storage could be earned via upgrade blueprint? or maybe via skill? Maybe you could add a boss that holds this feature, so once we defeat it we can unlock a larger/unlimited storage box.

Another ideo could be via base building? Ive heard that you guys are taking base building into consideration, maybe we could craft chests? Smaller capacity than the plundra?

Thanks for taking notice on the feature i have brought up, and i hope you guys will take it to consideration, and good job on the work you guys have done making this awsome game :grin::+1:t2:.

That’s asking way too much. And while it may look like superb idea, there are limits to any of the software. Eventually, when enough stuff is generated (stored in Plundra), game flat-out crashes since it can’t handle that much stuff.

Since you did look at my post, you can see that there are some others who also whish for this. Although i do agree that it should be earned and not given, so yes i do hope to see that a feature like this is added via an unlockable.

Also one thing you should also consider, is that many gamers who come to play GZ most likely are gamers who play othe open world games. Its very common for players who play open world games to want to be completionists and collect all possible weapons in the game. So its abit unfair to label them as horders, maybe you dont want to be a completionist, but there are others who want to, which is why a limited storage space can be unfair to those who wish to complete their collection.

I don’t think increasing the Plundra limit any further would work. People will always request more regardless of how much space it has. 200 units is well enough to store what you need.

Perhaps there could be some way to display weapons though, or store favourite items :thinking:


Yes perhaps, this could also work. But dont forget, how are you going to display ammo? Many other players who only use one type of gun tend to stockpile ammo for that gun. So honestly im more for making an unlockable upgrade for the plundra, even if its just a simple increase upgrade or an unlimited upgrade.