There is only 3 weapons vaults in Muskudden Port Complex. One in 1st big vault and two in 2nd big vault. Both big vaults are side by side, near the pier.
There is only 3 weapons vaults in Muskudden Port Complex. One in 1st big vault and two in 2nd big vault. Both big vaults are side by side, near the pier.
All three are in this Vault route.
No worries. I missed one that I added just now because of your post
Ancient Culture and Rituals sites
Let me start of with the multitude of cairns that I saw on my run through the GZ-world, much more than I show here. Most Cairns I found are used as landmarks or marking a trail. They are basically stacked loose flat stones build into a tower.
Another type of Cairns are called Riksrösen. I found three of them in GZ with a mysterious German text on them hinting towards another game. They are sort of milestones. In the real world many Riksrösen mark parts of the border between Norway and Sweden.
III Meilen bis ??
The text on the Riksrösen is not pointing towards anything in Generation Zero. Exactly the same milestone asset has also been used in another game from the Avalanche Studio “The Hunter”, with the same German text.
Grave Mounds
On the next picture you see two large hills and a smaller one just out of view. Gravhögar are larger burial mounds probably made to bury great kings and nobles. The stone grave chamber is buried deep in the tumulus. The bigger the tumulus the more important the people buried there. This funeral tradition was most common in Sweden during the ‘Vendel period’ around 550–800 AD.
Stone Circles
Stone circles, I love them. So far I found ten locations with stone circles or stone ships. Although many theories have been proposed to explain the use of Stone circles, it’s most likely related to providing a setting for ceremony or ritual. Here are a few pics.
Stone ships
The stone ship in Swedish “Skeppssättning” is a variation on a stone circle with the oval shape of a ship. These boat graves probably developed out of a desire to equip the dead with everything they had in life, but also that it was particularly associated with the voyage to Helheim.
This Ancient (Celtic?) spiral Labyrinth can be found outside Hagaboda wall (south gate). This Spiral Labyrinth has seven rings. Seven is a sacred number. Upon entering the Labyrinth, you’ll walk counterclockwise also known as moon-wise, to be uplifted and enriched.
Then finally the so much talked about Runestones. I logged three runestones before landfall, each of which has the same inscription. Gamers have tried to translate this and the most perfect idiomatic Swedish sentence was: “den dag skall komma då Smmasmå smedens ilska ger liv åt metallen” (‘The day will come when Smmasmå the blackmith’s wrath/anger gives life to the metal’).
Runestones are typically raised stones with a runic inscription, but the term can also be applied to inscriptions on boulders and on bedrock. The tradition began in the 4th century and lasted into the 12th century, but most of the runestones date from the late Viking Age (793–1066 AD).
I have found so far ten runestones in the game, are there more, maybe? I haven’t found them yet though.
One behind the Hotel maze.
One at Gudlögs Stenar.
One at Torunshögarna.
One I found on the side of the road north-west of Björkvik farm.
One in Salthamn on the road where the military tank is.
One I found on the road between Iboholmen church and Yttervik safehouse. (New Dawn)
One I found on a hike-trail near the top of Björknäskogen Mountain. (New Dawn)
One I found on the grounds of Saltholmen Church. (Feb '23 update)
This one I found on a tiny hill at Runby Park. (Recon update)
This one I found on a opposite tiny hill at Runby Park. (Recon update)
A Maypole is a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals, around which a maypole dance often takes place.
The festivals may occur on Midsummer (June 20-26) or Pentecost (Whitsun), although in some countries it is instead erected at Midsummer. In some cases the maypole is a permanent feature that is only utilised during the festival, although in other cases it is erected specifically for the purpose before being taken down again.
So far there are 5 locations that have a Maypole.
One at the Ljuset Commune site.
One in Hagaboda
One west of Haga close to Balders Vall (landfall)
One at Sundby Camping south-west of Sundgård (landfall).
One at Joängen control point in Farmlands (New Dawn).
On this route I have made photos of all 18 crashed Jet fighters that I came across. I have no idea how many were shot down, and most of them played no role in missions. Still I loved trying to find them. For discussion on aviation go here
I suspect that the north Coast and Forest region have some too. But I haven’t seen them. If you happen to know any crashed Vråken other then the ones I show here, please let me know.
1 This first one is so far the only one I found in the Marshland Region.
It crashed into a pillbox in FOA 2 Arena.
The Arena has 9 circular hatches and 1 big Octagon one in the center.
The one in then Mountain region crashed south of Overseers villa.
This one crashed west of Sparvvillan near the Aspholmen Bridge.
This Vråken crashed into the enemy right for you reach Örnbo Bridge.
And funny enough on the other side of örnbo bridge, another Vråken crashed and ended up beside the road.
