Have only had the game for about 2 weeks or so. But have put in quite fair bit of time to notice some things. So coming from a new players perspective this could be helpful.
As a hoarder in open world games, weight limits are always an issue. Don’t mind weight limit on character, but storage can be tricky, As collecting everything I find, is a moto, and certain Bethesda games spoiled me on storage.
So to begin The plunder storage is fine, up to an extent, and have noticed an issue.
When collecting some stuff, its only is to be broken down for raw materials based on my gameplay style.
Field radio
Smoke grenades
Land mines
Poison Gas Tanks
Explosive gas tanks
Compressed Air Tank
small, medium, large fuel cells
Light, medium, heavy com array
Each item is half the weight of a gun, at 1. this adds a lot of weight to the storage if you can’t find enough stuff to break them down. Some require having 5, 10 or even 20 in order to break down for materials.
Ammo does take up a lot of weight, but once you start finding the ammo schematics, that basically solves itself.
Then the other issue is materials themselves. Noticed that Steel, Wood, Adhesive and Plastic are very common and found everywhere, therefor they take up a lot of your material storage.
Instead of it all being lumped together, why not give each material, Steel, Wood, Adhesive, Tungsten etc. a hard cap of 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000. Personally id rather have a hard cap for individual maetial items, them have them all lumped together in the same basket.
So with that said, from what i understand coming from the game devs point of view to make this as “real” or “hardcore” as possible. no one would be dumb enough to just toss these materials in one corner and call it a day. Especially if they want it to be a co-op type game were we interact with each other.
I also think that with the birth of the base building, there is a lot more that can be done in regards to storage options, defense walls and offense capabilities. Right now it really feels bare bones of an idea that’s partially conceived.
Despite the complains on the storage here, the game is good. It feels lived in.