Talk about the Planes and Airports in Generation zero

I have a good explanation for F23. It is Flygflottilj 23. Air Flottila 23. Historically Sweden had 22. Of those 20 was in Sweden. F19 was the volunteers in the Finland/USSR winter war -39 and F22 was stationed in Kongo in the 60s as part of UN forces. So F23 is the next available number that hasn’t been used before.


O great. That seems very plausible. Thanks for your research.


That would also make more sense. And now that I compare them, it seems the fuselage is still a bit off. So I think it’s just inspired by, and not a model of an actual plane.
But if you should envision how that imaginary plane may look, I think the Saab 17 is not far off. :wink:


I agree. It might actually be to small to be a useful Military cargo plane. So a re-imagined bomber-reconnaissance aircraft seems a decent guess.


I´m not trying to be rude… but the first Poll is not really necessary, someone just needs to count the number of planes that are in the game to give an exact number of fighters.
I can tell you the number is higher than 14 i´m sure of it 100%, but of course I don´t know how many more are there.
What are the strange letters from the Second Poll?

the second one seems to be name ngrdGrnqvst, seems to be Ingrid Granquvist, and VrnkNlssn, seems to Be Veronika Nelsson. Not sure about the others though.


Always the way to go. :sunglasses:
I wondered why nobody tried it.


Its almost an Impossible mission.
Like asking " how many tall buildings are there in New York?" :sweat_smile:

But are they coded?
They seem gibberish to me, or maybe only someone that understands Swedish can understand?

Either that, or someone who is obsessed with GZ (a :crazy_face: to say so). :grin: :rofl:


ngrdGrnqvst = Ingrid Granqvist (researcher in FOA)
VrnkNlssn = Veronika Nilsson (computer engineer in FOA)
HknPttrssn = Hakan Pettersson (lead surgeon in FOA)
HlnJcbssn = Helena Jacobsson (fictional character in Xezr’s fan fiction + character in “The Fallen” side mission)
ntSjgrn = Anita Sjögren (travel agent and tourist guide)
IsKhrsnd = Elsa Khorsandi (certified pilot of the Vraken fighter)
BnnMlmqvst = Benny Malmqvist (one of the founders and lead singer of Barb Rose band)
nclCll = Uncle Calle (farmer, biggest conspiracy theorist in Östertön)
IdBdl = Old Bodil (prepper, good friend of Calle and co-conspirator)

Edit: correction to one of the chars.

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The strange evolution of Norrmyra Arena documented

The crashed Vråken scene at the FOA 2 Arena has changed back again to how it was before in april 2019. At that time there was a arena with concrete circular slabs. But somehow (glitch-wise?) after the november 2020 update slabs and part of the walls were removed and there were several deep holes in the Norrmyra Arena, one of which led to a cave. (see one of the holes on Pic by @Palle below)

If you fell into these holes, you were bound to die there without food or water, if it wasn’t for the good old “FastTravel” technology.

This hole led to the Arena Cave

In Arena cave looking up

These hole-structures were removed from the game in the Dec 2020 update, and again replaced with nine 1.5mtr round hatches. The walls were also fixed. Still, we like to remember how it was, with these pictures above.

So now (dec 2020) the scene where the Vråken crashed into a small concrete slab with a pillbox was once again restored.

Nevertheless, the arena seems to have a strange evolution. Luckily the holes are now covered again with nine concrete circular slabs each with a small (~2.0 mtr) hatch where presumably a pillbox or small machines can rise up from the bunker below.


The Big Hatch (A1) is not entirely closed so we can have a peek down below.

Here is a picture of one of the concrete slabs with a small hatch. However, not all nine hatches were the same.


One of the nine smaller hatches had a Switch. Nothing happened when used though.
This one concrete slab with the switch looked unfinished in comparison with the other 8. It didn’t have a nice round iron ring and black & yellow coloring around the hatch, neither did it have these iron crane fixtures, like the other hatches have.

Top view of the changed arena, with all of the 9 concrete slaps just in view. Picture made to document any further changes the game makes to the Vråken in the arena.


That unfinished switch, however, was removed in the '21 may update.