3 On Himfjäll Island I also found just one.
It crashed north-west of St. Charlotte Church. (piloted by Elsa Khorsandi)
4b. Close up of the pilot
5 And one on a mountain ridge near Iboholmen Castle. The tricky location made me wonder how it ended up right there, and not down the mountain.
6 In the South Coast Region I spotted two crashed Jets.
One crashed north of Sillavik Church.
7 And one crashed west of Ängsnäs Manor. (Piloted by Helena Jacobsson)
In the FarmLand Region however I found five. Not surprising really, because in the wide open landscape the crashees are easy to spot.
8 One crashed north-east of anl 129 Vidsele.
9 One crashed south-west of FOA Facitity
In this short hike I ran past all locations I could find that has some colorful one-word or multi-word texts written by the resistance. So far I found three different, unconnected words. Stick
, Hjälp
and Säkerhet
and two Warning Sentences. If you found other instances of these typical Graffiti-like texts let me know.
STICK! (Get Out / Leave)
Stick painted (purple) on Bunker 66. (Farmlands)
Stick painted (red) on cross on Bunker 66. (Farmlands)
Stick painted (red) on board in Guteby Farm Barn. (South Coast)
Stick painted (red) on wall in Room 301 Björntunet Hotel (Himfjäll Island)
Stick painted (red) on cupboard in Room 301 Björntunet Hotel (Himfjäll Island)
Stick painted (red) on other wall next to tv in Room 301 Björntunet Hotel (Himfjäll Island)
Stick painted (red) on a board in Resistance Camp near Åsötungan Outpost. (Farmlands)
Stick painted on a caravan at Vråkudden Camping. (Himfjäll Island)
Stick painted (white) on a board at the entrance to Petterstorp. (Farmlands)
Stick painted (white) on a board at the Petterstorp Cabin. (Farmlands)
Hjälp (Help / Aid)
Hjälp! painted (red) on wall of a Radar Array Facility near Österhällan Marine Center. (Himfjäll Island)
Hjälp! painted (black) on board on Österhällan Church. (Mar)
Hjälp! painted (yellow) on board at Markbacken. (Forest) (landfall)
Säkerhet (Safety / Security)
Säkerhet (blue) painted on board in Mullvadsberget Tunnels. (Farmlands)
Säkerhet (red) painted on board in Resistance camp. (Archipelago)
Found warning sentences too.
Fly Till Säkerhet (Escape to safety)
Painted (red) on board on a caravan at Vråkudden Camping. (Himfjäll Island)
Öppna inte utomjordisk kolonisatör härinne!
(Do not open, alien colonist inside!)
Painted (black) on a barn in Stora Dyrbo. (Farmlands)
The alien colonist (a Hunter) disappears once you complete the side mission “Colonists”
Resistance loot cache in container with graffiti robot marked on the side (location -2401, -3105 Norrmyra Base)
If you wonder what they are called in Swedish; Vapenkassun (or just “kassun” for short).
Those buildings with two double steel doors that you need a hairpin to unlock, they are also kassuner but bigger
Wiki link (swe) for kassun
Image from the net
Thanks. I just used Google translate to conjure up a nice sounding name for those Vapenkassun. I don’t seem to be able to edit those old posts anymore. The option to edit is no longer there.
Route 9: Signs, Signs and even more Signs
Skid Butik (Ski Shop)
Health Center
Tobacco & Games
Three star Hotel
Post Office
Posten (The Mail)
Postombud (Postman)
Konditori (Confectionery / Patisserie)
Police Station on Himfjäll
Police Station on Östertörn at night
ACA (Grocery)
Clothes Shop
Varuhuset (Kitchenware shop)
Bicycle Shop
Cykelpumpen (Bicycle Pumps)
Fire Station
Kust & Skärgard Räddningstjänsten
Coast & Archipelago Emergency Services
Skärgårds Kiosken (Archipelago Kiosks)
* Varmkorv & Biljetter (Hot Dog & Tickets)
* Välkommen hem! (Welcome home!)
Öppettider (Opening Hours)
Vardagar (Weekdays) 10:00 - 18:00.
Lördagar (Saturdays) 12:00 - 16:00.
Söndagar (Sundays) 12:00 - 14:00.
Benso Gas Station
Blommor (Flowers)
Carlberg's Marina Reparationer & Förvaring
(Carlberg's Marina Repairs & Storage)
Original EXA
Kolsyrad Fruktdryck (Carbonated Fruit Drink)
Vårdcentral in Markbacken
Warning Moose
Stop Sign
Slippery Road
No parking!
