Micro Transaction Idea

1 - If your account already has a max level character, create purchase option for a L31 alt.
2 - Since there is no in-game currency, create purchase option to respec the skill points.
3 - Plundra size increases.

I’d buy all of these if you had them.

Welcome to the forum.

I totally oppose any micro-transaction idea towards GZ. It’s bad enough that modern games are mostly infested with micro-transactions, I really don’t need that in GZ too.


So, those that are opposed shouldn’t use them.
None of my suggestions would affect your normal game play.

Yes it does. Since the game needs to be tailored towards micro-transactions to make them a viable option. Otherwise the micro-transactions wouldn’t be needed to be implemented.

I heard the argument “you don’t need to buy them” too often. It’s just an excuse made from the game industry to promote games which contain micro-transactions. Another one is “games are too expensive to make”.


Although i want the Plundra size to increase and for the level cap to be much higher, micro transactions are not the solution, can´t remember a single game where micro transactions solved anything.
They just need to unlock the remaining levels, we keep getting xp after level 31, the devs just constructed a wall around it.

To that I say “Devs tear down that wall!”


If they implemented the transactions today, you wouldn’t need to use any of them to play ‘your’ game. You’d just continue on the way you normally do, no tailoring needed for you.

If there was an in-game alternative for a currency (1000 bullets = one of my transaction options), I might consider going that way. Do you have an in-game alternative to paying for the options I’m requesting?

That’s a good alternative … bank the post cap xp to be used for possible purchases (like my three suggestions). Thanks for the idea.

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There is even another option.
There is a thing called “prestige points”
If you finish all challenges you can get more than 200 prestige points.
Maybe they could be used to unlock more levels.


I say hard no to micro transactions. These are more trouble than they are worth and these make games Pay-To-Win. Latter is something i do not want to see in GZ.

Same idea has been discussed in the forums before, topic: Please dont make Generation Zero pay to win

This is literally Pay-To-Win since you don’t have to spend time and effort to level up your 2nd, 3rd and 4th chars.


Uh, no it’s not. Pay-to-win is a concept of paying for an advantage over other players. You all are reading the same tired responses from gaming elites over the past 5 years that micro transactions are bad. If managed correctly, and applied in the appropriate games, the transactions won’t hurt anyone. Let’s face it, Gen Zero ain’t the kind of game where you’re spawn camping and tee-bagging opponents. So, applying them as I’m suggesting isn’t going to imbalance anything … they are just options to pay out of time sinks or for features that should already be in game. And if the transactions bother you, don’t use them!

So, your reason of wanting this is because you’re not willing to spend the time to achieve it? :thinking: Instead, you want it right now, with 0 effort?


No, I certainly don’t want that for you. You can skip it.

For me, Time = Money. I’m willing to spend the money to get back time to play my way with my friends.
Having the options right away for a respec, a leveled alt, and a bigger stash works great for me and my play time with friends. :+1:

I also agree with the no microtransactions. I do not even fully agree with the addition of payed weapons. At least in the weapons the devs put work in. The way this is is just throwing money at something that takes minimal effort. The devs could easily add all these options, especially the increased plundra size, with little effort. Also buying currency to do a skill respec? To me that is just scummy. I have never played a game with that would force you to pay for that kind of feature. I would rather have to work in-game for that kind of stuff. Putting these kinds of highly wanted features behind a pay wall is just a cash grab.


Sure, as Mr_A1992 mentioned above … let’s do something with those prestige points.

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There are games that can be finished within 20 gameplay hours and then there are games that take 200 gameplay hours to finish. GZ is the latter type which takes plenty of time to finish. And even more time to collect all items in the game.

We have people here who can play 2h per day. Some people can play only on weekends (due to work/school) and i don’t see them complaining about lack of time. Sure, the less time you have, the less progress you get as time moves onwards but that’s how it is with some games. One of the biggest such time hoggers, that come to my mind, is Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I don’t have time to spend on Skyrim, so, i’m not playing it.

But for devs to change the game for you since you don’t have the time sounds very selfish. Is it the devs fault that you don’t have enough time? Or that you want your time spent on your entertainment, to be monetarily compensated? :thinking:

Topic here: Prestige Points


Hey dude … this is a features request thread, and I’m listing my requests … and will even pay money for them. It’s not selfish at all.

Just because you don’t like the features = No one should have them. ???
That’s what seems selfish, kiddo.

@Tyberiuss You are completely free to request whatever you want.
However, since this is a FORUM you must take into consideration that others are equally free to debate and challenge your proposition.

It’s not like you’re just “listing your requests”, and when others speak in disfavor of your idea, they’re being selfish and saying “no one should have them”.


Sure, the debate is fine, but I’m responding to an accusation of being selfish for the request.

Yes, that this subforum is and other people can also disagree with your idea as well.

Here’s an idea: How about you pay a (lot) of money for the devs directly, so that they can implement that feature for you in GZ? :thinking: Given that devs agree to implement it in the first place.

It’s not up to me to decide if X or Z feature comes or goes from the game. If it were, 3 things would be removed for good: Plundra, machine loot and spoon feeding POI icons. With it, the GZ would be back to the original, “true” state, it was at the launch day, when i bought it.

However, i can disagree or agree with the presented idea, which i have done with your idea. Also, i stated that the “excuse” of not wanting to contribute time for long-spanning game sounds selfish. I didn’t say that you are selfish. There is a difference.


Well it is. Funny, that you don’t see that since it’s your money spending for progress in game. Why even bother playing the game when you can pay to have everything. Why should progress be skipable?

Well, there are reports where foreign players enter ones game and farm their rivals and leave. This may be fixable but GZ is made so theoretically everyone can join everyones game (if you didn’t change the MP settings) to hunt machines together and meet new people by playing the game.

If you can pay your way up and over level 25 you can instantly join anyones game, farm their rivals and leave. Don’t say you would do that but there sure are people who consider this option to even less effort.

Micro-transactions WOULD imbalance the game of those who don’t want to close their game to everybody.

No, and that’s a good thing. Putting real effort into something gives the feeling of accomplishment.

There is already a very long thread about that: Skills Respec please

Well there is a topic for that too: More invatory for the storage boxes
Do you want to know what I do when I hit the limit of the Plundra or recycling station? I get rid of stuff. Easy as that. You don’t need to hoard everything. It’s called decision-making.