(Recon Update aug '22) More changes to the FOA 2 Arena. Each of the nine concrete slabs with hatches in the Arena now have a pillbox. One pillbox is still destroyed by a crashed Vråken. The 10th pillbox, witch was always there, is still outside the Arena next to the entrance. It’s clear now, these pillboxes come up from the bunker below. At the big octogonal hatch you can have a peek of what is below.

However, with the Feb '23 update all the pillboxes are gone again, with only their doors visible.
(Last checked still not fixed 10 aug '23)

The right side and only the right side of all the Big FOA2 doors can still be opened (soundless) in the Arena (pic @Madchaser). This too is probably not intended. We’ll see what future these doors have, but the right side still opens after the Feb '23 update. For documenting reasons I added a picture for the non-believers. :coffee:

The map screenshot (10 aug '23) seems to show water where the Big Octogonal Hatch (A1) should be, but upon inspection the A1 hatch is still there and unchanged.

After the Guerrilla Research Update i checked FOA2 again on 14 Nov '23. This time the pillboxes are still gone, but now the Pillbox doors are no longer showing. The big green FOA2 doors can still be opened on the right side.

I also made a new screenshot of the Map with the Arena, and now it seem to be correct again.


Sometimes the visualization is’t always consistent with the narrative as is the case here with the picture of the Vråken from the mission “The Fallen”. I’m not a purist per sé so most of the time I don’t even notice those little inconsistencies and if i did it doesn’t bother me. But I know that some people feel, it would be more satisfying, if in this case the ejector seat was missing.

For those who are interested in more crash sites in this game I listed eleven here.


Night shot of the F23 Överby Air Base runway…


One model to save time, or to minimize the number of different objects to render in the game world, is understandable, still I would have liked at least different tail codes on the planes. All Vråken are literally duplicates. All with the tail code 42. Even the serial numbers are the same.

In one of the pilot transmissions, we hear her use her call sign “Wilhelm 42”, where I guess the 42 is the tail code of her Strike fighter. Tail codes are there to provide unique aircraft identification, it is not like a generic non-smoking sign which can be all the same.

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Poll flyby…
They are just names without the vowels and spaces.Take for instance Amelia Earhart the first Female Aviator to fly across the Atlantic Ocean on her own. The name Amelia Earhart has a lot of vowels. If I deleted those vowels it then would make recognizing her name a hard puzzle.
However, in my quizy-poll I used the two pilots that were mentioned in GZ lore, and I figured that the chance to know them were pretty high for GZ players. So not too hard to try, or quess.

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While I know that this is a game and cannot have everything in the game-world, I would like more explorable buildings. When I look at the facilities on Flygflottilj 23 there is no obvious ATC (Air Traffic Control) building. Maybe Military Air bases have less conspicuously buildings and the red brick building is the ATC. I don’t know.

I have been looking at Air traffic control towers, and they are mostly high towers to oversee the whole airfield, and equipped with radar and radio antennas. I can see myself climbing up there for a mission.


the graphics are simply unreal


I agree. The graphics are stunning. Welcome to this Community. Do you have any insights concerning Aviation in this game?


On other note I was thinking that the F23 Underground bunker should have ammunition storage that would fit the Vråken Strike Fighter armament, but I could not find any.
In the Muskudden Port Bunker I did find these M/50 which might be shells for a (naval) artillery gun, or rockets for a strike fighter, see pics below. Or maybe not rockets since those here have no fins. Hmm.

Does anybody have some insight or detailed information what weapon this M/50 type of ammunition could be for?

Mr. Wingman: “Are you really expect someone to answer? You should know better by now.

Me: “Well, you always been a pessimist. Have a little faith.

Mr. Wingman: “And you are too gullible. If it weren’t for me to stick around and keep an eye on your six, you would be lonely this Christmas. You have been looking all over the place. Accept it, there is nobody here!

Me: "Maybe if I build a big bonfire that would attract somebody? Or wait a Christmas tree. We can’t have Christmas without a tree. "

Mr. Wingman: “Bah Humbug! Count me out. I will not help you with that nonsense.

Me: “Suit yourself. I going to cut me a nice tree.


My guess is that those are ammo for the Bofors 120 mm automatic gun. A Swedish made naval artillery canon.