Disabled Crossing
Pedestrian Crossing
Disabled Parking Zone
Maximum Headroom 3,9 metres
Speed limit 50 km/hour
Bus Stop 56
SK => Skärgards Trafiken (Archipelago travel)
Bus Rules & Timetable sign
* Förbjudet att förtära alkoholhaltiga drycker
(It is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages)
* Olaglig affischering är förbjudet (Illegal posters are prohibited)
* Busstidtabell Landsbygdstrafiken (Bus timetable rural traffic)
Fishing licence required
(I love this one)
No Parking
Parkering Förbjuden (Parking Prohibited)
Low-speed road (30 recommended top speed)
Do not enter
No stopping or standing
Give way
Picnic site
National heritage
Markings for sharp bends in the road
No open flames / fire
Petrol station
Hiking Trails
This Trail path has multiple markers like on the picture below all about 50 metres apart until the end of the trail, which in this case leads to a touristic attraction.
Langlaufing Trail
This Hiking Trail is also suitable for Langlaufing in snow season.
Recycling Skip/Container
Atervinningsvertket (Recycling Plant)
Max Last (Max Load) 8000 kg
Max Lyftvinkel (Max Lifting Angle) 90 °
Rökning förbjuden (No smoking)
Endast Personal (Staff only)
Dörren skall vara stängd! (The door must be closed!)
Gasbehållare. Bringas I säkerhet vid eldfara
(Gas Cylinders. Move to safety in case of fire)
Gasflaskor (Gas Cylinders)
Förs i säkerhet vid brandfara (Move to safety in case of fire)
Flammable Gas
Explosive when vented or ruptured
Poison Class 4
Giftgas (Poisonous Gas)
I wonder what is in this Blue tank (air / water ?), since it has no warning at all.
Kabilskap (Cables)
At all bunker entrances / exits there is this warning message
Military Area
In this area, be warned that without permission it's prohibited to
reside, carry explosives, take photographs or depictions of objects.
The Armed Forces
Here the older direction signs next to a new colored one
Kraftcentral (Power Station)
Sanitet (Sanitation)
förråd (Storage)
Dagrum (Living Quarters)
Utgång (Exit)
Hangar (Hangar)
Green (Exit)
Blue (Warroom)
Yellow (Generator room)
White (Living quarters)
Fire hazard
Brandpost & Utrymningsalarm
Utrymningsalarm (Evacuation Alarm)
Lämna omedelbart byggnaden när larmsignal tjuder / lyser
(Leave the building immediately when the alarm signal sounds / lights up)
Brandpost (Fire Hose Cabinet)
Får ej stockaras (Do not stockpile)
Skyddsrum (Emergency Shelter)
V.K. Vapenkassun
Persedel (Mil. Gear / Outfit)
Varning Livsfarlig spänning - (Warning Dangerous voltage)
I guess the central farmlands aren’t really a “Beautiful” Hiking area anymore
Well, every scene has it’s own beauty. But it’s good to have pictures of how it was.
@Gysbert Hello Gysbert another nice hiking route. Some invite you to wander around the map a little
Good work, keep it up please
Bridges and Walkways
There are many Bridges and Walkways to find. Let’s run past all those I found so far. Starting in Archipelago. This is the long bridge from Norra Saltholmen to Södra Saltholmen.
Next I ran across snowy Himfjäll Island and shot this broken bridge east of Österhällen leading to a small Island called Djupskäret.
Another nice and narrow cable bridge crosses over the largest ravine so far in the game. It’s located east of Sorken bunker in Farmlands.
Hello Gysbert, this is another nice hiking route. Really beautifull.
Thanks, the GZ world is beautiful.
Didn’t you like the first one: Route 1: Electrical Power Line ?
Kasematt or Defence Bunkers
On my travels through the Swedish game world, I came across a number of Concrete Buildings like the one, on this “Real world” picture below.
Starting off in Archipelago with a group of two Kasematt.
A kasematt at Saltholmstugan (1 of 2) -100, 3318.
First I thought these Swedish “Kasematt” bunkers were only featured in Archipelago Region. So I searched and searched and it seemed at first I was right. But then I found 2 more kasematt in two different regions. This one in the Mountain Region at -2854, 423.
And to end this Route, this nice icy one in the Marshland Region west of Norrmyra Artillery Base towards the coastline at -3000, -3127.
Three Kasematt at a rainy Sillavik Artillery Site (Recon Update)
Hi Gysbert, another interesting hiking route.
The first time i saw this kasematts i thougt it was a part of air ventilation for the bunkers. As i saw the first kasematts at the very end of Ibboholmen near the bridge to Salthamn. It has make me think of that idea. Yesterday I made a hike from Granthorp over the bridge to Salthamn Church and on my way to Dyviks Udde i came along the kasemattes at the Sandviken Camp. I tried to get in because there was a wooden Door at the back end but you can’t open it. I fired a HEP Bullet at it but nothing other happened that i killed myself